# reHDDPrinter # - Generate label and print them via brother QL-570. - Receive data from [reHDD](https://git.mosad.xyz/localhorst/reHDD) via IPC message queue. ## Example Label ![Screenshot of label](https://git.mosad.xyz/localhorst/reHDDPrinter/raw/commit/977baf27db7d7460cac0be9eea6b545afbd118d0/output.png "Example Label ") ## Install ## `pip install qrcode sysv-ipc pycstruct brother-ql` ``` cd /root/ git clone https://git.mosad.xyz/localhorst/reHDDPrinter.git cd reHDDPrinter chmod +x reHDDPrinter.py cp reHDDPrinter.service /lib/systemd/system/reHDDPrinter.service systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable --now /lib/systemd/system/reHDDPrinter.service ``` ## Test printer manually ## ``` export BROTHER_QL_PRINTER=file:///dev/usb/lp0 export BROTHER_QL_MODEL=QL-570 ``` `brother_ql print -l 62 Untitled.png` ## Printer/Paper Info ## - Brother QL-570 - Paper With: 62mm or 696px see https://github.com/pklaus/brother_ql