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2022-06-13 12:45:47 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
import traceback
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import simplepath
import simpletransform
import cubicsuperpath
import cspsubdiv
from bezmisc import beziersplitatt
class svgshape(object):
def __init__(self, xml_node):
self.xml_node = xml_node
def d_path(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def transformation_matrix(self):
t = self.xml_node.get('transform')
return simpletransform.parseTransform(t) if t is not None else None
def svg_path(self):
return "<path d=\"" + self.d_path() + "\"/>"
def __str__(self):
return self.xml_node
class path(svgshape):
def __init__(self, xml_node):
super(path, self).__init__(xml_node)
if not self.xml_node == None:
path_el = self.xml_node
self.d = path_el.get('d')
self.d = None
logging.error("path: Unable to get the attributes for %s", self.xml_node)
def d_path(self):
return self.d
class rect(svgshape):
def __init__(self, xml_node):
super(rect, self).__init__(xml_node)
if not self.xml_node == None:
rect_el = self.xml_node
self.x = float(rect_el.get('x')) if rect_el.get('x') else 0
self.y = float(rect_el.get('y')) if rect_el.get('y') else 0
self.rx = float(rect_el.get('rx')) if rect_el.get('rx') else 0
self.ry = float(rect_el.get('ry')) if rect_el.get('ry') else 0
self.width = float(rect_el.get('width')) if rect_el.get('width') else 0
self.height = float(rect_el.get('height')) if rect_el.get('height') else 0
self.x = self.y = self.rx = self.ry = self.width = self.height = 0
logging.error("rect: Unable to get the attributes for %s", self.xml_node)
def d_path(self):
a = list()
a.append( ['M ', [self.x, self.y]] )
a.append( [' l ', [self.width, 0]] )
a.append( [' l ', [0, self.height]] )
a.append( [' l ', [-self.width, 0]] )
a.append( [' Z', []] )
return simplepath.formatPath(a)
class ellipse(svgshape):
def __init__(self, xml_node):
super(ellipse, self).__init__(xml_node)
if not self.xml_node == None:
ellipse_el = self.xml_node = float(ellipse_el.get('cx')) if ellipse_el.get('cx') else 0 = float(ellipse_el.get('cy')) if ellipse_el.get('cy') else 0
self.rx = float(ellipse_el.get('rx')) if ellipse_el.get('rx') else 0
self.ry = float(ellipse_el.get('ry')) if ellipse_el.get('ry') else 0
else: = = self.rx = self.ry = 0
logging.error("ellipse: Unable to get the attributes for %s", self.xml_node)
def d_path(self):
x1 = - self.rx
x2 = + self.rx
p = 'M %f,%f ' % ( x1, ) + \
'A %f,%f ' % ( self.rx, self.ry ) + \
'0 1 0 %f,%f ' % ( x2, ) + \
'A %f,%f ' % ( self.rx, self.ry ) + \
'0 1 0 %f,%f' % ( x1, )
return p
class circle(ellipse):
def __init__(self, xml_node):
super(ellipse, self).__init__(xml_node)
if not self.xml_node == None:
circle_el = self.xml_node = float(circle_el.get('cx')) if circle_el.get('cx') else 0 = float(circle_el.get('cy')) if circle_el.get('cy') else 0
self.rx = float(circle_el.get('r')) if circle_el.get('r') else 0
self.ry = self.rx
else: = = self.r = 0
logging.error("Circle: Unable to get the attributes for %s", self.xml_node)
class line(svgshape):
def __init__(self, xml_node):
super(line, self).__init__(xml_node)
if not self.xml_node == None:
line_el = self.xml_node
self.x1 = float(line_el.get('x1')) if line_el.get('x1') else 0
self.y1 = float(line_el.get('y1')) if line_el.get('y1') else 0
self.x2 = float(line_el.get('x2')) if line_el.get('x2') else 0
self.y2 = float(line_el.get('y2')) if line_el.get('y2') else 0
self.x1 = self.y1 = self.x2 = self.y2 = 0
logging.error("line: Unable to get the attributes for %s", self.xml_node)
def d_path(self):
a = []
a.append( ['M ', [self.x1, self.y1]] )
a.append( ['L ', [self.x2, self.y2]] )
return simplepath.formatPath(a)
class polycommon(svgshape):
def __init__(self, xml_node, polytype):
super(polycommon, self).__init__(xml_node)
self.points = list()
if not self.xml_node == None:
polycommon_el = self.xml_node
points = polycommon_el.get('points') if polycommon_el.get('points') else list()
for pa in points.split():
logging.error("polycommon: Unable to get the attributes for %s", self.xml_node)
class polygon(polycommon):
def __init__(self, xml_node):
super(polygon, self).__init__(xml_node, 'polygon')
def d_path(self):
d = "M " + self.points[0]
for i in range( 1, len(self.points) ):
d += " L " + self.points[i]
d += " Z"
return d
class polyline(polycommon):
def __init__(self, xml_node):
super(polyline, self).__init__(xml_node, 'polyline')
def d_path(self):
d = "M " + self.points[0]
for i in range( 1, len(self.points) ):
d += " L " + self.points[i]
return d
def point_generator(path, mat, flatness):
if len(simplepath.parsePath(path)) == 0:
simple_path = simplepath.parsePath(path)
startX,startY = float(simple_path[0][1][0]), float(simple_path[0][1][1])
yield startX, startY
p = cubicsuperpath.parsePath(path)
if mat:
simpletransform.applyTransformToPath(mat, p)
for sp in p:
cspsubdiv.subdiv( sp, flatness)
for csp in sp:
ctrl_pt1 = csp[0]
ctrl_pt2 = csp[1]
end_pt = csp[2]
yield end_pt[0], end_pt[1],