# teapod A unofficial App for Anime-on-Demand. Teapod is a unofficial App for Anime-on-Demand (AoD). It allows you to watch all your favourite animes from AoD on your Android Device. [](https://f-droid.org/de/packages/org.mosad.teapod/) [](https://apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid/index/apk/org.mosad.teapod) ## Features * Watch all animes from AoD on your Android device * Native Player based on ExoPayer * Prefer the OmU version via the app settings * Save your favorite animes to "My List" ## Screenshots [](https://www.mosad.xyz/images/Teapod/Teapod_Home.webp) [](https://www.mosad.xyz/images/Teapod/Teapod_Library.webp) [](https://www.mosad.xyz/images/Teapod/Teapod_Media.webp) [](https://www.mosad.xyz/images/Teapod/Teapod_Search.webp) ### License This Project is not associated with Anime-on-Demand in any way. Using this app may violates the ToS of AoD. Teapod is licensed under the terms and conditions of GPL 3. ### Known Issues If a tv show is selected, the first episode will be marked as watched. This is due to parsing the website. ### Contributing Currentl you need to have an AoD account to contrtibut to Teapod . Contributing without on is kind of impossible.If you want to contribute to Teapod and need an account on this gitea instance, please write me an email. #### Why is it called Teapod? Teapod is a Acronym for "The ultimate anime app on demand", hence this project is called Teapod and not Teapot. Teapod © 2020-2021 [@Seil0](https://git.mosad.xyz/Seil0)