# LegacyIP Warn Fork from: [https://gitlab.com/margau_me/legacyip-warn](https://gitlab.com/margau_me/legacyip-warn) This project allows you to inject an warning banner for IPv4-users with a NGINX webserver. It consists of two snippets and an example vhost configuration. Blog Post: [https://margau.net/posts/2020-09-06-legacyip-warn/](https://margau.net/posts/2020-09-06-legacyip-warn/) # Install copy `legacy-banner.conf` to `/etc/nginx/snippets/legacy-banner.conf` copy `legacy-js.conf` to `/etc/nginx/snippets/legacy-js.conf` Add the script to the site config like this: geo $ipv4 { ipv4; } server { #Listen SSL+HTTP/2 listen 443 ssl http2; listen [::]:443 ssl http2; #Server Name here include /etc/nginx/snippets/legacy-js.conf; location / { #normal location or proxy settings # IP Legacy Banner include /etc/nginx/snippets/legacy-banner.conf; if ($ipv4 ~ "^$") { set $legacy ""; } sub_filter "script-src" "script-src 'unsafe-inline'"; sub_filter "" $legacy; } }