# Restic-Backend-Watchdog Watchdog for restic backup that are automatic triggered via an interval **TLDR:** Bash script that emails you if your restic backup interval is overdue. ![Screenshot of email](https://git.mosad.xyz/CopterSicht/Restic-Backend-Watchdog/raw/branch/master/Screenshot_20200425_112352.png) ## How does it work? The script monitors the backend of a restic backup. The bash script is executed via cronjob or a systemd-timer periodically. The user sets an interval for each restic repo (e.g. your laptop-backup). This is the same interval as the one that triggers the automatic backup from your device. If your automatic backup failed (e.g. no Internet), there will be no changes in den repo. The script will notice that and emails you. ## Features * runs just with bash * no restic authentication needed * multiple repos * individual interval for each repo * custom email server via [mailsend](https://github.com/muquit/mailsend/blob/master/doc/examples.mediawiki) * loud alarm buzzer via [FTDI_simple_alarm](https://git.mosad.xyz/localhorst/FTDI_simple_alarm) ## Planned Features * Able to determine a failed restic repo task from a successful task ## Installation #### 1. download the check_AutoBackup.sh #### 2. chmod +x check_AutoBackup.sh #### 3. install mailsend #### 4. edit settings in check_AutoBackup.sh ``` DEBUG="true" #true --> dont send email timestampFolder="index" #folder for reading timestamp backupFolder="./backups" #directory that contains all repos receiverEmail="mailuser@maildomain.tld" senderEmail="mailuser@maildomain.tld" ``` #### 5. edit repo settings in check_AutoBackup.sh ``` repos_name[0]=" first backup repo" repos_directory[0]="first_repo" #repo in backupFolder repos_interval[0]=21600 #sec repos_interval_tolerance[0]=10 #% ``` #### 6. install crontab or systemd-timer For systemd see `CheckAutoBackup.service` and `CheckAutoBackup.timer` For corntab see ``` 5 2,8,14,20 * * * /root/check_AutoBackup.sh >/dev/null 2>& ``` #### 7. optional install FTDI simple alarm [FTDI_simple_alarm](https://git.mosad.xyz/localhorst/FTDI_simple_alarm) uncomment line 167 in check_AutoBackup.sh