# Micro-Nav-Lights-Controller Use your RC Receiver for controlling navigation light, a ultra bright spot light and your FPV camera. #### Fast overview: Video will come soon. [![IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE](https://img.youtube.com/vi//0.jpg)] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=) ## 1.Hardware: - Atmel Attiny 13A PU - 5x ultra bright 3mm led, red and green - 8x ltra bright 3mm led, white - 3x Transistor 2N3904 - Elko XXV XXXµF - Socket for Attiny - Some servo wires - A hackable fpv camera with hybrid ir lens ## 2.Software: - get your isp-programmer (ex. USBasp) working, linux is your friend - install latest Arduino IDE and drivers - install the MicroCore https://github.com/MCUdude/MicroCore - enable #define ENABLE_MICROS in avr/cores/microcore/core_settings.h ## 3.Libraries used in this project: - none. ### Installation: 1. prepare Hardware. Ground to Ground and the rest like the schematics (comming soon). 2. Upload the sketch to the Arduino with the ISP-Programmer. 3. Set the switches on your RC control for the two channels. 7. Power everything up. 8. Enjoy your Micro-Nav-Lights-Controller. Bug and Features: Please report bugs and wishes to me. Thanks!