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package org.hso.texturesyncclient.view.mainView
import javafx.collections.ObservableList
import javafx.scene.image.Image
import org.hso.texturesyncclient.controller.RootController
import org.hso.texturesyncclient.model.GUIModel
import org.hso.texturesyncclient.model.Texture
import tornadofx.Controller
class MainViewController : Controller() {
private val mv = find(MainView::class)
private val rootc = find(RootController::class)
// FolderView elements
private val folderView = mv.folderView.root
// DetailView elements
private val preview = mv.detailView.preview
private val cvTags = mv.detailView.cvTags
private var lockUpdate: Boolean = false //lock update func when the system changes the detailview chipview
// FolderView functions
fun addElement(element: GUIModel) {
// DetailView functions
fun setPreview3DTexture(img: Image) {
fun setMeta(name: String, res: String, format: String, date: String) {
with(mv.detailView) {
nameInfo.text = name
formatInfo.text = format
resolutionInfo.text = res
dateInfo.text = date
fun setTags(chips: ObservableList<String>) {
lockUpdate = false //dont trigger update with onChange
lockUpdate = true //allow update with onChange
fun getTags(): ObservableList<String> {
return cvTags.chips
fun updateTags() {
if (lockUpdate) { //the chipView was changed by the user
println("Tags changed")
tags = cvTags.chips.toTypedArray(),
name = mv.detailView.nameInfo.text
// MainView actions
fun cvSearchAction(tags: ObservableList<String>) {
// show spinner, block ui
mv.cvSearch.isDisable = true
setPreview3DTexture(Image("icons/TextureSync_Icon_256x256.jpeg")) // reset the 3DPreview to the logo
RootController.selectedTexture = null
runAsync {
} ui {
// when search finished
mv.cvSearch.isDisable = false
fun btnImportAction() {
fun removeTextureFromView(data: Texture) {
// stream all children nodes, filter them as GUIModel with data.id == data.id, for any found object if it's still present remove it from the folderView
folderView.children.stream().filter { x -> (x as GUIModel).data.id == data.id }.findAny()
.ifPresent { x -> folderView.children.remove(x) }
fun setVisibleMetaTags(bool: Boolean) {
if (bool) {
mv.detailView.metadataPanel.isVisible = true
mv.detailView.btnSubmit.isVisible = false
cvTags.isVisible = true
} else {
mv.detailView.metadataPanel.isVisible = false
mv.detailView.btnSubmit.isVisible = false
cvTags.isVisible = false
fun scExport() {
RootController.selectedTexture?.let { rootc.exportTexture(RootController.selectedTexture!!) }