# svg2gcode Convert vector images (SVG) to gcode for usage with a laser plotter. Based on the vector to gcode implementation from [Vishal Patil](https://github.com/vishpat/svg2gcode) # Requirements `pip install inkex` # Usage `clear && cat test_data/10mmx10mm.svg | python3 svg2gcode.py > test_data/test.gcode` ## Fix for Pronterface `nano /usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/printrun/gl/libtatlin/actors.py` replace content in lines 442 to 447 with: ``` prev_move_normal_x = 0 prev_move_normal_y = 0 prev_move_angle = 0 prev_pos = (0, 0, 0) prev_gline = None layer_idx = 0 ```