added resistance for Driver-Board

This commit is contained in:
Hendrik Schutter 2019-02-16 20:35:00 +01:00
parent 46fcc4d63c
commit beff439810
5 changed files with 137 additions and 45 deletions

View File

@ -10,71 +10,98 @@ LightMux::LightMux()
adaptive_brightness = false;
fullCommonColor = ((warmest_temperature + coldest_temperature) / 2);
qDebug("full common color: %i\n", fullCommonColor);
cold_resistance_range.low = 100.0;
cold_resistance_range.high = 900.0;
warm_resistance_range.low = 100.0;
warm_resistance_range.high = 900.0;
void LightMux::mux(){
struct powermix mixed;
if(adaptive_brightness == true){
mixed = mux_adaptiv();
} else {
void LightMux::mux_linear() {
if(temperatur == fullCommonColor){
qDebug("same as full common color\n");
power_cold = 100;
power_warm = 100;
} else if(temperatur < fullCommonColor) {
qDebug("lower as full common color\n");
// warm led dominant
// cold led recessive
power_warm = 100;
double a = double(((temperatur * (power_warm/100)) - ((power_warm/100) * warmest_temperature)));
double b = double((coldest_temperature - temperatur));
double c = a / b * 100;
power_cold = static_cast<int>(c + .5);
} else if(temperatur > fullCommonColor) {
qDebug("higher as full common color\n");
// cold led dominant
// warm led recessive
power_cold = 100;
double a = double(((temperatur * (power_cold/100)) - ((power_cold/100) * coldest_temperature)));
double b = double((warmest_temperature - temperatur));
double c = a / b * 100;
power_warm = static_cast<int>(c + .5);
mixed = mux_linear();
power_cold = static_cast<int>(double(power_cold * (double(brightness/100.0))) + .5);
power_warm = static_cast<int>(double(power_warm * (double(brightness/100.0))) + .5);
power_cold = static_cast<int>(double(mixed.cold * (double(brightness/100.0))) + .5);
power_warm = static_cast<int>(double(mixed.warm * (double(brightness/100.0))) + .5);
qDebug("cold color: %i\nwarm color: %i\n", power_cold, power_warm);
power_combined = static_cast<int>(double(power_cold+power_warm) / 2.0);
resistance_cold = static_cast<int>(double(map(power_cold, 0.0, 100.0, cold_resistance_range.low, cold_resistance_range.high)));
resistance_warm = static_cast<int>(double(map(power_warm, 0.0, 100.0, warm_resistance_range.low, warm_resistance_range.high)));
struct LightMux::powermix LightMux::mux_linear() {
struct powermix tmp;
if(temperatur == fullCommonColor){
qDebug("same as full common color\n");
tmp.cold = 100;
tmp.warm = 100;
} else if(temperatur < fullCommonColor) {
qDebug("lower as full common color\n");
// warm led dominant
// cold led recessive
tmp.warm = 100;
double a = double(((temperatur * (tmp.warm/100)) - ((tmp.warm/100) * warmest_temperature)));
double b = double((coldest_temperature - temperatur));
double c = a / b * 100;
tmp.cold = static_cast<int>(c + .5);
} else if(temperatur > fullCommonColor) {
qDebug("higher as full common color\n");
// cold led dominant
// warm led recessive
tmp.cold = 100;
double a = double(((temperatur * (tmp.cold/100)) - ((tmp.cold/100) * coldest_temperature)));
double b = double((warmest_temperature - temperatur));
double c = a / b * 100;
tmp.warm = static_cast<int>(c + .5);
return tmp;
void LightMux::mux_adaptiv(){
struct LightMux::powermix LightMux::mux_adaptiv(){
struct powermix tmp;
if(temperatur == fullCommonColor){
qDebug("same as full common color\n");
power_cold = 50;
power_warm = 50;
tmp.cold = 50;
tmp.warm = 50;
} else if(temperatur < fullCommonColor) {
qDebug("lower as full common color\n");
// warm led dominant
// cold led recessive
double a = double((temperatur) - (warmest_temperature));
double b = double((-warmest_temperature + coldest_temperature));
double c = a / b * 100;
power_cold = static_cast<int>(c + .5);
power_warm = 100 - power_cold;
tmp.cold = static_cast<int>(c + .5);
tmp.warm = 100 - tmp.cold;
} else if(temperatur > fullCommonColor) {
qDebug("higher as full common color\n");
// cold led dominant
@ -83,16 +110,11 @@ void LightMux::mux_adaptiv(){
double a = double((temperatur) - (coldest_temperature));
double b = double((-coldest_temperature + warmest_temperature));
double c = a / b * 100;
power_warm = static_cast<int>(c + .5);
power_cold = 100 - power_warm;
tmp.warm = static_cast<int>(c + .5);
tmp.cold = 100 - tmp.warm;
power_cold = static_cast<int>(double(power_cold * (double(brightness/100.0))) + .5);
power_warm = static_cast<int>(double(power_warm * (double(brightness/100.0))) + .5);
qDebug("cold color: %i\nwarm color: %i\n", power_cold, power_warm);
power_combined = static_cast<int>(double(power_cold+power_warm) / 2.0);
return tmp;
@ -184,6 +206,10 @@ void LightMux::toogleAdaptiveBrightness(){
double LightMux::map(double value, double fromLow, double fromHigh, double toLow, double toHigh){
return toLow + (toHigh - toLow) * ((value - fromLow) / (fromHigh - fromLow));
int LightMux::getBrightness(){
return brightness;
@ -211,3 +237,11 @@ int LightMux::getPowerWarm(){
int LightMux::getPowerCombined(){
return power_combined;
int LightMux::getResistanceCold(){
return resistance_cold;
int LightMux::getResistanceWarm(){
return resistance_warm;

View File

@ -6,6 +6,16 @@ class LightMux
struct range {
double low;
double high;
struct powermix {
int cold;
int warm;
int brightness; // total power of the LED Panels (both colors) in percent
int temperatur; // muxed color temperature of the LED Panels, from coldest to warmest in Kelvin
@ -17,10 +27,16 @@ private:
int power_warm; // power of the warm LEDs of Panels in percent
int power_combined; //combined power of both LEDs in percent
int resistance_cold; // Resistance of the DigiPot on Driver-Board
int resistance_warm; // Resistance of the DigiPot on Driver-Board
int fullCommonColor; // color mix with both LED´s at same brightess
bool adaptive_brightness; // true indecates adaptive brightness is enabled
struct range cold_resistance_range;
struct range warm_resistance_range;
@ -48,11 +64,15 @@ public:
int getPowerCombined();
int getResistanceCold();
int getResistanceWarm();
void toogleAdaptiveBrightness();
void mux_linear(); // brightness will vary by different color temperature
void mux_adaptiv(); // same brightness by different color temperature
struct powermix mux_linear(); // brightness will vary by different color temperature
struct powermix mux_adaptiv(); // same brightness by different color temperature
double map(double value, double fromLow, double fromHigh, double toLow, double toHigh); // remaps the value
#endif // LIGHTMUX_H

View File

@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ void MainWindow::updateUI()
@ -56,6 +58,14 @@ void MainWindow::setLablePowerCombined(int val)
ui->labelPowerCombined->setText("Combined Power: " + QString::number(val) + "%");
void MainWindow::setLableResistanceCold(int val){
ui->labelResistanceCold->setText("Resistance Cold: " + QString::number(val) + "Ω");
void MainWindow::setLableResistanceWarm(int val){
ui->labelResistanceWarm->setText("Resistance Warm: " + QString::number(val) + "Ω");
void MainWindow::on_BtnIncreaseBrightness_clicked()

View File

@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ public:
void setLablePowerCold(int val);
void setLablePowerWarm(int val);
void setLablePowerCombined(int val);
void setLableResistanceCold(int val);
void setLableResistanceWarm(int val);
private slots:
void on_BtnIncreaseBrightness_clicked();

View File

@ -298,6 +298,32 @@
<string>adaptive brightness</string>
<widget class="QLabel" name="labelResistanceCold">
<property name="geometry">
<property name="text">
<string>Resistance Cold:</string>
<widget class="QLabel" name="labelResistanceWarm">
<property name="geometry">
<property name="text">
<string>Resistance Warm:</string>
<layoutdefault spacing="6" margin="11"/>