# eq3bt-exporter Scrapes [EQ3](https://www.eq-3.com/products/eqiva/detail/bluetooth-smart-radiator-thermostat.html) bluetooth device and export as prometheus metric. ## Requirements - `git clone https://github.com/rytilahti/python-eq3bt` - `cd python-eq3bt` - `pip install .` - Pair the eq3bt as shown in the python-eq3bt README ## Features and Limitations - Polls data ever 5 minutes from the EQ3 - Caches the data for faster prometheus crapes - Only suppoting **one** eq3bt device at this dev stage ## Config Set your MAC in `eq3bt-exporter.py`. ## Usage to start: `python3 q3bt-exporter.py` to get metrics: `curl` Example metrics: ``` eq3bt_expoter_duration_seconds_sum 3 eq3bt_exporter_request_count 9 eq3bt_exporter_scrape_healthy 1 eq3bt_target_temperature 12 eq3bt_valve 12 eq3bt_low_battery 0 eq3bt_window_open 0 ``` ## Permanent Install `cd /usr/bin/` `git clone https://git.mosad.xyz/localhorst/eq3bt-exporter` `cd eq3bt-exporter` Change host/port in `q3bt-exporter.py` `mv eq3bt-exporter.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/` `systemctl daemon-reload` `systemctl enable --now /usr/lib/systemd/system/eq3bt-exporter.service` `systemctl status eq3bt-exporter.service`