# ttn-esp32 **The Things Network device library for ESP-IDF (ESP32) supporting devices with Semtech SX127x chips** This ESP32 component provides LoRaWAN communication with [The Things Network](https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/). It supports: - OTAA (over-the-air activation) - uplink and downlink messages - saving the EUIs and key in non-volatile memory - deep sleep and power off without the need for rejoining - [AT commands](https://github.com/manuelbl/ttn-esp32/wiki/AT-Commands) for provisioning EUIs and key (so the same code can be flashed to several devices) - support for regions Europe, North and South America, Australia, Korea, Asia and India - C and C++ API The library is based on the LMIC library from IBM (specifically the well-maintained version by MCCI – see their [GitHub repository](https://github.com/mcci-catena/arduino-lmic)) and provides a high-level API specifically targeted at The Things Network. ## New in version 4.x - Support for deep sleep and power off (see [Deep Sleep and Power Off](https://github.com/manuelbl/ttn-esp32/wiki/Deep-Sleep-and-Power-Off)) - Verified compatibility with ESP-IDF v4.3 and 5.0 - Upgraded underlying library mcci-catena/arduino-lmic to v4.2.0-1 - C API - Support for sub-bands - Dropped support for *Makefile* builds ## Get Started Follow the detailed [Get Started Guide](https://github.com/manuelbl/ttn-esp32/wiki/Get-Started) in the Wiki. ## Supported Boards All boards with Semtech SX127x chips, RFM9x and compatibles are supported. It includes boards from ttgo, Heltec and HopeRF. For several of them, the [Pin Configuration](https://github.com/manuelbl/ttn-esp32/wiki/Boards-and-Pins) is described in detail. ## API Documentation See [API Documentation](https://codecrete.net/ttn-esp32/) for both the C ad C++ API ## More information More information can be found on the [Wiki pages](https://github.com/manuelbl/ttn-esp32/wiki).