package org.hso.ecommerce.controller.intern; import; import; import; import org.hso.ecommerce.entities.supplier.ArticleOffer; import; import; import; import; import org.hso.ecommerce.repos.warehouse.WarehouseBookingPositionSlotEntryRepository; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.Model; import org.springframework.util.DigestUtils; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; import org.springframework.web.servlet.view.RedirectView; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; @Controller @RequestMapping("intern/articles") public class InternArticleController { @Autowired private final ArticleRepository articleRepository = null; @Autowired private final WarehouseBookingPositionSlotEntryRepository warehouseEntryRepository = null; @Autowired private final CategoryRepository categoryRepository = null; @Autowired private final OffersRepository offersRepository = null; @Autowired private final ImageRepository imageRepository = null; @GetMapping("/") public String internListedArticles(Model model) { List totals = new ArrayList(); for (Article article : articleRepository.findAll()) { UImodelArticles tmp = new UImodelArticles(); tmp.addListedArticle(article, warehouseEntryRepository .getByArticle( .stream() .mapToInt(e -> e.newSumSlot) .sum()); totals.add(tmp); } model.addAttribute("ListedArticles", totals); return "intern/listedArticles/index"; } @GetMapping("/{id}") public String internListedArticlesId(Model model, @PathVariable String id) { long articleId = Long.parseLong(id); UImodelArticle total = new UImodelArticle(); total.addArticle( articleRepository.findById(articleId).get(), warehouseEntryRepository.getByArticle(articleId) .stream() .mapToInt(e -> e.newSumSlot) .sum()); model.addAttribute("ArticleID", total); return "intern/listedArticles/id"; } @PostMapping("/{id}/saveChanges") public RedirectView saveChanges(@PathVariable(required = true) int id, @RequestParam(value = "title", required = true) String title, @RequestParam(value = "description", required = true) String description, @RequestParam(value = "units-per-slot", required = true) String warehouseUnitsPerSlot, @RequestParam(value = "priceNet", required = true) String pricenetto, @RequestParam(value = "reorderMaxPrice", required = true) String reorderMaxPrice, @RequestParam(value = "autobuy", required = true) Boolean shouldReorder, @RequestParam(value = "categorie", required = true) String categories, @RequestParam(value = "img", required = true) MultipartFile imgFile) { Article tmpArticle = articleRepository.findArticleById(id); // get the old article String[] separatedCategories = categories.split("\n"); tmpArticle.categories.clear(); // loop through all categories strings and create a new category if a new one; // also adds the categories to the article for (String category : separatedCategories) { tmpArticle.categories.add(categoryRepository.findCategoryByName(category.trim()) .orElseGet(() -> new Category(category.trim()))); } tmpArticle.shouldReorder = shouldReorder; tmpArticle.reorderMaxPrice = (int) (Float.parseFloat(reorderMaxPrice) * 100); tmpArticle.shopPricePerUnitNetCent = (int) (Float.parseFloat(pricenetto) * 100); tmpArticle.warehouseUnitsPerSlot = Integer.parseInt(warehouseUnitsPerSlot); tmpArticle.title = title; updateImage(tmpArticle, imgFile); tmpArticle.description = description;; // save updated article return new RedirectView("../"); // return to overview page } @PostMapping("/addArticle/{id}") public RedirectView addArticle(@PathVariable(required = true) String id) { // article is not already listed, create new one int offeredArticleID = Integer.parseInt(id); Article tmpArticle = new Article(); ArticleOffer offeredArticle = offersRepository.findOfferedArticleById(offeredArticleID); // set default values tmpArticle.description = ""; tmpArticle.reorderMaxPrice = 0; tmpArticle.shopPricePerUnitNetCent = offeredArticle.pricePerUnitNet; tmpArticle.shouldReorder = false; tmpArticle.title = offeredArticle.title; tmpArticle.warehouseUnitsPerSlot = 1; setDefaultImage(tmpArticle); tmpArticle.related = offeredArticle;; // save new article // return to edit article page return new RedirectView("../" + articleRepository.findArticleIDByRelatedID(offeredArticleID).get()); } private void setDefaultImage(Article article) { String defaultImagePath = "./data/img/no_product_img.jpg"; // path + name of default img Optional imageID = imageRepository.findImageIDByPath(defaultImagePath); // get default img if (imageID.isPresent()) { // default img is in DB article.image = imageRepository.findImageById(imageID.get()); // set default img to new article } else { // default img is not in DB File tmpFile = new File(defaultImagePath); // test if default img file exits if (!tmpFile.exists()) { // fallback if the file not exists // create new file BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(422, 428, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); try { ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "jpg", new File(defaultImagePath)); // save new file on disk } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Image defaultImage = new Image(); defaultImage.path = defaultImagePath; // set new file to default img; // save default img article.image = defaultImage; // set default img to new article } } private void updateImage(Article article, MultipartFile imgFile) { // check if a file is present if (imgFile.getSize() > 0) { try { // get file name based on MD5 hash String fileName = DigestUtils.md5DigestAsHex(imgFile.getBytes()) + ".jpg"; // check if img is already in system Optional imageID = imageRepository.findImageIDByPath("./data/img/" + fileName); if (imageID.isPresent()) { article.image = imageRepository.findImageById(imageID.get()); // add existing img to article } else { Path targetPath = Paths.get("./data/img/"); if (Files.notExists(targetPath)) { Files.createDirectories(targetPath); } // write new img file to disk Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get(targetPath.toString(), fileName)).write(imgFile.getBytes()); // create new img Image newImage = new Image(); newImage.path = "./data/img/" + fileName; // set new file to new img; // save new img article.image = newImage; // set new img to article } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); setDefaultImage(article); // if upload failed, reset to default img } } } public static class UImodelArticles { public String imgPath; public String title; public String price; public String priceNet; public String categorie; public int stock; public long offerID; public long id; void addListedArticle(Article article, int stock) { if (article.image != null) { this.imgPath = article.image.path; } this.title = article.title; this.priceNet = String.format("%.2f", ((float) article.shopPricePerUnitNetCent / 100)); this.price = String.format("%.2f", ((float) article.getPriceGross() / 100)); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (Category temp : article.categories) { result.append( + " "); } this.categorie = result.toString(); this.stock = stock; this.offerID =; =; } } public static class UImodelArticle { public String imgPath; public String title; public String price; public String priceNet; public String reorderMaxPrice; public String categorie; public int stock; public long offerID; public long id; public boolean shouldReorder; public String warehouseUnitsPerSlot; public String description; public int vatPercent; public String getCategorie() { return categorie; } public String getDescription() { return description; } void addArticle(Article article, int stock) { if (article.image != null) { this.imgPath = article.image.path; } this.title = article.title; this.priceNet = String.format("%.2f", ((float) article.shopPricePerUnitNetCent / 100)); this.price = String.format("%.2f", ((float) article.getPriceGross() / 100)); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (Category temp : article.categories) { result.append(; result.append("\n"); } this.categorie = result.toString(); this.stock = stock; this.offerID =; =; this.reorderMaxPrice = String.format("%.2f", ((float) article.reorderMaxPrice / 100)); this.shouldReorder = article.shouldReorder; this.warehouseUnitsPerSlot = String.valueOf(article.warehouseUnitsPerSlot); this.description = article.description; this.vatPercent = article.related.vatPercent; } } }