#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Author: Hendrik Schutter, mail@hendrikschutter.com Date of creation: 2022/05/23 Date of last modification: 2022/05/23 """ from rpi_lcd import LCD import netifaces as ni import subprocess import time import shutil import sys lcd = LCD(address=0x3f, bus=2, width=16, rows=2, backlight=True) def get_ip_addr(interfce_name): return { "ipv4": ni.ifaddresses(interfce_name)[ni.AF_INET][0]['addr'], "ipv6": ni.ifaddresses(interfce_name)[ni.AF_INET6][0]['addr'] , } def get_wireguard_state(config_name): try: last_handshake_unix_timestamp = subprocess.check_output(f"wg show {config_name} latest-handshakes", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return False return True def get_disk_usage(disk_path): total, used, free = shutil.disk_usage(disk_path) return str(format((free // (2**30)) / (total // (2**30)) * 100.0,'.2f')) + '%' def get_uptime(): with open('/proc/uptime', 'r') as f: uptime_seconds = float(f.readline().split()[0]) if (uptime_seconds >= (60.0*60.0*24.0)): return str(format(uptime_seconds/(60.0*60.0*24.0),'.2f')) + ' days' else: return str(format((uptime_seconds/(60.0*60.0)),'.2f')) + ' hours' return strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime(60*60*24)) def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 4: print("exiting due to few arguments") exit(-1) local_interface = sys.argv[1] wireguard_interface = sys.argv[2] disk_path = sys.argv[3] #print(get_ip_addr(local_interface)) #print(get_wireguard_state(wireguard_interface)) #print(get_disk_usage(disk_path)) #print(get_uptime()) lcd.clear() lcd.text(" Offsite Backup", 1) lcd.text(" fckaf.de/FHA", 2) time.sleep(2.0) state_ok = False while(True): if state_ok == False: lcd.backlight(turn_on=True) lcd.clear() lcd.text("Local IPv4:", 1) lcd.text(get_ip_addr(local_interface)["ipv4"], 2, align='right') time.sleep(2.4) lcd.clear() lcd.text("Local IPv6:", 1) lcd.text(get_ip_addr(local_interface)["ipv6"][14:-1], 2, align='right') time.sleep(2.4) lcd.clear() lcd.text("Waiting for VPN", 1) for loops in range(4): for fill in range(14): if loops % 2 == 0: lcd.text("<>".rjust(fill), 2, align='left') else: lcd.text("<>".ljust(fill), 2, align='right') time.sleep(0.1) if get_wireguard_state(wireguard_interface): state_ok = True lcd.clear() lcd.text(" VPN connected ", 1) time.sleep(10.0) else: lcd.backlight(turn_on=False) lcd.clear() lcd.text("Local IPv4:", 1) lcd.text(get_ip_addr(local_interface)["ipv4"], 2, align='right') time.sleep(5.0) lcd.clear() lcd.text("Local IPv6:", 1) lcd.text(get_ip_addr(local_interface)["ipv6"][14:-1], 2, align='right') time.sleep(5.0) lcd.clear() lcd.text("Free Disk:", 1) lcd.text(get_disk_usage(disk_path), 2, align='right') time.sleep(5.0) lcd.clear() lcd.text("System Uptime:", 1) lcd.text(get_uptime(), 2, align='right') time.sleep(5.0) lcd.clear() lcd.text(" VPN Connected ", 1) time.sleep(40.0) #sleep a lot to idle cpu #check if wireguard is still connected state_ok = get_wireguard_state(wireguard_interface) if __name__ == "__main__": main()