import; import; import; import java.util.Calendar; public class Main { // read from UI later static String rootFolderPath; // = "XXX/home/hendrik/FTP/camera01/"; // read from UI later static String projectPath; // = "XXX/home/hendrik/Schreibtisch/"; // read from UI later static String outputPath; // = "XXX/home/hendrik/Schreibtisch/testeritis/"; // read from UI later static int maxImgageCounter; // = 83584; // read from UI later 16819 static boolean log = false; // DonĀ“t output image counter static boolean modi = true; // Create Database // False -> Copy/Link images static boolean modi_metadata = true; // true --> exif , false --> timestamp // from filesystem // java -jar TLC_PostSW.jar -log -m createDB -r /home/hendrik/FTP/camera01/ // -p /home/hendrik/Schreibtisch/ -o /home/hendrik/Schreibtisch/testeritis/ // -n 83584 public static void main(String[] args) { ImageFinder imgF = null; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { // System.out.println(i + ": " +args[i]); String value = args[i]; if (value.equals("-log")) { System.out.println("Logging will be used!"); log = true; } if (value.equals("-m")) { i++; if (args[i].equals("createDB")) { modi = true; System.out.println("[Modi] Index images and create DB"); } else { modi = false; System.out.println("[Modi] Copy or Link images"); } } if (value.equals("-d")) { i++; if (args[i].equals("exif")) { modi_metadata = true; System.out.println("[Metadata] Use Exif for timestamp"); } else { modi_metadata = false; System.out.println("[Metadata] Use filesystem for timestamp"); } } if (value.equals("-r")) { i++; rootFolderPath = args[i]; System.out.println("[rootFolderPath] " + rootFolderPath); } if (value.equals("-p")) { i++; projectPath = args[i]; System.out.println("[projectPath] " + projectPath); } if (value.equals("-o")) { i++; outputPath = args[i]; System.out.println("[outputPath] " + outputPath); } if (value.equals("-i")) { i++; if (args[i].equals("counter")) { System.out.println("[Identify] Find images with counter"); imgF = new ImageFinderCounter(rootFolderPath); } else { System.out.println("[Identify] Find images with date and time"); imgF = new ImageFinderTimestamp(rootFolderPath); } } if (value.equals("-n")) { i++; maxImgageCounter = Integer.parseInt(args[i]); System.out.println("[maxImgageCounter] " + maxImgageCounter); } if (value.equals("-help")) { System.out.println( "-log -m createDB -r /home/hendrik/FTP/camera01/ -p /home/hendrik/Schreibtisch/ -o /home/hendrik/Schreibtisch/testeritis/ -n 83584"); System.exit(1); } } if (modi) { long timeStart; DBController db = new DBController(projectPath); Exif exif = new Exif(); DateModified datemod = new DateModified(); db.connectDatabase(); db.createTableImages(); String startyear = imgF.findStartyear(); int yearCount = Integer.parseInt(startyear); imgF.findYears(yearCount, startyear); imgF.findMonths(yearCount); if (log = true) { imgF.printFoundDirectories(); } timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Suche ..."); // System.exit(1); try { PrintWriter missingTxt = new PrintWriter( projectPath + "missingImages.txt"); missingTxt.println("Nicht gefundene Bilder: \n"); float multiplicator = (float) (100.0 / maxImgageCounter); System.out.println("Multiplicator: " + multiplicator); for (int i = 0; i <= maxImgageCounter; i++) { if (log == true) { float percent = multiplicator * i; System.out.print(i + "/" + maxImgageCounter + " --> "); System.out.printf("%.2f", percent); System.out.println("%"); } String path = imgF.getImagePath(i); // System.out.println(i + " Path: " + path); if (path != "404") { // gefunden File f = new File(rootFolderPath + path); int size = (int) f.length(); Calendar calendar; if (modi_metadata) { calendar = exif.getDate(rootFolderPath + path); } else { calendar = datemod.getDate(rootFolderPath + path); } db.fillImages(i, path, calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), (calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1), calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR), calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE), size, 1234); } else { // nicht gefunden System.out.println("Nicht gefunden: " + i); missingTxt.println(i); } } missingTxt.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } double processingTime = ((System.currentTimeMillis() - timeStart) * 0.001); System.out.println("Process time: " + processingTime + " seconds."); } else { System.out.println("Troll"); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DBController db = new DBController(projectPath); db.connectDatabase(); QueryImages qi = new QueryImages(db, outputPath, rootFolderPath); // qi.outputImagesFromHour(0, 18, "copy", true); // qi.outputImagesFromHourToHour(0, 8, 19, "copy", false); qi.outputImagesEveryHour(0, 8, 18, "copy", false); // qi.outputImagesFromHourAndMinute(40177, 8, 30, "copy", true); // qi.outputImagesFromStartToEnd(16185, 16282, 10, "copy", false, // 2000000); } } }