
64 lines
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2017-07-10 11:27:33 +02:00 US-English Local and default
#main window translations
info = Info
settings = Settings
streamingSettings = Stream Settings
tfSearch = Search...
openFolder = open Folder
#settings translations
settingsHead1Label = HomeFlix Settings
tfPath = Path...
chooseFolder = choose Directory
mainColorLabel = main color:
fontsizeLabel = font size:
localLabel = local:
checkUpdates = check for updates
checkingUpdates = checking for updates...
updateBtnavail = update available
updateBtnNotavail = no update available
autoUpdateLabel = check at startup for updates:
version = Version:
#column translations
columnName = Name
columnRating = Rating
columnStreamUrl = File Name
columnResolution = Resolution
columnSeason = Season
columnYear = Year
#error translations
errorUpdateV = An error has occurred during update! \nError: could not check update version (nvc) \nTo get help, visit \nor contcat
errorUpdateD = An error has occurred during update! \nError: could not download update files (ndf) \nTo get help, visit \nor contcat
errorPlay = An error has occurred during opening the file! \nError: could not open file (nof) \nTo get help, visit \nor contcat
errorMode = Oh, something went wrong! It seems someone has used a wrong mode. \nError: mode unknow (muk) \nTo get help, visit \nor contcat
errorOpenStream = An error has occurred during opening the stream!
errorLoad = An error occurred while loading the settings!
errorSave = An error occurred while saving the settings!
noFilmFound = No film with this title found!
vlcNotInstalled = VLC Media Player is required to play a movie!
infoText = \nMaintainer: and \ \n(c) 2016-2017 Kellerkinder
#textFlow translations
title = Title
year = Year
rating = Rating
publishedOn = published on
duration = Duration
genre = Gener
director = Director
writer = Writer
actors = Actors
plot = Plot
language = Language
country = Country
awards = Awards
metascore = Metascore
imdbRating = IMDB-Rating
type = Type
firstStartHeader = There is no root directory for movies!
firstStartContent = Specify a root directory?