
88 lines
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#HomeFlix-Local_en_US.properties US-English Local and default
# Buttons
aboutBtn = About
settingsBtn = Settings
addBtn = Add new Game
reloadRomsBtn = reload ROMs
smmdbBtn = smmdb
cemuTFBtn = choose directory
romTFBtn = choose directory
smmdbDownloadBtn = Download
playBtn = play
cloudSyncToggleBtn = cloud savegames (Google Drive)
autoUpdateToggleBtn = check for updates on startup
fullscreenToggleBtn = start game in fullscreen
# Labels
cemu_UISettingsLbl = cemu_UI Settings
cemuDirectoryLbl = cemu directory
romDirectoryLbl = ROM directory
mainColorLbl = main color
languageLbl = language
updateLbl = updates
branchLbl = branch
cemuSettingsLbl = cemu Settings
licensesLbl = Licenses
# Columns
titleColumn = title
idColumn = ID
starsColumn = stars
timeColumn = time
# Strings
editHeadingText = edit
editBodyText = You can edit the tile and ROM/cover path.
removeHeadingText = remove
removeBodyText = Are you sure you want to delete
addUpdateHeadingText = update
addUpdateBodyText = Please select the update root directory.
addDLCHeadingText = add a DLC to
addDLCBodyText = Please select the DLC root directory.
licensesLblHeadingText = cemu_UI
licensesLblBodyText = cemu_UI is licensed under the terms of GNU GPL 3.\n\nJFoenix, Apache License 2.0\nminimal-json, MIT License\nsqlite-jdbc, Apache License 2.0\nApache Commons IO, Apache License 2.0\nApache Commons Logging, Apache License 2.0\nApache Commons Codec, Apache License 2.0\nApache Log4j 2, Apache License 2.0\n
showLicenses = show licenses
aboutBtnHeadingText = cemu_UI
aboutBtnBodyText = This Application is made with free Software\nand licensed under the terms of GNU GPL 3.\n\nwww.mosad.xyz
cloudSyncWaringHeadingText = activate cloud savegame sync (beta)
cloudSyncWaringBodyText = WARNING this is a completely WIP cloud save integration,\nit's NOT recommended to use this!!\n\nUse it on your own risk and backup everything before!
cloudSyncErrorHeadingText = Error while initializing cloud sync!
cloudSyncErrorBodyText = There was some trouble while initializing cloud sync.\nPlease upload the app.log (which can be found in the cemu_UI directory)\nto \"https://github.com/Seil0/cemu_UI/issues\" so we can fix this.
addGameBtnHeadingText = add a new game to cemu_UI
addGameBtnBodyText =
addBtnReturnErrorHeadingText = Error while adding a new Game!
addBtnReturnErrorBodyText = There was some trouble adding your game.\nOne of the needed values was empty, please try again to add your game.
lastPlayed = Last played,
today = today
yesterday = yesterday
never = never
# button strings
playBtnPlay = play
playBtnUpdating = updating...
playBtnCopyingFiles = copying files...
smmdbDownloadBtnLoading = loading
smmdbDownloadBtnDownload = Download
okayBtnText = okay
cancelBtnText = cancel
updateBtnCheckNow = check now!
updateBtnChecking = checking for updates ...
updateBtnNoUpdateAvailable = no update available
updateBtnUpdateAvailable = update available
gameTitle = game title
titleID = title ID
romPath = ROM path
coverPath = cover path
editGameDialogHeadingTextError = Error while adding a new Game!
editGameDialogBodyTextError = There was some trouble adding your game.\nOne of the needed values was empty, please try again to add your game.
editGameDialogSelectPathBtn = select .rpx file
editGameDialogSelectCoverBtn = select cover file