# mac_watcher Scrape the MAC table from HP ProCurve switch and altert if a untrusted MAC is found. ## Overview ## Scrape all known MAC addresses via snmp from a HP ProCurve switch. If a reported MAC is not i a white list, a alert is sent via email. ## Install ## - `pip install mac-vendor-lookup` - `cd /opt/` - `git clone https://git.mosad.xyz/localhorst/mac_watcher.git` - `cd /opt/mac_watcher/` - Set the constants in `config.py` - `chmod +x /opt/mac_watcher/mac_watcher.py` - `cp scripts/mac-watcher.service /etc/systemd/system/mac-watcher.service` - `systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl enable --now mac-watcher.service`