diff --git a/Home.md b/Home.md index 5c57087..af6230a 100644 --- a/Home.md +++ b/Home.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Since software version 1.2.0 tcor supports cachet api reporting. Just as a side note, if you ever wonder why lessons are calld lessons and not lectures, it's to be in line with the offical hs timetable naming schema. ### Build -To run the project do `./gradlew bootRun`, or any other standard Gradle task. +To run the project do `./gradlew bootRun`. If you want to build a jar use `./gradlew bootJar`. ### Install/Configuration Tcor will create a ".tcor" folder on first startup in the users home directory. In there is a folder containing the cached timetable data and a "config.xml" file. Via the config file it is possible to set a swfr mensa url and name, as well as the cachet base url and the cachet api key.