/** * ProjectLaogai * * Copyright 2019-2020 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ package org.mosad.seil0.projectlaogai.util import android.graphics.Color import kotlin.collections.ArrayList class DataTypes { val times = arrayOf("8.00 - 9.30", "9.45 - 11.15", "11.35 - 13.05", "14.00 -15.30", "15.45 - 17.15", "17.30 - 19.00") val primaryColors = intArrayOf( Color.parseColor("#E53935"), Color.parseColor("#E91E63"), Color.parseColor("#9C27B0"), Color.parseColor("#673AB7"), Color.parseColor("#3F51B5"), Color.parseColor("#2196F3"), Color.parseColor("#03A9F4"), Color.parseColor("#00BCD4"), Color.parseColor("#009688"), Color.parseColor("#4CAF50"), Color.parseColor("#8BC34A"), Color.parseColor("#CDDC39"), Color.parseColor("#FDD835"), Color.parseColor("#FFB300"), Color.parseColor("#FB8C00"), Color.parseColor("#FF5722"), Color.parseColor("#795548"), Color.parseColor("#9E9E9E"), Color.parseColor("#607B8B"), Color.parseColor("#000000") ) val accentColors = intArrayOf( Color.parseColor("#FF1744"), Color.parseColor("#F50057"), Color.parseColor("#D500F9"), Color.parseColor("#3F51B5"), Color.parseColor("#3D5AFE"), Color.parseColor("#2979FF"), Color.parseColor("#0096FF"), Color.parseColor("#00E5FF"), Color.parseColor("#1DE9B6"), Color.parseColor("#00E676"), Color.parseColor("#C6FF00"), Color.parseColor("#FFD600"), Color.parseColor("#FFC400"), Color.parseColor("#FF9100"), Color.parseColor("#FF3D00"), Color.parseColor("#000000") ) enum class Theme(var string: String) { Light("Light"), Dark("Dark"), Black("Black") } } // data classes for the course part data class Course(val courseLink: String, val courseName: String) data class CoursesMeta(val updateTime: Long = 0, val totalCourses: Int = 0) data class CoursesList(val meta: CoursesMeta = CoursesMeta(), val courses: ArrayList = ArrayList()) // data classes for the Mensa part data class Meal(val day: String, val heading: String, val parts: ArrayList, val additives: String) data class Meals(val meals: ArrayList) data class MensaWeek(val days: Array = Array(7) { Meals(ArrayList()) }) data class MensaMeta(val updateTime: Long = 0, val mensaName: String = "") data class MensaMenu(val meta: MensaMeta = MensaMeta(), val currentWeek: MensaWeek = MensaWeek(), val nextWeek: MensaWeek = MensaWeek()) // data classes for the timetable part data class Lesson( val lessonID: String, val lessonSubject: String, val lessonTeacher: String, val lessonRoom: String, val lessonRemark: String ) data class TimetableDay(val timeslots: Array> = Array(6) { ArrayList() }) data class TimetableWeek(val weekIndex: Int = 0, val weekNumberYear: Int = 0, val days: Array = Array(6) { TimetableDay() }) // data classes for the qispos part data class gradeSubject(val id: String = "", val name: String = "", val semester: String = "", val grade: String = "", val credits: String = "") // TCoR data class TimetableWeekTCoR(val days: Array = Array(6) { TimetableDay() }) data class TimetableCourseMeta(val updateTime: Long = 0, val courseName: String = "", val weekIndex: Int = 0, val weekNumberYear: Int = 0, val link: String = "") data class TimetableCourseWeek(val meta: TimetableCourseMeta = TimetableCourseMeta(), var timetable: TimetableWeekTCoR = TimetableWeekTCoR())