Jannik 21b6e358e7
theme selection & gradle update
* it's now possible to change the app theme (light/dark)
* update gradle to version 6.7.1
* update gradle pugin to version 4.1.1
* update kotlin to  1.4.10
2020-11-23 20:11:10 +01:00
bg_circle__black_transparent_24dp.xml add a circular transparent background to the episode play icon 2020-10-16 14:08:17 +02:00
bg_splash.xml add splash activity 2020-11-01 20:17:17 +01:00
ic_baseline_account_box_24.xml add aod parser 2020-10-08 22:20:20 +02:00
ic_baseline_add_24.xml fix #9 & replace my list checkbox with layout for easier gui building 2020-10-16 18:24:34 +02:00
ic_baseline_arrow_back_24.xml improve autoplay next episode 2020-11-15 13:39:33 +01:00
ic_baseline_autorenew_24.xml improve autoplay next episode 2020-11-15 13:39:33 +01:00
ic_baseline_check_24.xml fix #9 & replace my list checkbox with layout for easier gui building 2020-10-16 18:24:34 +02:00
ic_baseline_check_circle_24.xml added episode description and is watched status to MediaFragment 2020-10-13 20:23:55 +02:00
ic_baseline_forward_10_24.xml use custom rewind/fast forward button with animations 2020-11-16 19:23:06 +01:00
ic_baseline_forward_24.xml use custom rewind/fast forward button with animations 2020-11-16 19:23:06 +01:00
ic_baseline_info_24.xml add tv shows support to parser, start implementing account fragment 2020-10-11 23:16:47 +02:00
ic_baseline_play_arrow_24.xml add tv shows support to parser, start implementing account fragment 2020-10-11 23:16:47 +02:00
ic_baseline_rewind_10_24.xml use custom rewind/fast forward button with animations 2020-11-16 19:23:06 +01:00
ic_baseline_rewind_24.xml use custom rewind/fast forward button with animations 2020-11-16 19:23:06 +01:00
ic_baseline_search_24.xml set theme for dialogs 2020-11-23 09:53:44 +01:00
ic_baseline_style_24.xml theme selection & gradle update 2020-11-23 20:11:10 +01:00
ic_baseline_subtitles_24.xml add option to prefer the secondary stream, if present 2020-10-23 11:28:47 +02:00
ic_baseline_video_library_24.xml add aod parser 2020-10-08 22:20:20 +02:00
ic_home_black_24dp.xml add aod parser 2020-10-08 22:20:20 +02:00
ic_launcher_background.xml add aod parser 2020-10-08 22:20:20 +02:00
ic_launcher_foreground.xml added a app icon 2020-10-25 20:04:48 +01:00
ic_splash_logo.png add splash activity 2020-11-01 20:17:17 +01:00
ripple_background.xml add visual indicator for rewind/forward gesture 2020-11-15 17:17:56 +01:00
shape_rounded_corner.xml add light and dark theme 2020-11-22 14:24:02 +01:00