# reHDD ## Useful for: * checking new drives for the first time * checking used drives for their next live * deleting a drive securely via overwriting ## Screenshot ![alt text](https://git.mosad.xyz/localhorst/reHDD/raw/commit/95828afcc2e417b9cb64a4add98ae9c3c7628e84/doc/screenshot.png "Screenshot") ## Debian Build Notes * `apt-get install ncurses-dev git make g++` * `make release` ## Create Standalone with Debian 11 Instructions how to create a standalone machine that boots directly to reHDD. This is aimed for production use, like several drives a day shredding. * Start reHDD after boot without login (as a tty1 shell) * Start dmesg after boot without login (as a tty2 shell) * Start htop after boot without login (as a tty3 shell) * Upload reHDD log every 12h if wanted ### Software requirements * `apt-get install hwinfo smartmontools curl` ### Installation clone this repo into /root/ `cd /root/reHDD/` `make release` `bash scripts/install_reHDD.bash` If you want to upload the logs, edit `scripts/reHDDLogUploader.bash` with your nextcloud token Add your system drive in `/root/reHDD/ignoreDrives.conf` like: ```e102f49d``` Get the first 8 Bytes from your UUID via `blkid /dev/sdX` `reboot`