Jannik d73f9882ff
add tab layout to media fragment
this is a rough first implementation of the tab layout to switch between episodes and similar titles
2021-01-29 21:55:01 +01:00

424 lines
16 KiB

* Teapod
* Copyright 2020-2021 <seil0@mosad.xyz>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
* MA 02110-1301, USA.
package org.mosad.teapod.parser
import android.util.Log
import com.google.gson.JsonParser
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import org.jsoup.Connection
import org.jsoup.Jsoup
import org.mosad.teapod.preferences.EncryptedPreferences
import org.mosad.teapod.util.*
import org.mosad.teapod.util.DataTypes.MediaType
import java.io.IOException
import java.lang.NumberFormatException
import java.util.*
import kotlin.random.Random
object AoDParser {
private const val baseUrl = "https://www.anime-on-demand.de"
private const val loginPath = "/users/sign_in"
private const val libraryPath = "/animes"
private const val userAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:84.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/84.0"
private var sessionCookies = mutableMapOf<String, String>()
private var csrfToken: String = ""
private var loginSuccess = false
private val mediaList = arrayListOf<Media>() // actual media (data)
val itemMediaList = arrayListOf<ItemMedia>() // gui media
val highlightsList = arrayListOf<ItemMedia>()
val newEpisodesList = arrayListOf<ItemMedia>()
val newSimulcastsList = arrayListOf<ItemMedia>()
val newTitlesList = arrayListOf<ItemMedia>()
val topTenList = arrayListOf<ItemMedia>()
fun login(): Boolean = runBlocking {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
// get the authenticity token
val resAuth = Jsoup.connect(baseUrl + loginPath)
.header("User-Agent", userAgent)
val authenticityToken = resAuth.parse().select("meta[name=csrf-token]").attr("content")
val authCookies = resAuth.cookies()
//Log.d(javaClass.name, "Received authenticity token: $authenticityToken")
//Log.d(javaClass.name, "Received authenticity cookies: $authCookies")
val data = mapOf(
Pair("user[login]", EncryptedPreferences.login),
Pair("user[password]", EncryptedPreferences.password),
Pair("user[remember_me]", "1"),
Pair("commit", "Einloggen"),
Pair("authenticity_token", authenticityToken)
val resLogin = Jsoup.connect(baseUrl + loginPath)
.timeout(60000) // login can take some time default is 60000 (60 sec)
sessionCookies = resLogin.cookies()
loginSuccess = resLogin.body().contains("Hallo, du bist jetzt angemeldet.")
Log.i(javaClass.name, "Status: ${resLogin.statusCode()} (${resLogin.statusMessage()}), login successful: $loginSuccess")
* initially load all media and home screen data
fun initialLoading() = listOf(
* get a media by it's ID (int)
* @return Media
suspend fun getMediaById(mediaId: Int): Media {
val media = mediaList.first { it.id == mediaId }
if (media.episodes.isEmpty()) {
return media
fun markAsWatched(mediaId: Int, episodeId: Int) = GlobalScope.launch {
val episode = getMediaById(mediaId).getEpisodeById(episodeId)
episode.watched = true
Log.d(javaClass.name, "Marked episode ${episode.id} as watched")
// TODO don't use jsoup here
private fun sendCallback(callbackPath: String) = GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
val headers = mutableMapOf(
Pair("Accept", "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01"),
Pair("Accept-Language", "de,en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3"),
Pair("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate, br"),
Pair("X-CSRF-Token", csrfToken),
Pair("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"),
try {
Jsoup.connect(baseUrl + callbackPath)
} catch (ex: IOException) {
Log.e(javaClass.name, "Callback for $callbackPath failed.", ex)
* load all media from aod into itemMediaList and mediaList
private fun listAnimes() = GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
val resAnimes = Jsoup.connect(baseUrl + libraryPath).get()
resAnimes.select("div.animebox").forEach {
val type = if (it.select("p.animebox-link").select("a").text().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) == "zur serie") {
} else {
val mediaTitle = it.select("h3.animebox-title").text()
val mediaLink = it.select("p.animebox-link").select("a").attr("href")
val mediaImage = it.select("p.animebox-image").select("img").attr("src")
val mediaShortText = it.select("p.animebox-shorttext").text()
val mediaId = mediaLink.substringAfterLast("/").toInt()
itemMediaList.add(ItemMedia(mediaId, mediaTitle, mediaImage))
mediaList.add(Media(mediaId, mediaLink, type).apply {
info.title = mediaTitle
info.posterUrl = mediaImage
info.shortDesc = mediaShortText
Log.i(javaClass.name, "Total library size is: ${mediaList.size}")
* load new episodes, titles and highlights
private fun loadHome() = GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
val resHome = Jsoup.connect(baseUrl).get()
// get highlights from AoD
resHome.select("#aod-highlights").select("div.news-item").forEach {
val mediaId = it.select("div.news-item-text").select("a.serienlink")
val mediaTitle = it.select("div.news-title").select("h2").text()
val mediaImage = it.select("img").attr("src")
if (mediaId != null) {
highlightsList.add(ItemMedia(mediaId, mediaTitle, mediaImage))
// get all new episodes from AoD
resHome.select("h2:contains(Neue Episoden)").next().select("li").forEach {
val mediaId = it.select("a.thumbs").attr("href")
val mediaImage = it.select("a.thumbs > img").attr("src")
val mediaTitle = "${it.select("a").text()} - ${it.select("span.neweps").text()}"
if (mediaId != null) {
newEpisodesList.add(ItemMedia(mediaId, mediaTitle, mediaImage))
// get new simulcasts from AoD
resHome.select("h2:contains(Neue Simulcasts)").next().select("li").forEach {
val mediaId = it.select("a.thumbs").attr("href")
val mediaImage = it.select("a.thumbs > img").attr("src")
val mediaTitle = it.select("a").text()
if (mediaId != null) {
newSimulcastsList.add(ItemMedia(mediaId, mediaTitle, mediaImage))
// get new titles from AoD
resHome.select("h2:contains(Neue Anime-Titel)").next().select("li").forEach {
val mediaId = it.select("a.thumbs").attr("href")
val mediaImage = it.select("a.thumbs > img").attr("src")
val mediaTitle = it.select("a").text()
if (mediaId != null) {
newTitlesList.add(ItemMedia(mediaId, mediaTitle, mediaImage))
// get top ten from AoD
resHome.select("h2:contains(Anime Top 10)").next().select("li").forEach {
val mediaId = it.select("a.thumbs").attr("href")
val mediaImage = it.select("a.thumbs > img").attr("src")
val mediaTitle = it.select("a").text()
if (mediaId != null) {
topTenList.add(ItemMedia(mediaId, mediaTitle, mediaImage))
// if highlights is empty, add a random new title
if (highlightsList.isEmpty()) {
if (newTitlesList.isNotEmpty()) {
highlightsList.add(newTitlesList[Random.nextInt(0, newTitlesList.size)])
} else {
highlightsList.add(ItemMedia(0,"", ""))
* load streams for the media path, movies have one episode
* @param media is used as call ba reference
private fun loadStreams(media: Media) = GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
if (sessionCookies.isEmpty()) login()
if (!loginSuccess) {
Log.w(javaClass.name, "Login, was not successful.")
// get the media page
val res = Jsoup.connect(baseUrl + media.link)
if (csrfToken.isEmpty()) {
csrfToken = res.select("meta[name=csrf-token]").attr("content")
//Log.i(javaClass.name, "New csrf token is $csrfToken")
val besides = res.select("div.besides").first()
val playlists = besides.select("input.streamstarter_html5").map { streamstarter ->
playlists.forEach { aod ->
// TODO improve language handling
val locale = when (aod.extLanguage) {
"ger" -> Locale.GERMAN
"jap" -> Locale.JAPANESE
else -> Locale.ROOT
aod.playlist.forEach { ep ->
try {
if (media.hasEpisode(ep.mediaid)) {
Stream(ep.sources.first().file, locale)
} else {
id = ep.mediaid,
streams = mutableListOf(Stream(ep.sources.first().file, locale)),
posterUrl = ep.image,
title = ep.title,
description = ep.description,
number = getNumberFromTitle(ep.title, media.type)
} catch (ex: Exception) {
Log.w(javaClass.name, "Could not parse episode information.", ex)
Log.i(javaClass.name, "Loaded playlists successfully")
// parse additional info from the media page
res.select("table.vertical-table").select("tr").forEach { row ->
when (row.select("th").text().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)) {
"produktionsjahr" -> media.info.year = row.select("td").text().toInt()
"fsk" -> media.info.age = row.select("td").text().toInt()
"episodenanzahl" -> {
media.info.episodesCount = row.select("td").text()
.filter { it.isDigit() }
// parse additional information for tv shows the episode title (description) is loaded from the "api"
if (media.type == MediaType.TVSHOW) {
res.select("div.three-box-container > div.episodebox").forEach { episodebox ->
// make sure the episode has a streaming link
if (episodebox.select("input.streamstarter_html5").isNotEmpty()) {
val episodeId = episodebox.select("div.flip-front").attr("id").substringAfter("-").toInt()
val episodeShortDesc = episodebox.select("p.episodebox-shorttext").text()
val episodeWatched = episodebox.select("div.episodebox-icons > div").hasClass("status-icon-orange")
val episodeWatchedCallback = episodebox.select("input.streamstarter_html5").eachAttr("data-playlist").first()
media.episodes.firstOrNull { it.id == episodeId }?.apply {
shortDesc = episodeShortDesc
watched = episodeWatched
watchedCallback = episodeWatchedCallback
Log.i(javaClass.name, "media loaded successfully")
* don't use Gson().fromJson() as we don't have any control over the api and it may change
private fun parsePlaylistAsync(playlistPath: String, language: String): Deferred<AoDObject> {
if (playlistPath == "[]") {
return CompletableDeferred(AoDObject(listOf(), language))
return GlobalScope.async(Dispatchers.IO) {
val headers = mutableMapOf(
Pair("Accept", "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01"),
Pair("Accept-Language", "de,en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3"),
Pair("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate, br"),
Pair("X-CSRF-Token", csrfToken),
Pair("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"),
//println("loading streaminfo with cstf: $csrfToken")
val res = Jsoup.connect(baseUrl + playlistPath)
//Gson().fromJson(res.body(), AoDObject::class.java)
return@async AoDObject(JsonParser.parseString(res.body()).asJsonObject
.get("playlist").asJsonArray.map {
sources = it.asJsonObject.get("sources").asJsonArray.map { source ->
image = it.asJsonObject.get("image").asString,
title = it.asJsonObject.get("title").asString,
description = it.asJsonObject.get("description").asString,
mediaid = it.asJsonObject.get("mediaid").asInt
* get the episode number from the title
* @param title the episode title, containing a number after "Ep."
* @param type the media type, if not TVSHOW, return 0
* @return the episode number, on NumberFormatException return 0
private fun getNumberFromTitle(title: String, type: MediaType): Int {
return if (type == MediaType.TVSHOW) {
try {
title.substringAfter(", Ep. ").toInt()
} catch (nex: NumberFormatException) {
} else {