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<div class="title">xCoRoutineCreate</div> </div>
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<p>croutine. h </p><pre>
BaseType_t xCoRoutineCreate(
crCOROUTINE_CODE pxCoRoutineCode,
UBaseType_t uxPriority,
UBaseType_t uxIndex
);</pre><p>Create a new co-routine and add it to the list of co-routines that are ready to run.</p>
<dl class="params"><dt>Parameters</dt><dd>
<table class="params">
<tr><td class="paramname">pxCoRoutineCode</td><td>Pointer to the co-routine function. Co-routine functions require special syntax - see the co-routine section of the WEB documentation for more information.</td></tr>
<tr><td class="paramname">uxPriority</td><td>The priority with respect to other co-routines at which the co-routine will run.</td></tr>
<tr><td class="paramname">uxIndex</td><td>Used to distinguish between different co-routines that execute the same function. See the example below and the co-routine section of the WEB documentation for further information.</td></tr>
<dl class="section return"><dt>Returns</dt><dd>pdPASS if the co-routine was successfully created and added to a ready list, otherwise an error code defined with ProjDefs.h.</dd></dl>
<p>Example usage: </p><pre>
// Co-routine to be created.
void vFlashCoRoutine( CoRoutineHandle_t xHandle, UBaseType_t uxIndex )
// Variables in co-routines must be declared static if they must maintain value across a blocking call.
// This may not be necessary for const variables.
static const char cLedToFlash[ 2 ] = { 5, 6 };
static const TickType_t uxFlashRates[ 2 ] = { 200, 400 };</pre><pre> // Must start every co-routine with a call to <a class="el" href="croutine_8h.html#a19a57a201a325e8af1207ed68c4aedde">crSTART()</a>;
<a class="el" href="croutine_8h.html#a19a57a201a325e8af1207ed68c4aedde">crSTART( xHandle )</a>;</pre><pre> for( ;; )
// This co-routine just delays for a fixed period, then toggles
// an LED. Two co-routines are created using this function, so
// the uxIndex parameter is used to tell the co-routine which
// LED to flash and how int32_t to delay. This assumes xQueue has
// already been created.
vParTestToggleLED( cLedToFlash[ uxIndex ] );
<a class="el" href="croutine_8h.html#a05a06feb11028f2d1d440ea335f562ba">crDELAY( xHandle, uxFlashRates[ uxIndex ] )</a>;
}</pre><pre> // Must end every co-routine with a call to <a class="el" href="croutine_8h.html#ae6038cc976689b50000475ebfc4e2f23">crEND()</a>;
<a class="el" href="croutine_8h.html#ae6038cc976689b50000475ebfc4e2f23">crEND()</a>;
}</pre><pre>// Function that creates two co-routines.
void vOtherFunction( void )
uint8_t ucParameterToPass;
TaskHandle_t xHandle;</pre><pre> // Create two co-routines at priority 0. The first is given index 0
// so (from the code above) toggles LED 5 every 200 ticks. The second
// is given index 1 so toggles LED 6 every 400 ticks.
for( uxIndex = 0; uxIndex &lt; 2; uxIndex++ )
xCoRoutineCreate( vFlashCoRoutine, 0, uxIndex );
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