package org.mosad.teapod.util class DataTypes { enum class MediaType { OTHER, MOVIE, TVSHOW } } /** * this class is used to represent the item media * it is uses in the ItemMediaAdapter (RecyclerView) */ data class ItemMedia( val id: Int, val title: String, val posterUrl: String ) /** * TODO the episodes workflow could use a clean up/rework */ data class Media( val id: Int, val link: String, val type: DataTypes.MediaType, val info: Info = Info(), var episodes: List = listOf() ) data class Info( var title: String = "", var posterUrl: String = "", var shortDesc: String = "", var description: String = "", var year: Int = 0, var age: Int = 0, var episodesCount: Int = 0 ) data class Episode( val id: Int = 0, var title: String = "", var streamUrl: String = "", var posterUrl: String = "", var description: String = "", var shortDesc: String = "", var number: Int = 0, var watched: Boolean = false, var watchedCallback: String = "" ) data class TMDBResponse( val id: Int = 0, val title: String = "", val overview: String = "", val posterUrl: String = "", val backdropUrl: String = "", var runtime: Int = 0 )