
144 lines
3.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-01-06 18:10:12 +01:00
#include "mesh_ota.h"
* 999.999.999
* Return true if remote version is newer (higher) than local version
bool bNewerVersion(const char* pu8Local, const char* pu8Remote) {
char u8LocalTmp[12];
char u8RemoteTmp[12];
char* pu8saveptrLocal;
char* pu8saveptrRemote;
strcpy(u8LocalTmp, pu8Local);
strcpy(u8RemoteTmp, pu8Remote);
char* pu8TokenLocal = strtok_r(u8LocalTmp, ".", &pu8saveptrLocal);
char* pu8TokenRemote = strtok_r(u8RemoteTmp, ".", &pu8saveptrRemote) ;
bool bReturn = false;
uint8_t u8Index = 0;
while( (u8Index <= 2) && (bReturn == false)) {
if(atoi(pu8TokenLocal) < atoi(pu8TokenRemote))
bReturn = true;
pu8TokenLocal = strtok_r(NULL, ".", &pu8saveptrLocal);
pu8TokenRemote = strtok_r(NULL, ".", &pu8saveptrRemote) ;
return bReturn;
esp_err_t errFindImageStart(unsigned char* pu8Data, uint32_t* pu32DataLenght, uint32_t* pu32StartOffset)
*pu32StartOffset = 0U;
0 = E9
48 = erstes Digit
uint32_t u32DataIndex = 0;
uint32_t u32FirstDotOffset = 0;
uint32_t u32SecondDotOffset = 0;
uint8_t u8FirstDotIndex = 0;
uint8_t u8SecondDotIndex = 0;
while((u32DataIndex < *pu32DataLenght) && (*pu32StartOffset == 0))
//search for magic byte
if(pu8Data[u32DataIndex] == 0xe9)
//magic byte found
while ((u8FirstDotIndex < 3) && (u32FirstDotOffset == 0))
//search first dot in version number
if((u32DataIndex+49+u8FirstDotIndex) > pu32DataLenght)
if((pu8Data[(u32DataIndex+49+u8FirstDotIndex)] == 0x2e))
//first do found
u32FirstDotOffset = (u32DataIndex+49+u8FirstDotIndex);
printf("First dot offset: %i\n", u32FirstDotOffset);
while ((u8SecondtDotIndex < 3) && (u32SecondDotOffset == 0) && (u32FirstDotOffset != 0))
//search first dot in version number
if((u32FirstDotOffset+(u8FSecondDotIndex+1)) > pu32DataLenght)
if((pu8Data[(u32FirstDotOffset+(u8FSecondDotIndex+1))] == 0x2e))
//second do found
u32SecondDotOffset = (u32FirstDotOffset+(u8FSecondDotIndex+1));
printf("Second dot offset: %i\n", u32SecondDotOffset);
if((u32FirstDotOffset != 0) && (u32SecondDotOffset != 0))
//image start found based on magic byte and version number systax
*pu32StartOffset = u32DataIndex; //store image start offset
// this is propably not the magic byte --> reset
u32FirstDotOffset = 0;
u32SecondDotOffset = 0;
u8FirstDotIndex = 0;
u8SecondDotIndex = 0;
printf("%x ", pu8Data[u32DataIndex]);
printf("\n END: %i\n", *pu32StartOffset);
return ESP_OK;
esp_err_t errExtractVersionNumber(unsigned char* pu8Data, uint32_t* pu32DataLenght, char* pc8RemoteVersionNumber)
strcpy(pc8RemoteVersionNumber, "999.999.999"); //init value
uint32_t u32StartOffset;
errFindImageStart(pu8Data, pu32DataLenght, &u32StartOffset);
printf("remote version number %s\n", pc8RemoteVersionNumber);
return ESP_OK;