
237 lines
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package org.mosad.teapod.ui.activity.main.fragments
import android.graphics.Color
import android.graphics.drawable.ColorDrawable
import android.os.Bundle
import android.util.Log
import android.view.LayoutInflater
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
import androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity
import androidx.fragment.app.activityViewModels
import androidx.lifecycle.lifecycleScope
import androidx.viewpager2.adapter.FragmentStateAdapter
import com.bumptech.glide.Glide
import com.bumptech.glide.request.RequestOptions
import com.google.android.material.appbar.AppBarLayout
import com.google.android.material.tabs.TabLayoutMediator
import jp.wasabeef.glide.transformations.BlurTransformation
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import org.mosad.teapod.R
import org.mosad.teapod.databinding.FragmentMediaBinding
import org.mosad.teapod.parser.crunchyroll.NoneUpNextSeriesItem
import org.mosad.teapod.ui.activity.main.MainActivity
import org.mosad.teapod.ui.activity.main.viewmodel.MediaFragmentViewModel
import org.mosad.teapod.util.tmdb.TMDBApiController
import org.mosad.teapod.util.tmdb.TMDBMovie
import org.mosad.teapod.util.tmdb.TMDBTVShow
* The media detail fragment.
* Note: the fragment is created only once, when selecting a similar title etc.
* therefore fragments may be not empty and model may be the old one
class MediaFragment(private val mediaIdStr: String) : Fragment() {
private lateinit var binding: FragmentMediaBinding
private lateinit var pagerAdapter: FragmentStateAdapter
private val model: MediaFragmentViewModel by activityViewModels()
private val fragments = arrayListOf<Fragment>()
private var watchlistJobRunning = false
private var runOnResume = false
override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View {
binding = FragmentMediaBinding.inflate(inflater, container, false)
return binding.root
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
binding.frameLoading.visibility = View.VISIBLE
// tab layout and pager
pagerAdapter = ScreenSlidePagerAdapter(requireActivity())
// fix material components issue #1878, if more tabs are added increase
binding.pagerEpisodesSimilar.offscreenPageLimit = 2
binding.pagerEpisodesSimilar.adapter = pagerAdapter
// TODO is position 0 always episodes? (and 1 always similar titles)
TabLayoutMediator(binding.tabEpisodesSimilar, binding.pagerEpisodesSimilar) { tab, position ->
tab.text = when(position) {
0 -> getString(R.string.episodes)
1 -> getString(R.string.similar_titles)
else -> ""
lifecycleScope.launch {
override fun onResume() {
if (runOnResume) {
lifecycleScope.launch {
if (model.upNextSeries != NoneUpNextSeriesItem) {
binding.textTitle.text = model.upNextSeries.panel.title
// needs to be called after model.updateOnResume()
if (fragments.elementAtOrNull(0) is MediaFragmentEpisodes) {
(fragments[0] as MediaFragmentEpisodes).updateWatchedState()
} else {
runOnResume = true
* if tmdb data is present, use it, else use the aod data
private fun updateGUI() = with(model) {
// generic gui
val backdropUrl = tmdbResult.backdropPath?.let { TMDBApiController.imageUrl + it }
?: seriesCrunchy.images.poster_wide[0][2].source
val posterUrl = tmdbResult.posterPath?.let { TMDBApiController.imageUrl + it }
?: seriesCrunchy.images.poster_tall[0][2].source
// load poster and backdrop
.apply(RequestOptions.bitmapTransform(BlurTransformation(20, 3)))
binding.textYear.text = when(tmdbResult) {
is TMDBTVShow -> (tmdbResult as TMDBTVShow).firstAirDate.substring(0, 4)
is TMDBMovie -> (tmdbResult as TMDBMovie).releaseDate.substring(0, 4)
else -> ""
binding.textAge.text = seriesCrunchy.maturityRatings.firstOrNull()
binding.textTitle.text = if (upNextSeries != NoneUpNextSeriesItem) {
} else seriesCrunchy.title
binding.textOverview.text = seriesCrunchy.description
// set "watchlist" indicator
val watchlistIcon = if (isWatchlist) R.drawable.ic_baseline_check_24 else R.drawable.ic_baseline_add_24
// clear fragments, since it lives in onCreate scope (don't do this in onPause/onStop -> FragmentManager transaction)
val fragmentsSize = if (fragments.lastIndex < 0) 0 else fragments.lastIndex
pagerAdapter.notifyItemRangeRemoved(0, fragmentsSize)
// add the episodes fragment (as tab). Note: Movies are tv shows!
MediaFragmentEpisodes().also {
// specific gui (via tmdb)
when (tmdbResult) {
is TMDBTVShow -> {
// episodes count
binding.textEpisodesOrRuntime.text = resources.getQuantityString(
is TMDBMovie -> {
val tmdbMovie = (tmdbResult as TMDBMovie?)
if (tmdbMovie?.runtime != null) {
binding.textEpisodesOrRuntime.text = resources.getQuantityString(
} else {
binding.textEpisodesOrRuntime.visibility = View.GONE
else -> {
binding.textEpisodesOrRuntime.visibility = View.GONE
// if has similar titles
// TODO reimplement
// if (media.similar.isNotEmpty()) {
// MediaFragmentSimilar().also {
// fragments.add(it)
// pagerAdapter.notifyItemInserted(fragments.indexOf(it))
// }
// }
// disable scrolling on appbar, if no tabs where added
if(fragments.isEmpty()) {
val params = binding.linearMedia.layoutParams as AppBarLayout.LayoutParams
params.scrollFlags = 0 // clear all scroll flags
binding.frameLoading.visibility = View.GONE // hide loading indicator
private fun initActions() = with(model) {
binding.buttonPlay.setOnClickListener {
if (upNextSeries != NoneUpNextSeriesItem) {
playEpisode(upNextSeries.panel.episodeMetadata.seasonId, upNextSeries.panel.id)
// add or remove media from myList
binding.linearMyListAction.setOnClickListener {
// don't allow parallel execution
if (!watchlistJobRunning) {
watchlistJobRunning = true
lifecycleScope.launch {
// update "watchlist" indicator
val watchlistIcon = if (isWatchlist) R.drawable.ic_baseline_check_24 else R.drawable.ic_baseline_add_24
watchlistJobRunning = false
* play the current episode
* TODO this is also used in MediaFragmentEpisode, we should only have on implementation
private fun playEpisode(seasonId: String, episodeId: String) {
(activity as MainActivity).startPlayer(seasonId, episodeId)
Log.d(javaClass.name, "Started Player with episodeId: $episodeId")
//model.updateNextEpisode(episodeId) // set the correct next episode
* A simple pager adapter
private inner class ScreenSlidePagerAdapter(fa: FragmentActivity) : FragmentStateAdapter(fa) {
override fun getItemCount(): Int = fragments.size
override fun createFragment(position: Int): Fragment = fragments[position]