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<div class="title">xEventGroupSetBits<div class="ingroups"><a class="el" href="group___event_group.html">EventGroup</a></div></div> </div>
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Collaboration diagram for xEventGroupSetBits:</div>
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<p><a class="el" href="event__groups_8h.html">event_groups.h</a> </p><pre>
EventBits_t <a class="el" href="event__groups_8h.html#a02d7b3bb55f7e11d9c47116266c5fb2e">xEventGroupSetBits( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup, const EventBits_t uxBitsToSet )</a>;
</pre><p>Set bits within an event group. This function cannot be called from an interrupt. <a class="el" href="event__groups_8h.html#a62b68278abac6358369ae8e390988a02">xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR()</a> is a version that can be called from an interrupt.</p>
<p>Setting bits in an event group will automatically unblock tasks that are blocked waiting for the bits.</p>
<dl class="params"><dt>Parameters</dt><dd>
<table class="params">
<tr><td class="paramname">xEventGroup</td><td>The event group in which the bits are to be set.</td></tr>
<tr><td class="paramname">uxBitsToSet</td><td>A bitwise value that indicates the bit or bits to set. For example, to set bit 3 only, set uxBitsToSet to 0x08. To set bit 3 and bit 0 set uxBitsToSet to 0x09.</td></tr>
<dl class="section return"><dt>Returns</dt><dd>The value of the event group at the time the call to <a class="el" href="event__groups_8h.html#a02d7b3bb55f7e11d9c47116266c5fb2e">xEventGroupSetBits()</a> returns. There are two reasons why the returned value might have the bits specified by the uxBitsToSet parameter cleared. First, if setting a bit results in a task that was waiting for the bit leaving the blocked state then it is possible the bit will be cleared automatically (see the xClearBitOnExit parameter of <a class="el" href="event__groups_8h.html#aab9d5b405bc57b7624dcabe9a9a503db">xEventGroupWaitBits()</a>). Second, any unblocked (or otherwise Ready state) task that has a priority above that of the task that called <a class="el" href="event__groups_8h.html#a02d7b3bb55f7e11d9c47116266c5fb2e">xEventGroupSetBits()</a> will execute and may change the event group value before the call to <a class="el" href="event__groups_8h.html#a02d7b3bb55f7e11d9c47116266c5fb2e">xEventGroupSetBits()</a> returns.</dd></dl>
<p>Example usage: </p><pre>
#define BIT_0 ( 1 &lt;&lt; 0 )
#define BIT_4 ( 1 &lt;&lt; 4 )</pre><pre> void aFunction( EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup )
EventBits_t uxBits;</pre><pre> // Set bit 0 and bit 4 in xEventGroup.
uxBits = xEventGroupSetBits(
xEventGroup, // The event group being updated.
BIT_0 | BIT_4 );// The bits being set.</pre><pre> if( ( uxBits &amp; ( BIT_0 | BIT_4 ) ) == ( BIT_0 | BIT_4 ) )
// Both bit 0 and bit 4 remained set when the function returned.
else if( ( uxBits &amp; BIT_0 ) != 0 )
// Bit 0 remained set when the function returned, but bit 4 was
// cleared. It might be that bit 4 was cleared automatically as a
// task that was waiting for bit 4 was removed from the Blocked
// state.
else if( ( uxBits &amp; BIT_4 ) != 0 )
// Bit 4 remained set when the function returned, but bit 0 was
// cleared. It might be that bit 0 was cleared automatically as a
// task that was waiting for bit 0 was removed from the Blocked
// state.
// Neither bit 0 nor bit 4 remained set. It might be that a task
// was waiting for both of the bits to be set, and the bits were
// cleared as the task left the Blocked state.
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