# FTDI_simple_alarm Use an USB-Serial Converter like the FT232RL for activating an buzzer. Simple and cheap (~1,75€) ## Features: * works on GNU/Linux only * no drivers or other software/libs are requidered * triggerd via bash or service daemon ## Limitations: * works safe on system with only one /dev/ttyUSB device * no other task can use the FTDI device for other things ## Handware: 1. FT232RL Breakout board ~1,5€ 2. NPN Transistor like 2N2222A ~0,0€ 3. Active Buzzer 5V ~0,25€ ### Schematics: ![](https://git.mosad.xyz/localhorst/FTDI_simple_alarm/raw/commit/13a1200aea0d3dfb92495ae7d7f4993ddc4338f6/img/schematics.png) ## Software: ### Commmon Distributions Make shure the device is recocntied as ttyUSB after plug in with `dmesg`. Edit the alarm.sh with your device name, like `/dev/ttyUSB0` run `bash ./alarm.sh` for starting the alarm. ### openWrt `opkg update` `opkg install kmod-usb-serial` `opkg install kmod-usb-serial-ftdi` Make shure the device is recocntied as ttyUSB after plug in with `dmesg`. Edit the alarm.sh with your device name, like `/dev/ttyUSB0` run `bash ./alarm.sh` for starting the alarm. ### Service todo