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package org.hso.ecommerce.controller.intern.accounting;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.hso.ecommerce.repos.supplier.SupplierRepository;
import org.hso.ecommerce.repos.user.UserRepository;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ModelAttribute;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
public class ManualAccountingController {
final BookingRepository bookingRepository = null;
final BookingAccountEntryRepository bookingAccountEntryRepository = null;
final UserRepository userRepository = null;
final SupplierRepository supplierRepository = null;
* Collection for the form values used to create a manual booking
public static class ManualAccounting {
String amount;
String source;
String sourceCustomer;
String sourceSupplier;
String destination;
String destinationCustomer;
String destinationSupplier;
String reason;
String reasonText;
* Default constructor with default values for the form
public ManualAccounting() {
amount = "0.00";
reason = "Manual";
public String getAmount() {
return amount;
public void setAmount(String amount) {
this.amount = amount;
public String getSource() {
return source;
public void setSource(String source) {
this.source = source;
public String getSourceCustomer() {
return sourceCustomer;
public void setSourceCustomer(String sourceCustomer) {
this.sourceCustomer = sourceCustomer;
public String getSourceSupplier() {
return sourceSupplier;
public void setSourceSupplier(String sourceSupplier) {
this.sourceSupplier = sourceSupplier;
public String getDestination() {
return destination;
public void setDestination(String destination) {
this.destination = destination;
public String getDestinationCustomer() {
return destinationCustomer;
public void setDestinationCustomer(String destinationCustomer) {
this.destinationCustomer = destinationCustomer;
public String getDestinationSupplier() {
return destinationSupplier;
public void setDestinationSupplier(String destinationSupplier) {
this.destinationSupplier = destinationSupplier;
public String getReason() {
return reason;
public void setReason(String reason) {
this.reason = reason;
public String getReasonText() {
return reasonText;
public void setReasonText(String reasonText) {
this.reasonText = reasonText;
* An exception to represent errors that can be shown to the user
public static class InvalidFormDataException extends Exception {
public InvalidFormDataException(String msg) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private boolean sameAccountBothSides(ManualAccounting formData) {
// No need to check for NumberFormatException because the numbers were already parsed before.
if (!formData.getSource().equals(formData.getDestination())) {
return false;
} else if (formData.getSource().equals("Cust")
&& Long.parseLong(formData.getSourceCustomer()) != Long.parseLong(formData.getDestinationCustomer())) {
return false;
} else if (formData.getSource().equals("Sup")
&& Long.parseLong(formData.getSourceSupplier()) != Long.parseLong(formData.getDestinationSupplier())) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
public Booking createBooking(ManualAccounting formData) throws InvalidFormDataException {
if (formData.getSource() == null) {
throw new InvalidFormDataException("Bitte wählen Sie ein Quellkonto aus.");
} else if (formData.getDestination() == null) {
throw new InvalidFormDataException("Bitte wählen Sie ein Zielkonto aus.");
BookingAccountEntry source = getAccountFromFormData(formData.getSource(), formData.getSourceCustomer(),
BookingAccountEntry destination = getAccountFromFormData(formData.getDestination(),
formData.getDestinationCustomer(), formData.getDestinationSupplier());
if (sameAccountBothSides(formData)) {
throw new InvalidFormDataException("Quell- und Zielkonto dürfen nicht das selbe sein.");
double doubleAmount;
try {
doubleAmount = Double.parseDouble(formData.amount);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new InvalidFormDataException("Der angegebene Betrag ist ungültig.");
int amountCent = (int) Math.round(doubleAmount * 100);
BookingReason reason = new BookingReason();
if (formData.getReason().equals("Start")) {
reason.isStartBooking = true;
} else if (formData.getReason().equals("Manual")) {
reason.isManuel = true;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid form value for the booking reason: " + formData.getReason());
reason.comment = formData.reasonText;
CreateBookingAction action = new CreateBookingAction(source, destination, reason, amountCent);
return action.finish();
* Retrieve the corresponding account based on user-input
* @param account The chosen value on the radio buttons
* @param customer The given customer id from the corresponding text field
* @param supplier the given supplier id from the corresponding text field
* @return The account entry that can be used to create the new booking
* @throws InvalidFormDataException If the user provided incorrect data in any way
private BookingAccountEntry getAccountFromFormData(String account, String customer, String supplier)
throws InvalidFormDataException {
if (account.equals("None")) {
return null;
} else if (account.equals("Main")) {
return bookingAccountEntryRepository.getByMain().orElseGet(BookingAccountEntry::newMain);
} else if (account.equals("Vat")) {
return bookingAccountEntryRepository.getByVat().orElseGet(BookingAccountEntry::newVat);
} else if (account.equals("Cust")) {
long userId;
try {
userId = Long.parseLong(customer);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new InvalidFormDataException("Die angegebene Kunden-Nr. ist ungültig.");
Optional<BookingAccountEntry> bookingAccount = bookingAccountEntryRepository.getByUser(userId);
if (!bookingAccount.isPresent()) {
bookingAccount = userRepository.findById(userId).map((user) -> BookingAccountEntry.newUser(user));
if (bookingAccount.isPresent()) {
return bookingAccount.get();
} else {
throw new InvalidFormDataException("Der Kunde Nr. " + userId + " konnte nicht gefunden werden.");
} else if (account.equals("Sup")) {
long supplierId;
try {
supplierId = Long.parseLong(supplier);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new InvalidFormDataException("Die angegebene Lieferanten-Nr. ist ungültig.");
Optional<BookingAccountEntry> bookingAccount = bookingAccountEntryRepository.getBySupplier(supplierId);
if (!bookingAccount.isPresent()) {
bookingAccount = supplierRepository.findById(supplierId)
.map((sup) -> BookingAccountEntry.newSupplier(sup));
if (bookingAccount.isPresent()) {
return bookingAccount.get();
} else {
throw new InvalidFormDataException(
"Der Lieferant Nr. " + supplierId + " konnte nicht gefunden werden.");
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid form value for an account: " + account);
public String accountingAddManual(Model model) {
model.addAttribute("form_vals", new ManualAccounting());
return "intern/accounting/addManual";
public String accountingAddManualSubmit(Model model, @ModelAttribute ManualAccounting formData) {
Booking booking;
try {
booking = createBooking(formData);;
model.addAttribute("info", "Die Buchung wurde erfolgreich erstellt.");
model.addAttribute("form_vals", new ManualAccounting()); // Reply with empty form on success
} catch (InvalidFormDataException e) {
model.addAttribute("error", e.getMessage());
model.addAttribute("form_vals", formData);
return "intern/accounting/addManual";