#include "Mesh_OTA.h" static const char *LOG_TAG = "mesh_ota"; xQueueHandle queueNodes; //nodes that should be checked for ota update (contains children and parent) xQueueHandle queueMessageOTA; //mesh ota controll messages like "OTA_Version_Response" "OTA_ACK" SemaphoreHandle_t bsStartStopServerWorker; //binary semaphore SemaphoreHandle_t bsOTAProcess; //binary semaphore const esp_partition_t* pOTAPartition; //pointer to ota partition bool bWantReboot; //flag to signal pending reboot esp_err_t errMeshOTAInitialize() { esp_err_t err = ESP_OK; BaseType_t xReturned; bWantReboot = false; //create queue to store nodes for ota worker task queueNodes = xQueueCreate(QUEUE_NODES_SIZE, sizeof(mesh_addr_t)); if (queueNodes == 0) // Queue not created { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Unable to create Queue for Nodes"); err = ESP_FAIL; } if(err == ESP_OK) { //create queue to store ota messages queueMessageOTA = xQueueCreate(QUEUE_MESSAGE_OTA_SIZE, sizeof(MESH_PACKET_t)); if (queueMessageOTA == 0) // Queue not created { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Unable to create Queue for OTA Messages"); err = ESP_FAIL; } } if(err == ESP_OK) { bsStartStopServerWorker = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); if( bsStartStopServerWorker == NULL ) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Unable to create Mutex to represent state of Server worker"); err = ESP_FAIL; } } if(err == ESP_OK) { bsOTAProcess = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); if( bsOTAProcess == NULL ) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Unable to create Mutex to grant access to OTA Process"); err = ESP_FAIL; } } if(err == ESP_OK) { xSemaphoreGive(bsOTAProcess); //unlock binary semaphore if( bsOTAProcess == NULL ) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Unable to unlock Mutex to grant access to OTA Process"); err = ESP_FAIL; } } ERROR_CHECK(errMeshNetworkSetChildConnectedHandle(vAddNodeToPossibleUpdatableQueue)); ERROR_CHECK(errMeshNetworkSetOTAMessageHandleHandle(vAddOTAControllMessageToQueue)); ERROR_CHECK(errMeshNetworkSetChangeStateOfServerWorkerHandle(vChangeStateOfServerWorker)); if(err == ESP_OK) { pOTAPartition = esp_ota_get_next_update_partition(NULL); //get ota partition if(pOTAPartition == NULL) { err = ESP_FAIL; ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "unable to get next ota partition"); } } if(err == ESP_OK) { xReturned = xTaskCreate(vTaskServerWorker, "vTaskServerWorker", 8192, NULL, 5, NULL); if(xReturned != pdPASS) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Unable to create the server worker task"); err = ESP_FAIL; } } if(err == ESP_OK) { xReturned = xTaskCreate(vTaskOTAWorker, "vTaskOTAWorker", 8192, NULL, 5, NULL); if(xReturned != pdPASS) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Unable to create the OTA worker task"); err = ESP_FAIL; } } return err; } void vAddNodeToPossibleUpdatableQueue(uint8_t* pu8MAC) { //send payload to node queues mesh_addr_t addrNode; memcpy(&addrNode.addr, (uint8_t *)pu8MAC, 6); //copy MAC if (xQueueSend(queueNodes, &addrNode, portMAX_DELAY) != pdPASS) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Unable to push node into node queue"); } else { ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "added node \"%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x\" to possible updatable queue", addrNode.addr[0], addrNode.addr[1], addrNode.addr[2], addrNode.addr[3], addrNode.addr[4], addrNode.addr[5]); } } void vAddOTAControllMessageToQueue(MESH_PACKET_t* puMeshPacket) { //send ota packet to packet queue if (xQueueSend(queueMessageOTA, puMeshPacket, portMAX_DELAY) != pdPASS) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Unable to push ota packet into packet queue"); } else { ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "added ota message to queue: %i (type)", puMeshPacket->type); } } void vChangeStateOfServerWorker(bool bState) //allow access via function ptn to networl_handler { static bool bLastState = false; if(bState != bLastState) //change only if necessary { ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "server worker change handler"); if(bState == true) { if (xSemaphoreGive(bsStartStopServerWorker) != pdTRUE) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Unable to give mutex to activate the server worker"); } } else { if (xSemaphoreTake(bsStartStopServerWorker,( TickType_t ) 10 ) != pdTRUE) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Unable to obtain mutex to deactivate the server worker"); } } bLastState = bState; } } void vTaskServerWorker(void *arg) { esp_err_t err; bool bNewOTAImage; //true if a new ota image was downloaded and validated bool bFirstRun = true; while(true) { err = ESP_OK; bNewOTAImage = false; xSemaphoreTake(bsStartStopServerWorker, portMAX_DELAY); //wait for binary semaphore that allows to start the worker xSemaphoreGive(bsStartStopServerWorker); //free binary semaphore, this allows the handler to change is to taken if (esp_mesh_is_root()) //check again that this node is the root node { ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "Checking firmware image on server"); if(bFirstRun == true) { ERROR_CHECK(errHTTPSClientInitialize()); bFirstRun = false; } ERROR_CHECK(errHTTPSClientConnectToServer()); ERROR_CHECK(errHTTPSClientValidateServer()); ERROR_CHECK(errHTTPSClientSendRequest()); ERROR_CHECK(errOTAHTTPS(&bNewOTAImage)); errHTTPSClientReset(); if(bNewOTAImage == true) { //set want reboot ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "Updated successfully via HTTPS, set pending reboot"); bWantReboot = true; vAddAllNeighboursToQueue(); //add all existing neighbours to queue (aparent will not be added because this node is the root) } vTaskDelay( (SERVER_CHECK_INTERVAL*1000) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); //sleep till next server checks } } } void vTaskOTAWorker(void *arg) { esp_err_t err = ESP_OK; bool bNewOTAImage; //true if a new ota image was downloaded and validated mesh_addr_t meshNodeAddr; //node that should be checked for ota update while(true) { err = ESP_OK; bNewOTAImage = false; if((uxQueueSpacesAvailable(queueNodes) - QUEUE_NODES_SIZE) == 0) { //nodes queue is empty ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "nodes queue is empty"); if(bWantReboot == true) { ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "ESP32 Reboot ..."); //vTaskDelay( (1000) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); //esp_restart(); } ERROR_CHECK(errOTAMeshSlave(&bNewOTAImage)); } else { //queue not empty ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "nodes queue not empty: %i", (QUEUE_NODES_SIZE - uxQueueSpacesAvailable(queueNodes))); if (xQueueReceive(queueNodes, &meshNodeAddr, ((100) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS)) != pdTRUE) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Unable to receive OTA Messages from Queue"); err = ESP_FAIL; } ERROR_CHECK(errOTAMeshMaster(&bNewOTAImage, &meshNodeAddr)); if (err != ESP_OK) { //OTA process faild --> add back to queue vAddNodeToPossibleUpdatableQueue(meshNodeAddr.addr); } } if(bNewOTAImage == true) { //set want reboot ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "Updated successfully via Mesh, set pending reboot"); bWantReboot = true; vAddAllNeighboursToQueue(); //add all existing neighbours to queue } vTaskDelay( (1000) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } } esp_err_t errOTAHTTPS(bool* pbNewOTAImage) { esp_err_t err = ESP_OK; char u8OTABuffer[OTA_HTTPS_SEGMENT_SIZE]; //store image segment from server before ota write uint32_t u32BufferLenght = OTA_HTTPS_SEGMENT_SIZE; //size of buffer uint32_t u32BytesRead = 0; //number of bytes that are read from server, <= u32BufferLenght char pcRemoteVersionNumber[12]; //string for version number in server image const esp_partition_t* pBootPartition; //pointer to boot partition (that will booted after reset) static esp_ota_handle_t otaHandle; //OTA process handle uint32_t u32StartOffset = 0U; //start offset for image (exclude the http response data) esp_app_desc_t bootPartitionDesc; //Metadate from boot partition uint32_t u32OTABytesWritten = 0U; //counter unsed for progress log ERROR_CHECK(errHTTPSClientRetrieveData(u8OTABuffer, &u32BufferLenght, &u32BytesRead)); //read first bytes if image, including the version ERROR_CHECK(errExtractVersionNumber(u8OTABuffer, &u32BytesRead, pcRemoteVersionNumber)); //extract version numbers if(err == ESP_OK) //check if version number is found { xSemaphoreTake(bsOTAProcess, portMAX_DELAY); //wait for binary semaphore that allows to start the OTA process pBootPartition = esp_ota_get_boot_partition(); //get boot partition (that will booted after reset), not the running partition ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_get_partition_description(pBootPartition, &bootPartitionDesc)); //get metadata of partition if(bNewerVersion((bootPartitionDesc).version, pcRemoteVersionNumber)) //compare local and remote version { // server image is newer --> OTA update required ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "Server: image is newer --> OTA update required"); ERROR_CHECK(errFindImageStart(u8OTABuffer, &u32BufferLenght, &u32StartOffset)); //get image start offset ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_begin(pOTAPartition, OTA_SIZE_UNKNOWN, &otaHandle)); //start ota update process if(err == ESP_OK) { //image download and ota partition write ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "start OTA download via HTTPS"); do { vPrintOTAProgress(&(pOTAPartition->size), &u32OTABytesWritten, Receiver); ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_write(otaHandle, (const void*) u8OTABuffer+u32StartOffset, (u32BytesRead-u32StartOffset))); if(err == ESP_OK) { //write was succsesfull u32StartOffset = 0U; //reset the offset for next download ERROR_CHECK(errHTTPSClientRetrieveData(u8OTABuffer, &u32BufferLenght, &u32BytesRead)); //download next data segment u32OTABytesWritten = u32OTABytesWritten + u32BytesRead; //update counter } } while ((u32BytesRead > 0) && (err == ESP_OK) && (u32OTABytesWritten <= pOTAPartition->size)); //loop until error or complete image downloaded } if(err == ESP_OK) { //no error occurred --> finish ota update process ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_end(otaHandle)); //finish process ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_set_boot_partition(pOTAPartition)); //set new image as boot if(err == ESP_OK) { *pbNewOTAImage = true; //image validated } } else { //error occurred --> abort ota update process ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "abort ota process due to error 0x%x -> %s", err, esp_err_to_name(err)); ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_abort(otaHandle)); *pbNewOTAImage = false; //ota update failed } } else { ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "server image is NOT newer --> OTA update NOT required"); } xSemaphoreGive(bsOTAProcess); //free binary semaphore, this allows other tasks to start the OTA process } //end version number extracted return err; } esp_err_t errOTAMeshSlave(bool* pbNewOTAImage) { esp_err_t err = ESP_OK; MESH_PACKET_t sOTAMessage; const esp_partition_t* pBootPartition; //pointer to boot partition (that will booted after reset) esp_app_desc_t bootPartitionDesc; //Metadate from boot partition *pbNewOTAImage = false; //set default false //read OTAMessages queue if(uxQueueSpacesAvailable(queueMessageOTA) < QUEUE_MESSAGE_OTA_SIZE) { //queue not empty if (xQueueReceive(queueMessageOTA, &sOTAMessage, ((100) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS)) != pdTRUE) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Unable to receive OTA Messages from Queue"); err = ESP_FAIL; } if((err == ESP_OK) && (sOTAMessage.type == OTA_Version_Request)) //if OTA_Version_Request { xSemaphoreTake(bsOTAProcess, portMAX_DELAY); //wait for binary semaphore that allows to start the OTA process pBootPartition = esp_ota_get_boot_partition(); //get boot partition (that will booted after reset), not the running partition ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_get_partition_description(pBootPartition, &bootPartitionDesc)); //get metadata of partition //send OTA_Version_Response to sender of OTA_Version_Request packet wirh version in payload ERROR_CHECK(errSendOTAVersionResponse(&sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr)); if((bNewerVersion((bootPartitionDesc).version, (char*) sOTAMessage.au8Payload)) && (err == ESP_OK)) //compare local and remote version { //remote newer as local ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "remote image on node is newer --> OTA update required"); // --> this version older --> start OTA_Rx --> set pbNewOTAImage true ERROR_CHECK(errOTAMeshReceive(pbNewOTAImage, &sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr)); } if((bNewerVersion((char*) sOTAMessage.au8Payload, (bootPartitionDesc).version)) && (err == ESP_OK)) //compare remote and local version { //local newer as remote ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "remote image on node is older --> OTA send required"); // --> this version newer --> start OTA_Tx ERROR_CHECK(errOTAMeshTransmit(&sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr)); } xSemaphoreGive(bsOTAProcess); //free binary semaphore, this allows other tasks to start the OTA process } } return err; } esp_err_t errOTAMeshMaster(bool* pbNewOTAImage, mesh_addr_t* pMeshNodeAddr) { esp_err_t err = ESP_OK; MESH_PACKET_t sOTAMessage; const esp_partition_t* pBootPartition; //pointer to boot partition (that will booted after reset) esp_app_desc_t bootPartitionDesc; //Metadata from boot partition bool bNodeIsConnected = false; bool bNodeIsResponding = false; *pbNewOTAImage = false; //set default false if(bIsNodeNeighbour(pMeshNodeAddr) == true) //check if node is still connected { bNodeIsConnected = true; //node is one of the neighbours xSemaphoreTake(bsOTAProcess, portMAX_DELAY); //wait for binary semaphore that allows to start the OTA process ERROR_CHECK(errSendOTAVersionRequest(pMeshNodeAddr)); //send OTA_VERSION_REQUEST with local version in payload for (uint32_t u32Index = 0; u32Index < QUEUE_MESSAGE_OTA_SIZE; u32Index++) //loop through all OTA messages { if(uxQueueSpacesAvailable(queueMessageOTA) < QUEUE_MESSAGE_OTA_SIZE) { //queue not empty if (xQueueReceive(queueMessageOTA, &sOTAMessage, ((3000) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS)) != pdTRUE) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Unable to receive OTA Messages from queue"); err = ESP_FAIL; } if((err == ESP_OK) && (sOTAMessage.type == OTA_Version_Response) && (bCheckMACEquality(sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr, pMeshNodeAddr->addr))) //if OTA_Version_Request { bNodeIsResponding = true; pBootPartition = esp_ota_get_boot_partition(); //get boot partition (that will booted after reset), not the running partition ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_get_partition_description(pBootPartition, &bootPartitionDesc)); //get metadata of partition if((bNewerVersion((bootPartitionDesc).version, (char*) sOTAMessage.au8Payload)) && (err == ESP_OK)) //compare local and remote version { //remote newer as local ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "Mesh: remote image on node is newer --> OTA update required"); // --> this version older --> start OTA_Rx --> set pbNewOTAImage true ERROR_CHECK(errOTAMeshReceive(pbNewOTAImage, &sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr)); } if((bNewerVersion((char*) sOTAMessage.au8Payload, (bootPartitionDesc).version)) && (err == ESP_OK)) //compare remote and local version { //local newer as remote ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "Mesh: remote image on node is older --> OTA send required"); // --> this version newer --> start OTA_Tx ERROR_CHECK(errOTAMeshTransmit(&sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr)); } } else if (err == ESP_OK) { //received from wrong node or type --> back to queue vAddOTAControllMessageToQueue(&sOTAMessage); } } else { // OTA Message queue is empty --> wait some time vTaskDelay( (1000/QUEUE_MESSAGE_OTA_SIZE) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } }//end loop xSemaphoreGive(bsOTAProcess); //free binary semaphore, this allows other tasks to start the OTA process } if((bNodeIsResponding == false) && (bNodeIsConnected == true)) { //add node back to queue if connected and NOT responding vAddNodeToPossibleUpdatableQueue(pMeshNodeAddr->addr); } return err; } bool bNewerVersion(const char* pu8Local, const char* pu8Remote) { /* * Return true if remote version is newer (higher) than local version */ char u8LocalTmp[12]; //local version char u8RemoteTmp[12]; //remote version char* pu8saveptrLocal; //context for strok_r char* pu8saveptrRemote; //context for strok_r bool bReturn = false; //flag to stop loop uint8_t u8Index = 0; //numbers counter in version string strncpy(u8LocalTmp, pu8Local, 12); //copy in tmp strncpy(u8RemoteTmp, pu8Remote, 12); //copy in tmp char* pu8TokenLocal = strtok_r(u8LocalTmp, ".", &pu8saveptrLocal); //split tokens char* pu8TokenRemote = strtok_r(u8RemoteTmp, ".", &pu8saveptrRemote); //split tokens while( (u8Index <= 2) && (bReturn == false)) //loop through tokens { u8Index++; if(atoi(pu8TokenLocal) < atoi(pu8TokenRemote)) { bReturn = true; //version number difference --> stop loop } pu8TokenLocal = strtok_r(NULL, ".", &pu8saveptrLocal); //split tokens pu8TokenRemote = strtok_r(NULL, ".", &pu8saveptrRemote); //split tokens } return bReturn; } esp_err_t errFindImageStart(const char* pu8Data, uint32_t* pu32DataLenght, uint32_t* pu32StartOffset) { /* Offset value 0 = 0xE9 (first byte in image --> magic byte) 48 = first digit of version number */ esp_err_t errReturn = ESP_OK; bool bImageStartOffsetFound = false; uint32_t u32DataIndex = 0; uint32_t u32FirstDotOffset = 0; uint32_t u32SecondDotOffset = 0; uint8_t u8FirstDotIndex = 0; uint8_t u8SecondDotIndex = 0; *pu32StartOffset = 0U; //reset offset to zero while((u32DataIndex < *pu32DataLenght) && (bImageStartOffsetFound == false)) { //search for magic byte if(pu8Data[u32DataIndex] == 0xe9) { //magic byte found while ((u8FirstDotIndex < 3) && (u32FirstDotOffset == 0)) { //search first dot in version number if((u32DataIndex+49+u8FirstDotIndex) < *pu32DataLenght) { if((pu8Data[(u32DataIndex+49+u8FirstDotIndex)] == 0x2e)) { //first dot found u32FirstDotOffset = (u32DataIndex+49+u8FirstDotIndex); } } u8FirstDotIndex++; } while ((u8SecondDotIndex < 3) && (u32SecondDotOffset == 0) && (u32FirstDotOffset != 0)) { //search first dot in version number if((u32FirstDotOffset+(u8SecondDotIndex+2)) < *pu32DataLenght) { if((pu8Data[(u32FirstDotOffset+(u8SecondDotIndex+2))] == 0x2e)) { //second dot found u32SecondDotOffset = (u32FirstDotOffset+(u8SecondDotIndex+2)); } } u8SecondDotIndex++; } if((u32FirstDotOffset != 0) && (u32SecondDotOffset != 0)) { //image start found based on magic byte and version number systax *pu32StartOffset = u32DataIndex; //store image start offset bImageStartOffsetFound = true; } else { // this is propably not the magic byte --> reset u32FirstDotOffset = 0; u32SecondDotOffset = 0; u8FirstDotIndex = 0; u8SecondDotIndex = 0; } } u32DataIndex++; } if(bImageStartOffsetFound == false) { errReturn = ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND; } return errReturn; } esp_err_t errExtractVersionNumber(const char* pu8Data, uint32_t* pu32DataLenght, char* pc8RemoteVersionNumber) { uint32_t u32StartOffset; esp_err_t err = ESP_OK; strcpy(pc8RemoteVersionNumber, "999.999.999"); //init value err = errFindImageStart(pu8Data, pu32DataLenght, &u32StartOffset); //get image start offset if(err == ESP_OK) { //image found strncpy(pc8RemoteVersionNumber, pu8Data+(u32StartOffset+48), 11); //copy version number pc8RemoteVersionNumber[12] = '\0'; } return err; } void vPrintOTAProgress(const uint32_t* const pu32TotalImageSize, const uint32_t* const pu32BytesWritten, OTA_MESH_ROLE_t eRole) { uint32_t u32Percentage = 0U; static uint32_t u32LastPercentage = 0U; if((*pu32BytesWritten) >= (*pu32TotalImageSize)) { u32Percentage = 100; } else { u32Percentage = (uint32_t) (((float) (*pu32BytesWritten)/(float) (*pu32TotalImageSize)) * 100.0); } if((u32Percentage-u32LastPercentage) >= OTA_PROGRESS_LOG_INTERVAL) { if(eRole == Transmitter) { ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "Transmitting OTA update: %i %%", u32Percentage); } if(eRole == Receiver) { ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "Receiving OTA update: %i %%", u32Percentage); } u32LastPercentage = u32Percentage; } } void vAddAllNeighboursToQueue(void) { esp_err_t err = ESP_OK; mesh_addr_t addrParent; //addr of parent node mesh_addr_t childrenAddr[CONFIG_MESH_ROUTE_TABLE_SIZE]; //array of children attached to this node uint16_t u16ChildrenSize = 0U; //number of children attached to this node err = errGetParentNode(&addrParent); if(err == ESP_OK) { vAddNodeToPossibleUpdatableQueue(addrParent.addr); ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "added parent"); } err = ESP_OK; //reset error code ERROR_CHECK(errGetChildren(childrenAddr, &u16ChildrenSize)); //get all children for (uint16_t u16Index = 0; ((u16Index < u16ChildrenSize) && (err == ESP_OK)); u16Index++) { vAddNodeToPossibleUpdatableQueue(childrenAddr[u16Index].addr); ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "added child"); } } esp_err_t errSendOTAVersionResponse(mesh_addr_t* pMeshReceiverAddr) { esp_err_t err = ESP_OK; MESH_PACKET_t packet; packet.type = OTA_Version_Response; const esp_partition_t* pBootPartition; //pointer to boot partition (that will booted after reset) esp_app_desc_t bootPartitionDesc; //Metadata from boot partition pBootPartition = esp_ota_get_boot_partition(); //get boot partition (that will booted after reset), not the running partition ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_get_partition_description(pBootPartition, &bootPartitionDesc)); //get metadate of partition memcpy(&packet.au8Payload, &bootPartitionDesc.version, 12); //copy local version to OTA_Version_Response packet err = errSendMeshPacket(pMeshReceiverAddr, &packet); return err; } esp_err_t errSendOTAVersionRequest(mesh_addr_t* pMeshReceiverAddr) { esp_err_t err = ESP_OK; MESH_PACKET_t packet; packet.type = OTA_Version_Request; const esp_partition_t* pBootPartition; //pointer to boot partition (that will booted after reset) esp_app_desc_t bootPartitionDesc; //Metadata from boot partition pBootPartition = esp_ota_get_boot_partition(); //get boot partition (that will booted after reset), not the running partition ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_get_partition_description(pBootPartition, &bootPartitionDesc)); //get metadate of partition memcpy(&packet.au8Payload, &bootPartitionDesc.version, 12); //copy local version to OTA_Version_Request packet err = errSendMeshPacket(pMeshReceiverAddr, &packet); return err; } esp_err_t errOTAMeshTransmit(mesh_addr_t* pMeshNodeAddr) { esp_err_t err = ESP_OK; const esp_partition_t* pBootPartition; //pointer to boot partition (that will booted after reset) MESH_PACKET_t sMeshPacket; //packet for sending and receiving uint32_t u32Index = 0U; //index for partition read offset bool bAbort = false; //abort the OTA process bool bNodeIsResponding = false; //remote node is still active uint32_t u32OTABytesWritten = 0U; pBootPartition = esp_ota_get_boot_partition(); //get boot partition (that will booted after reset), not the running partition //loop through partition to read in segmensts until end or error or abort called while( ((OTA_MESH_SEGMENT_SIZE * u32Index) < pBootPartition->size) && (err == ESP_OK) && (bAbort == false)) { bNodeIsResponding = false; //reset to default // read partition with offset based in index ERROR_CHECK(esp_partition_read(pBootPartition, (OTA_MESH_SEGMENT_SIZE * u32Index), sMeshPacket.au8Payload, OTA_MESH_SEGMENT_SIZE)); u32OTABytesWritten = ((u32Index+1) * OTA_MESH_SEGMENT_SIZE); vPrintOTAProgress(&(pBootPartition->size), &u32OTABytesWritten, Transmitter); if(err == ESP_OK) { //no error while read --> send OTA_DATA packet sMeshPacket.type = OTA_Data; if((OTA_MESH_SEGMENT_SIZE * (u32Index+1)) >= pBootPartition->size) //check if last segment { //last partition image segment --> send OTA_Complete sMeshPacket.type = OTA_Complete; } err = errSendMeshPacket(pMeshNodeAddr, &sMeshPacket); } else { // error while read --> send OTA_ABORT and abort this OTA process sMeshPacket.type = OTA_Abort; bAbort = true; errSendMeshPacket(pMeshNodeAddr, &sMeshPacket); } // loop through all OTA messages or until abort is called or error for (uint32_t u32Index = 0; ((u32Index < QUEUE_MESSAGE_OTA_SIZE) && (bAbort == false) && (err == ESP_OK)); u32Index++) //loop through all OTA messages { if(uxQueueSpacesAvailable(queueMessageOTA) < QUEUE_MESSAGE_OTA_SIZE) { //queue not empty if (xQueueReceive(queueMessageOTA, &sMeshPacket, ((3000) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS)) != pdTRUE) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Unable to receive OTA Messages from queue"); err = ESP_FAIL; } if((err == ESP_OK) && (bCheckMACEquality(sMeshPacket.meshSenderAddr.addr, pMeshNodeAddr->addr))) //if OTA_Version_Request { //packet from node received switch (sMeshPacket.type) { case OTA_ACK: //increase index for next round u32Index++; bNodeIsResponding = true; break; case OTA_Abort: //abort this OTA process bAbort = true; bNodeIsResponding = true; break; default: //receives wrong OTA message type from node --> back to queue vAddOTAControllMessageToQueue(&sMeshPacket); break; } } else if (err == ESP_OK) { //received from wrong node --> back to queue vAddOTAControllMessageToQueue(&sMeshPacket); } } else { // OTA Message queue is empty --> wait some time vTaskDelay( (1000/QUEUE_MESSAGE_OTA_SIZE) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } }//end OTA message loop if(bNodeIsResponding == false) { //no abort was called but node didn’t responded bAbort = true; err = ESP_FAIL; //this OTA process failed with error } }//end of partition segment loop return err; } esp_err_t errOTAMeshReceive(bool* pbNewOTAImage, mesh_addr_t* pMeshNodeAddr) { esp_err_t err = ESP_OK; MESH_PACKET_t sMeshPacket; //packet for sending and receiving bool bComplete = false; //complete the OTA process bool bAbort = false; //abort the OTA process bool bNodeIsResponding = false; //remote node is still active uint32_t u32OTABytesWritten = 0U; //counter unsed for progress log static esp_ota_handle_t otaHandle; //OTA process handle *pbNewOTAImage = false; ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_begin(pOTAPartition, OTA_SIZE_UNKNOWN, &otaHandle)); //start ota update process //partition segement loop through partition to read in segmensts until end or error or abort called while((bComplete == false) && (err == ESP_OK) && (bAbort == false) && (u32OTABytesWritten <= pOTAPartition->size)) { bNodeIsResponding = false; //reset to default // loop through all OTA messages or until abort is called for (uint32_t u32Index = 0; ((u32Index < QUEUE_MESSAGE_OTA_SIZE) && (bAbort == false)); u32Index++) //loop through all OTA messages { if(uxQueueSpacesAvailable(queueMessageOTA) < QUEUE_MESSAGE_OTA_SIZE) { //queue not empty if (xQueueReceive(queueMessageOTA, &sMeshPacket, ((3000) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS)) != pdTRUE) { ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Unable to receive OTA Messages from queue"); err = ESP_FAIL; } if((err == ESP_OK) && (bCheckMACEquality(sMeshPacket.meshSenderAddr.addr, pMeshNodeAddr->addr))) //if OTA_Version_Request { //packet from node received switch (sMeshPacket.type) { case OTA_Complete: //signal end of this OTA process, fall through because same behavior as OTA_Data bComplete = true; //fall through case OTA_Data: //data segement received bNodeIsResponding = true; ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_write(otaHandle, sMeshPacket.au8Payload, OTA_MESH_SEGMENT_SIZE)); u32OTABytesWritten = ((u32Index+1) * OTA_MESH_SEGMENT_SIZE); vPrintOTAProgress(&(pOTAPartition->size), &u32OTABytesWritten, Receiver); break; case OTA_Abort: //abort this OTA process bAbort = true; bNodeIsResponding = true; break; default: //receives wrong OTA message type from node --> back to queue vAddOTAControllMessageToQueue(&sMeshPacket); break; } } else if (err == ESP_OK) { //received from wrong node --> back to queue vAddOTAControllMessageToQueue(&sMeshPacket); } } else { // OTA Message queue is empty --> wait some time vTaskDelay( (1000/QUEUE_MESSAGE_OTA_SIZE) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } }//end of OTA message loop if(bNodeIsResponding == false) { //no abort was called but node didn’t responded --> error bAbort = true; //this will stop the partition segement loop err = ESP_FAIL; //this OTA process failed with error } else { //node has responded with OTA_DATA or OTA_Complete or OTA_ABORT if(err == ESP_OK) { if(bAbort == false) { //no error while ota write --> send OTA_ACK packet sMeshPacket.type = OTA_ACK; err = errSendMeshPacket(pMeshNodeAddr, &sMeshPacket); } } else { // error while read --> send OTA_ABORT and abort this OTA process sMeshPacket.type = OTA_Abort; bAbort = true; errSendMeshPacket(pMeshNodeAddr, &sMeshPacket); } } }//end of partition segement loop if(bComplete == true) { //all OTA segments received --> validate ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_end(otaHandle)); ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_set_boot_partition(pOTAPartition)); if(err == ESP_OK) { //successfully updated OTA partition *pbNewOTAImage = true; } } else { //not all OTA segments received --> abort this OTA process ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_abort(otaHandle)); } return err; }