
418 lines
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package org.mosad.teapod.parser.crunchyroll
import android.util.Log
import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.Fuel
import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.FuelError
import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.Parameters
import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.extensions.jsonBody
import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.json.FuelJson
import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.json.responseJson
import com.github.kittinunf.result.Result
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.serialization.decodeFromString
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
import kotlinx.serialization.json.buildJsonObject
import kotlinx.serialization.json.put
import org.mosad.teapod.preferences.Preferences
import org.mosad.teapod.util.concatenate
import java.util.*
private val json = Json { ignoreUnknownKeys = true }
object Crunchyroll {
private const val baseUrl = "https://beta-api.crunchyroll.com"
private var accessToken = ""
private var tokenType = ""
private var accountID = ""
private var policy = ""
private var signature = ""
private var keyPairID = ""
// TODO temp helper vary
private var locale: String = Preferences.preferredLocal.toLanguageTag()
private var country: String = Preferences.preferredLocal.country
private val browsingCache = arrayListOf<Item>()
fun login(username: String, password: String): Boolean = runBlocking {
val tokenEndpoint = "/auth/v1/token"
val formData = listOf(
"username" to username,
"password" to password,
"grant_type" to "password",
"scope" to "offline_access"
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val (request, response, result) = Fuel.post("$baseUrl$tokenEndpoint", parameters = formData)
.header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
"Basic "
// TODO fix JSONException: No value for
result.component1()?.obj()?.let {
accessToken = it.get("access_token").toString()
tokenType = it.get("token_type").toString()
// println("request: $request")
// println("response: $response")
// println("response: $result")
Log.i(javaClass.name, "login complete with code ${response.statusCode}")
return@withContext response.statusCode == 200
return@runBlocking false
// TODO get/post difference
private suspend fun request(
endpoint: String,
params: Parameters = listOf(),
url: String = ""
): Result<FuelJson, FuelError> = coroutineScope {
val path = if (url.isEmpty()) "$baseUrl$endpoint" else url
// TODO before sending a request, make sure the accessToken is not expired
return@coroutineScope (Dispatchers.IO) {
val (request, response, result) = Fuel.get(path, params)
.header("Authorization", "$tokenType $accessToken")
// println("request request: $request")
// println("request response: $response")
// println("request result: $result")
private suspend fun requestPost(
endpoint: String,
params: Parameters = listOf(),
body: String
) = coroutineScope {
val path = "$baseUrl$endpoint"
// TODO before sending a request, make sure the accessToken is not expired
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
Fuel.post(path, params)
.header("Authorization", "$tokenType $accessToken")
.response() // without a response, crunchy doesn't accept the request
private suspend fun requestDelete(
endpoint: String,
params: Parameters = listOf(),
url: String = ""
) = coroutineScope {
val path = if (url.isEmpty()) "$baseUrl$endpoint" else url
// TODO before sending a request, make sure the accessToken is not expired
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
Fuel.delete(path, params)
.header("Authorization", "$tokenType $accessToken")
.response() // without a response, crunchy doesn't accept the request
* Basic functions: index, account
* Needed for other functions to work properly!
* Retrieve the identifiers necessary for streaming. If the identifiers are
* retrieved, set the corresponding global var. The identifiers are valid for 24h.
suspend fun index() {
val indexEndpoint = "/index/v2"
val result = request(indexEndpoint)
result.component1()?.obj()?.getJSONObject("cms")?.let {
policy = it.get("policy").toString()
signature = it.get("signature").toString()
keyPairID = it.get("key_pair_id").toString()
println("policy: $policy")
println("signature: $signature")
println("keyPairID: $keyPairID")
* Retrieve the account id and set the corresponding global var.
* The account id is needed for other calls.
* This must be execute on every start for teapod to work properly!
suspend fun account() {
val indexEndpoint = "/accounts/v1/me"
val result = request(indexEndpoint)
result.component1()?.obj()?.let {
accountID = it.get("account_id").toString()
* Main media functions: browse, search, series, season, episodes, playback
// TODO locale de-DE, categories
* Browse the media available on crunchyroll.
* @param sortBy
* @param n Number of items to return, defaults to 10
* @return A **[BrowseResult]** object is returned.
suspend fun browse(
sortBy: SortBy = SortBy.ALPHABETICAL,
seasonTag: String = "",
start: Int = 0,
n: Int = 10
): BrowseResult {
val browseEndpoint = "/content/v1/browse"
val noneOptParams = listOf("sort_by" to sortBy.str, "start" to start, "n" to n)
// if a season tag is present add it to the parameters
val parameters = if (seasonTag.isEmpty()) {
concatenate(noneOptParams, listOf("season_tag" to seasonTag))
} else {
val result = request(browseEndpoint, parameters)
val browseResult = result.component1()?.obj()?.let {
} ?: NoneBrowseResult
// add results to cache TODO improve
return browseResult
suspend fun search(query: String, n: Int = 10): SearchResult {
val searchEndpoint = "/content/v1/search"
val parameters = listOf("q" to query, "n" to n, "locale" to locale, "type" to "series")
val result = request(searchEndpoint, parameters)
// TODO episodes have thumbnails as image, and not poster_tall/poster_tall,
// to work around this, for now only tv shows are supported
return result.component1()?.obj()?.let {
} ?: NoneSearchResult
* Get a collection of series objects.
* Note: episode objects are currently not supported
* @param objects The object IDs as list of Strings
* @return A **[Collection]** of Panels
suspend fun objects(objects: List<String>): Collection {
val episodesEndpoint = "/cms/v2/DE/M3/crunchyroll/objects/${objects.joinToString(",")}"
val parameters = listOf(
"locale" to locale,
"Signature" to signature,
"Policy" to policy,
"Key-Pair-Id" to keyPairID
val result = request(episodesEndpoint, parameters)
return result.component1()?.obj()?.let {
} ?: NoneCollection
* series id == crunchyroll id?
suspend fun series(seriesId: String): Series {
val seriesEndpoint = "/cms/v2/$country/M3/crunchyroll/series/$seriesId"
val parameters = listOf(
"locale" to locale,
"Signature" to signature,
"Policy" to policy,
"Key-Pair-Id" to keyPairID
val result = request(seriesEndpoint, parameters)
return result.component1()?.obj()?.let {
} ?: NoneSeries
suspend fun seasons(seriesId: String): Seasons {
val episodesEndpoint = "/cms/v2/$country/M3/crunchyroll/seasons"
val parameters = listOf(
"series_id" to seriesId,
"locale" to locale,
"Signature" to signature,
"Policy" to policy,
"Key-Pair-Id" to keyPairID
val result = request(episodesEndpoint, parameters)
return result.component1()?.obj()?.let {
} ?: NoneSeasons
suspend fun episodes(seasonId: String): Episodes {
val episodesEndpoint = "/cms/v2/$country/M3/crunchyroll/episodes"
val parameters = listOf(
"season_id" to seasonId,
"locale" to locale,
"Signature" to signature,
"Policy" to policy,
"Key-Pair-Id" to keyPairID
val result = request(episodesEndpoint, parameters)
return result.component1()?.obj()?.let {
} ?: NoneEpisodes
suspend fun playback(url: String): Playback {
val result = request("", url = url)
return result.component1()?.obj()?.let {
} ?: NonePlayback
* Additional media functions: watchlist (series), playhead
* Check if a media is in the user's watchlist.
* @param seriesId The crunchyroll series id of the media to check
* @return **[Boolean]**: ture if it was found, else false
suspend fun isWatchlist(seriesId: String): Boolean {
val watchlistSeriesEndpoint = "/content/v1/watchlist/$accountID/$seriesId"
val parameters = listOf("locale" to locale)
val result = request(watchlistSeriesEndpoint, parameters)
// if needed implement parsing
return result.component1()?.obj()?.has(seriesId) ?: false
* Add a media to the user's watchlist.
* @param seriesId The crunchyroll series id of the media to check
suspend fun postWatchlist(seriesId: String) {
val watchlistPostEndpoint = "/content/v1/watchlist/$accountID"
val parameters = listOf("locale" to locale)
val json = buildJsonObject {
put("content_id", seriesId)
requestPost(watchlistPostEndpoint, parameters, json.toString())
* Remove a media from the user's watchlist.
* @param seriesId The crunchyroll series id of the media to check
suspend fun deleteWatchlist(seriesId: String) {
val watchlistDeleteEndpoint = "/content/v1/watchlist/$accountID/$seriesId"
val parameters = listOf("locale" to locale)
requestDelete(watchlistDeleteEndpoint, parameters)
* Get playhead information for all episodes in episodeIDs.
* The Information returned contains the playhead position, watched state
* and last modified date.
* @param episodeIDs A **[List]** of episodes IDs as strings.
* @return A **[Map]**<String, **[PlayheadObject]**> containing playback info.
suspend fun playheads(episodeIDs: List<String>): PlayheadsMap {
val playheadsEndpoint = "/content/v1/playheads/$accountID/${episodeIDs.joinToString(",")}"
val parameters = listOf("locale" to locale)
val result = request(playheadsEndpoint, parameters)
return result.component1()?.obj()?.let {
} ?: emptyMap()
* Listing functions: watchlist (list), up_next_account
* List items present in the watchlist.
* @param n Number of items to return, defaults to 20.
* @return A **[Watchlist]** containing up to n **[Item]**.
suspend fun watchlist(n: Int = 20): Watchlist {
val watchlistEndpoint = "/content/v1/$accountID/watchlist"
val parameters = listOf("locale" to locale, "n" to n)
val watchlistResult = request(watchlistEndpoint, parameters)
val list: ContinueWatchingList = watchlistResult.component1()?.obj()?.let {
} ?: NoneContinueWatchingList
val objects = list.items.map{ it.panel.episodeMetadata.seriesId }
return objects(objects)
* List the next up episodes for the logged in account.
* @param n Number of items to return, defaults to 20.
* @return A **[ContinueWatchingList]** containing up to n **[ContinueWatchingItem]**.
suspend fun upNextAccount(n: Int = 20): ContinueWatchingList {
val watchlistEndpoint = "/content/v1/$accountID/up_next_account"
val parameters = listOf("locale" to locale, "n" to n)
val resultUpNextAccount = request(watchlistEndpoint, parameters)
return resultUpNextAccount.component1()?.obj()?.let {
} ?: NoneContinueWatchingList