package org.mosad.teapod.util import java.util.* import kotlin.collections.ArrayList class DataTypes { enum class MediaType { OTHER, MOVIE, TVSHOW } enum class Theme(val str: String) { LIGHT("Light"), DARK("Dark") } enum class License(val short: String, val long: String) { APACHE2("AL 2.0", "Apache License Version 2.0"), MIT("MIT", "MIT License"), GPL3("GPL 3", "GNU General Public License Version 3"), BSD2("BSD 2", "BSD 2-Clause License") } } data class ThirdPartyComponent( val name: String, val year: String, val copyrightOwner: String, val link: String, val license: DataTypes.License ) /** * this class is used to represent the item media * it is uses in the ItemMediaAdapter (RecyclerView) */ data class ItemMedia( val id: Int, // aod path id val title: String, val posterUrl: String ) /** * TODO the episodes workflow could use a clean up/rework */ // TODO replace playlist: List with a map? data class AoDMedia( val aodId: Int, val type: DataTypes.MediaType, val title: String, val shortText: String, val posterURL: String, var year: Int, var age: Int, val similar: List, val playlist: List, ) { fun hasEpisode(mediaId: Int) = playlist.any { it.mediaId == mediaId } fun getEpisodeById(mediaId: Int) = playlist.firstOrNull { it.mediaId == mediaId } ?: AoDEpisodeNone } data class AoDEpisode( val mediaId: Int, val title: String, val description: String, val shortDesc: String, val imageURL: String, val number: Int, var watched: Boolean, val watchedCallback: String, val streams: MutableList, ){ fun hasDub() = streams.any { it.language == Locale.GERMAN } /** * get the preferred stream * @return the preferred stream, if not present use the first stream */ fun getPreferredStream(language: Locale) = streams.firstOrNull { it.language == language } ?: streams.first() } // TODO will be watched info (state and callback) -> remove description and number data class AoDEpisodeInfo( val aodMediaId: Int, val shortDesc: String, var watched: Boolean, val watchedCallback: String, ) val AoDMediaNone = AoDMedia( -1, DataTypes.MediaType.OTHER, "", "", "", -1, -1, listOf(), listOf() ) val AoDEpisodeNone = AoDEpisode( -1, "", "", "", "", -1, false, "", mutableListOf() ) // LEGACY data class Media( val id: Int, val link: String, val type: DataTypes.MediaType, val info: Info = Info(), val episodes: ArrayList = arrayListOf() ) { fun hasEpisode(id: Int) = episodes.any { == id } fun getEpisodeById(id: Int) = episodes.first { == id } } /** * uses var, since the values are written in different steps */ data class Info( var title: String = "", var posterUrl: String = "", var shortDesc: String = "", var description: String = "", var year: Int = 0, var age: Int = 0, var episodesCount: Int = 0, var similar: List = listOf() ) /** * number = episode number (0..n) */ data class Episode( val id: Int = -1, val streams: MutableList = mutableListOf(), val title: String = "", val posterUrl: String = "", val description: String = "", var shortDesc: String = "", val number: Int = 0, var watched: Boolean = false, var watchedCallback: String = "" ) { /** * get the preferred stream * @return the preferred stream, if not present use the first stream */ fun getPreferredStream(language: Locale) = streams.firstOrNull { it.language == language } ?: streams.first() fun hasDub() = streams.any { it.language == Locale.GERMAN } } data class Stream( val url: String, val language : Locale ) /** * this class is used to represent the aod json API? */ data class AoDPlaylist( val list: List, val language: Locale ) data class Playlist( val sources: List, val image: String, val title: String, val description: String, val mediaid: Int ) data class Source( val file: String = "" )