/** * @file drive.h * @brief represent physical drive * @author hendrik schutter * @date 01.05.2020 */ #ifndef DRIVE_H_ #define DRIVE_H_ #include "reHDD.h" class Drive { public: enum TaskState {NONE, SHRED_SELECTED, SHRED_ACTIVE, //shred iterations active CHECK_ACTIVE, //optional checking active DELETE_SELECTED, DELETE_ACTIVE, FROZEN } state; struct { time_t u32ShredTimeDelta; std::chrono::time_point chronoShredTimestamp; unsigned long ulWrittenBytes; unsigned long ulSpeedMetricBytesWritten; } sShredSpeed; bool bWasShredded = false; //all shred iterations done bool bWasChecked = false; //all shred iterations and optional checking done bool bWasDeleted = false; bool bIsOffline = false; uint32_t u32DriveChecksumAfterShredding = 0U; private: string sPath; time_t u32Timestamp = 0U; //unix timestamp for detecting a frozen drive double d32TaskPercentage = 0U; //in percent for Shred (1 to 100) time_t u32TimestampTaskStart = 0U; //unix timestamp for duration of an action time_t u32TaskDuration = 0U; //time needed to complete the task struct { string sModelFamily; string sModelName; string sSerial; uint64_t u64Capacity = 0U; //in byte uint32_t u32ErrorCount = 0U; uint32_t u32PowerOnHours = 0U; //in hours uint32_t u32PowerCycles = 0U; uint32_t u32Temperature = 0U; //in Fahrenheit, just kidding: degree Celsius } sSmartData; private: void setTimestamp(); protected: public: Drive(string path) { this->sPath = path; } string getPath(void); string getModelFamily(void); string getModelName(void); string getSerial(void); uint64_t getCapacity(void); //in byte uint32_t getErrorCount(void); uint32_t getPowerOnHours(void); //in hours uint32_t getPowerCycles(void); uint32_t getTemperature(void); //in Fahrenheit, just kidding: degree Celsius void checkFrozenDrive(void); void setDriveSMARTData( string modelFamily, string modelName, string serial, uint64_t capacity, uint32_t errorCount, uint32_t powerOnHours, uint32_t powerCycles, uint32_t temperature); string sCapacityToText(); string sErrorCountToText(); string sPowerOnHoursToText(); string sPowerCyclesToText(); string sTemperatureToText(); void setTaskPercentage(double d32TaskPercentage); double getTaskPercentage(void); void setActionStartTimestamp(); time_t getActionStartTimestamp(); void calculateTaskDuration(); time_t getTaskDuration(); }; #endif // DRIVE_H_