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#include "Mesh_OTA.h"
#include "Mesh_OTA_Util.h"
#include "Mesh_OTA_Globals.h"
2021-01-20 21:40:51 +01:00
#include "Mesh_OTA_Partition_Access.h"
2021-01-20 21:40:51 +01:00
static const char *LOG_TAG = "mesh_ota_partition_access";
2021-01-20 21:40:51 +01:00
esp_err_t errMeshOtaPartitionAccessHttps(bool* pbNewOTAImage)
esp_err_t err = ESP_OK;
char u8OTABuffer[OTA_HTTPS_SEGMENT_SIZE]; //store image segment from server before ota write
uint32_t u32BufferLenght = OTA_HTTPS_SEGMENT_SIZE; //size of buffer
uint32_t u32BytesRead = 0; //number of bytes that are read from server, <= u32BufferLenght
char pcRemoteVersionNumber[12]; //string for version number in server image
const esp_partition_t* pBootPartition; //pointer to boot partition (that will booted after reset)
static esp_ota_handle_t otaHandle; //OTA process handle
uint32_t u32StartOffset = 0U; //start offset for image (exclude the http response data)
esp_app_desc_t bootPartitionDesc; //Metadate from boot partition
uint32_t u32OTABytesWritten = 0U; //counter unsed for progress log
ERROR_CHECK(errHTTPSClientRetrieveData(u8OTABuffer, &u32BufferLenght, &u32BytesRead)); //read first bytes if image, including the version
ERROR_CHECK(errMeshOtaUtilExtractVersionNumber(u8OTABuffer, &u32BytesRead, pcRemoteVersionNumber)); //extract version numbers
if(err == ESP_OK) //check if version number is found
xSemaphoreTake(bsOTAProcess, portMAX_DELAY); //wait for binary semaphore that allows to start the OTA process
pBootPartition = esp_ota_get_boot_partition(); //get boot partition (that will booted after reset), not the running partition
ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_get_partition_description(pBootPartition, &bootPartitionDesc)); //get metadata of partition
if(bMeshOtaUtilNewerVersion((bootPartitionDesc).version, pcRemoteVersionNumber)) //compare local and remote version
// server image is newer --> OTA update required
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "Server: image is newer --> OTA update required");
ERROR_CHECK(errMeshOtaUtilFindImageStart(u8OTABuffer, &u32BufferLenght, &u32StartOffset)); //get image start offset
ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_begin(pOTAPartition, OTA_SIZE_UNKNOWN, &otaHandle)); //start ota update process
if(err == ESP_OK)
//image download and ota partition write
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "start OTA download via HTTPS");
vMeshOtaUtilPrintOTAProgress(&(pOTAPartition->size), &u32OTABytesWritten, Receiver);
ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_write(otaHandle, (const void*) u8OTABuffer+u32StartOffset, (u32BytesRead-u32StartOffset)));
if(err == ESP_OK)
//write was succsesfull
u32StartOffset = 0U; //reset the offset for next download
ERROR_CHECK(errHTTPSClientRetrieveData(u8OTABuffer, &u32BufferLenght, &u32BytesRead)); //download next data segment
u32OTABytesWritten = u32OTABytesWritten + u32BytesRead; //update counter
while ((u32BytesRead > 0) && (err == ESP_OK) && (u32OTABytesWritten <= pOTAPartition->size)); //loop until error or complete image downloaded
if(err == ESP_OK)
//no error occurred --> finish ota update process
ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_end(otaHandle)); //finish process
ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_set_boot_partition(pOTAPartition)); //set new image as boot
if(err == ESP_OK)
*pbNewOTAImage = true; //image validated
//error occurred --> abort ota update process
ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "abort ota process due to error 0x%x -> %s", err, esp_err_to_name(err));
*pbNewOTAImage = false; //ota update failed
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "server image is NOT newer --> OTA update NOT required");
xSemaphoreGive(bsOTAProcess); //free binary semaphore, this allows other tasks to start the OTA process
} //end version number extracted
return err;
esp_err_t errMeshOtaPartitionAccessMeshTransmit(mesh_addr_t* pMeshNodeAddr)
esp_err_t err = ESP_OK;
const esp_partition_t* pBootPartition; //pointer to boot partition (that will booted after reset)
MESH_PACKET_t sMeshPacket; //packet for sending and receiving
// uint32_t u32Index = 0U; //index for partition read offset
bool bAbort = false; //abort the OTA process
bool bNodeIsResponding = false; //remote node is still active
uint32_t u32OTABytesWritten = 0U;
uint32_t u32SegmentCounter = 0U;
pBootPartition = esp_ota_get_boot_partition(); //get boot partition (that will booted after reset), not the running partition
//loop through partition to read in segmensts until end or error or abort called
while( ((OTA_MESH_SEGMENT_SIZE * u32SegmentCounter) < pBootPartition->size) && (err == ESP_OK) && (bAbort == false))
bNodeIsResponding = false; //reset to default
// read partition with offset based in index
ERROR_CHECK(esp_partition_read(pBootPartition, (OTA_MESH_SEGMENT_SIZE * u32SegmentCounter), sMeshPacket.au8Payload, OTA_MESH_SEGMENT_SIZE));
u32OTABytesWritten = ((u32SegmentCounter+1) * OTA_MESH_SEGMENT_SIZE);
2021-01-20 21:40:51 +01:00
vMeshOtaUtilPrintOTAProgress(&(pBootPartition->size), &u32OTABytesWritten, Transmitter);
if(err == ESP_OK)
//no error while read --> send OTA_DATA packet
sMeshPacket.type = OTA_Data;
if((OTA_MESH_SEGMENT_SIZE * (u32SegmentCounter+1)) >= pBootPartition->size) //check if last segment
//last partition image segment --> send OTA_Complete
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "OTA-TX: last segment--> send Complete");
sMeshPacket.type = OTA_Complete;
//ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "OTA-TX: send packet");
2021-01-20 21:40:51 +01:00
err = errMeshNetworkSendMeshPacket(pMeshNodeAddr, &sMeshPacket);
// error while read --> send OTA_ABORT and abort this OTA process
sMeshPacket.type = OTA_Abort;
bAbort = true;
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "OTA-TX: error while read --> send ABORT");
2021-01-20 21:40:51 +01:00
errMeshNetworkSendMeshPacket(pMeshNodeAddr, &sMeshPacket);
// loop through all OTA messages or until abort is called or error
for (uint32_t u32Index = 0; ((u32Index < QUEUE_MESSAGE_OTA_SIZE) && (bAbort == false) && (err == ESP_OK)); u32Index++) //loop through all OTA messages
// if(uxQueueSpacesAvailable(queueMessageOTA) < QUEUE_MESSAGE_OTA_SIZE)
// {
//queue not empty
if (xQueueReceive(queueMessageOTA, &sMeshPacket, ((OTA_MESH_TIMEOUT) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS)) != pdTRUE)
ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Unable to receive OTA Messages from queue");
err = ESP_FAIL;
2021-01-20 21:40:51 +01:00
if((err == ESP_OK) && (bMeshNetworkCheckMACEquality(sMeshPacket.meshSenderAddr.addr, pMeshNodeAddr->addr))) //if OTA_Version_Request
//packet from node received
switch (sMeshPacket.type)
case OTA_ACK: //increase index for next round
bNodeIsResponding = true;
u32Index = QUEUE_MESSAGE_OTA_SIZE;//this will end the loop through all OTA messages
case OTA_Abort: //abort this OTA process
bAbort = true;
bNodeIsResponding = true;
//receives wrong OTA message type from node --> back to queue
2021-01-20 21:40:51 +01:00
else if (err == ESP_OK)
//received from wrong node --> back to queue
2021-01-20 21:40:51 +01:00
// OTA Message queue is empty --> wait some time
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "OTA-TX: ota message queue empty --> wait");
}//end OTA message loop
if(bNodeIsResponding == false)
//no abort was called but node didnt responded
ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "OTA-TX: no abort was called but node didnt responded --> error");
bAbort = true;
err = ESP_FAIL; //this OTA process failed with error
}//end of partition segment loop
2021-01-20 21:40:51 +01:00
return err;
2021-01-20 21:40:51 +01:00
esp_err_t errMeshOtaPartitionAccessMeshReceive(bool* pbNewOTAImage, mesh_addr_t* pMeshNodeAddr)
esp_err_t err = ESP_OK;
MESH_PACKET_t sMeshPacket; //packet for sending and receiving
bool bComplete = false; //complete the OTA process
bool bAbort = false; //abort the OTA process
bool bNodeIsResponding = false; //remote node is still active
uint32_t u32OTABytesWritten = 0U; //counter unsed for progress log
static esp_ota_handle_t otaHandle; //OTA process handle
*pbNewOTAImage = false;
uint32_t u32SegmentCounter = 0U;
ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_begin(pOTAPartition, OTA_SIZE_UNKNOWN, &otaHandle)); //start ota update process
//partition segement loop through partition to read in segmensts until end or error or abort called
while((bComplete == false) && (err == ESP_OK) && (bAbort == false) && (u32OTABytesWritten <= pOTAPartition->size))
bNodeIsResponding = false; //reset to default
// loop through all OTA messages or until abort is called
for (uint32_t u32Index = 0; ((u32Index < QUEUE_MESSAGE_OTA_SIZE) && (bAbort == false)); u32Index++) //loop through all OTA messages
//if(uxQueueSpacesAvailable(queueMessageOTA) < QUEUE_MESSAGE_OTA_SIZE)
// {
//queue not empty
if (xQueueReceive(queueMessageOTA, &sMeshPacket, ((OTA_MESH_TIMEOUT) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS)) != pdTRUE)
ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Unable to receive OTA Messages from queue");
err = ESP_FAIL;
2021-01-20 21:40:51 +01:00
if((err == ESP_OK) && (bMeshNetworkCheckMACEquality(sMeshPacket.meshSenderAddr.addr, pMeshNodeAddr->addr))) //if OTA_Version_Request
//packet from node received
switch (sMeshPacket.type)
case OTA_Complete: //signal end of this OTA process, fall through because same behavior as OTA_Data
bComplete = true;
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "OTA-RX: rec Complete --> last segment");
//fall through
case OTA_Data: //data segement received
bNodeIsResponding = true;
ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_write(otaHandle, sMeshPacket.au8Payload, OTA_MESH_SEGMENT_SIZE));
u32OTABytesWritten = ((u32SegmentCounter+1) * OTA_MESH_SEGMENT_SIZE);
2021-01-20 21:40:51 +01:00
vMeshOtaUtilPrintOTAProgress(&(pOTAPartition->size), &u32OTABytesWritten, Receiver);
u32Index = QUEUE_MESSAGE_OTA_SIZE; //this will end the loop through all OTA messages
case OTA_Abort: //abort this OTA process
bAbort = true;
bNodeIsResponding = true;
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "OTA-RX: rec Abort");
//this will end the loop through all OTA messages
//receives wrong OTA message type from node --> back to queue
2021-01-20 21:40:51 +01:00
else if (err == ESP_OK)
//received from wrong node --> back to queue
2021-01-20 21:40:51 +01:00
/* }
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "OTA-RX: ota message queue empty --> wait");
// OTA Message queue is empty --> wait some time
}//end of OTA message loop
if(bNodeIsResponding == false)
//no abort was called but node didnt responded --> error
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "OTA-RX: no abort was called but node didnt responded --> error");
bAbort = true; //this will stop the partition segement loop
err = ESP_FAIL; //this OTA process failed with error
//node has responded with OTA_DATA or OTA_Complete or OTA_ABORT
if(err == ESP_OK)
if(bAbort == false)
//no error while ota write --> send OTA_ACK packet
//ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "OTA-RX: no error while ota write --> send OTA_ACK packet");
sMeshPacket.type = OTA_ACK;
2021-01-20 21:40:51 +01:00
err = errMeshNetworkSendMeshPacket(pMeshNodeAddr, &sMeshPacket);
// error while read --> send OTA_ABORT and abort this OTA process
sMeshPacket.type = OTA_Abort;
bAbort = true;
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "OTA-RX: abort --> send ABORT");
2021-01-20 21:40:51 +01:00
errMeshNetworkSendMeshPacket(pMeshNodeAddr, &sMeshPacket);
}//end of partition segement loop
if(bComplete == true)
//all OTA segments received --> validate
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "OTA-RX: validate image ");
if(err == ESP_OK)
//successfully updated OTA partition
*pbNewOTAImage = true;
//not all OTA segments received --> abort this OTA process
2021-01-20 21:40:51 +01:00
return err;