refactor #2

localhorst merged 21 commits from develop into master 2021-01-21 11:47:51 +01:00
6 changed files with 269 additions and 16 deletions
Showing only changes of commit f3749b9985 - Show all commits

View File

@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
* @file HTTPS_Client.c
* @brief Used to download the OTA image from the server
* @author Hendrik Schutter
* @date 20.01.2021
* Additional Infos: Connects via HTTPS and HTTPS Basic Auth to the Server.
* Downloads the image in segments
#include "HTTPS_Client.h"
static const char *TAG = "https_client";
@ -17,6 +27,16 @@ https_client_ret_t errHTTPSClientConnectToServer(void);
https_client_ret_t errHTTPSClientValidateServer(void);
https_client_ret_t errHTTPSClientSendRequest(void);
* @fn https_client_ret_t errHTTPSClientInitialize(void)
* @brief Initialize the client
* @param void
* @return HTTPS_Client error code
* @author Hendrik Schutter
* @date 20.01.2021
* Initialize embedTLS
https_client_ret_t errHTTPSClientInitialize(void)
https_client_ret_t i32RetHTTPClient = HTTPS_CLIENT_OK;
@ -31,6 +51,18 @@ https_client_ret_t errHTTPSClientInitialize(void)
return i32RetHTTPClient;
* @fn https_client_ret_t errHTTPSClientRetrieveData(char* const cpu8Data, const uint32_t* const cpcu32DataLenght, uint32_t* pu32BytesRead)
* @brief receive a image segment from server
* @param cpu8Data data buffer
* @param cpcu32DataLenght desired byte amount
* @param pu32BytesRead actual received byte amount
* @return HTTPS_Client error code
* @author Hendrik Schutter
* @date 20.01.2021
* Read segement and handle all events like EOF or timeout
https_client_ret_t errHTTPSClientRetrieveData(char* const cpu8Data, const uint32_t* const cpcu32DataLenght, uint32_t* pu32BytesRead)
https_client_ret_t i32RetHTTPClient = HTTPS_CLIENT_OK;
@ -86,6 +118,16 @@ https_client_ret_t errHTTPSClientRetrieveData(char* const cpu8Data, const uint32
return i32RetHTTPClient;
* @fn https_client_ret_t errHTTPSClientReset(void)
* @brief reset client for next receive of image
* @param void
* @return HTTPS_Client error code
* @author Hendrik Schutter
* @date 20.01.2021
* reset session
https_client_ret_t errHTTPSClientReset(void)
https_client_ret_t i32RetHTTPClient = HTTPS_CLIENT_OK;
@ -103,9 +145,18 @@ https_client_ret_t errHTTPSClientReset(void)
return i32RetHTTPClient;
* @fn https_client_ret_t https_clientInitEmbedTLS(void)
* @brief init embedTLS
* @param void
* @return HTTPS_Client error code
* @author Hendrik Schutter
* @date 20.01.2021
* attach certs for tls
https_client_ret_t https_clientInitEmbedTLS(void)
https_client_ret_t i32RetHTTPClient = HTTPS_CLIENT_OK;
int32_t i32RetEmbedTLS = ESP_OK;
static bool bAlreadySetup = false;
@ -168,20 +219,13 @@ https_client_ret_t https_clientInitEmbedTLS(void)
i32RetEmbedTLS = mbedtls_ssl_setup(&sHTTPS_ClientConfig.ssl, &sHTTPS_ClientConfig.conf); //call this only once
if(i32RetEmbedTLS != ESP_OK)
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "mbedtls_ssl_setup returned 0x%x\n\n", i32RetEmbedTLS);
// uint8_t buffer[20];
//mbedtls_strerror(i32RetEmbedTLS, buffer, 20);
//ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s", buffer);
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "mbedtls_ssl_setup returned 0x%x\n", i32RetEmbedTLS);
bAlreadySetup = true;
if(i32RetEmbedTLS == ESP_OK)
@ -197,6 +241,16 @@ https_client_ret_t https_clientInitEmbedTLS(void)
return i32RetHTTPClient;
* @fn https_client_ret_t errHTTPSClientConnectToServer(void)
* @brief connect to server
* @param void
* @return HTTPS_Client error code
* @author Hendrik Schutter
* @date 20.01.2021
* open TLS session
https_client_ret_t errHTTPSClientConnectToServer(void)
https_client_ret_t i32RetHTTPClient = HTTPS_CLIENT_OK;
@ -230,6 +284,16 @@ https_client_ret_t errHTTPSClientConnectToServer(void)
return i32RetHTTPClient;
* @fn https_client_ret_t errHTTPSClientValidateServer(void)
* @brief validate server
* @param void
* @return HTTPS_Client error code
* @author Hendrik Schutter
* @date 20.01.2021
* check CDN and cert
https_client_ret_t errHTTPSClientValidateServer(void)
https_client_ret_t i32RetHTTPClient = HTTPS_CLIENT_OK;
@ -248,6 +312,16 @@ https_client_ret_t errHTTPSClientValidateServer(void)
return i32RetHTTPClient;
* @fn https_client_ret_t errHTTPSClientSendRequest(void)
* @brief send request to server
* @param void
* @return HTTPS_Client error code
* @author Hendrik Schutter
* @date 20.01.2021
* send HTTP GET request
https_client_ret_t errHTTPSClientSendRequest(void)
https_client_ret_t i32RetHTTPClient = HTTPS_CLIENT_OK;

View File

@ -1,9 +1,16 @@
* @file Mesh_Network.c
* @brief Mesh network layer used by OTA and APP
* @author Hendrik Schutter, init based in ESP32-IDE code
* @date 20.01.2021
* Additional Infos: Start network and send and receive data.
#include "Mesh_Network.h"
static const char *LOG_TAG = "mesh_network";
//w: errMeshNetworkInitialize
//r: errMeshNetworkInitialize;vMeshNetworkGetOwnAddr;errMeshNetworkGetChildren
uint8_t u8ownMAC[6];
@ -30,7 +37,17 @@ void (*pOTAChildConnectHandle)(const uint8_t* const);
void (*pOTAMessageHandle)(const MESH_PACKET_t* const);
void (*pChangeStateOfServerWorkerHandle)(const bool );
esp_err_t errMeshNetworkInitialize()
* @fn esp_err_t errMeshNetworkInitialize()
* @brief Starts the mesh network
* @param void
* @return ESP32 error code
* @author Hendrik Schutter, init based in ESP32-IDE code
* @date 20.01.2021
* Initialize the network
esp_err_t errMeshNetworkInitialize(void)
//init module variables
esp_err_t err;
@ -107,6 +124,16 @@ esp_err_t errMeshNetworkInitialize()
return ESP_OK;
* @fn esp_err_t errMeshNetworkInitializeWiFi()
* @brief Starts the WiFI
* @param void
* @return ESP32 error code
* @author Hendrik Schutter, init based in ESP32-IDE code
* @date 20.01.2021
* start the wifi
esp_err_t errMeshNetworkInitializeWiFi()
//wifi initialization
@ -119,6 +146,16 @@ esp_err_t errMeshNetworkInitializeWiFi()
return err;
* @fn esp_err_t errMeshNetworkInitializeRouter(mesh_cfg_t* cfg)
* @brief Starts the router
* @param cfg router config
* @return ESP32 error code
* @author Hendrik Schutter, init based in ESP32-IDE code
* @date 20.01.2021
* Initialize the network
esp_err_t errMeshNetworkInitializeRouter(mesh_cfg_t* cfg)
//router initialization
@ -131,24 +168,56 @@ esp_err_t errMeshNetworkInitializeRouter(mesh_cfg_t* cfg)
return err;
* @fn esp_err_t errMeshNetworkSetChildConnectedHandle(void (*pChildConnectHandleTmp)(const uint8_t* const cpcu8Data))
* @brief set callback for event when child connects
* @param (*pChildConnectHandleTmp)(const uint8_t* const cpcu8Data) function pointer
* @return ESP32 error code
* @author Hendrik Schutter
* @date 20.01.2021
esp_err_t errMeshNetworkSetChildConnectedHandle(void (*pChildConnectHandleTmp)(const uint8_t* const cpcu8Data))
pOTAChildConnectHandle = pChildConnectHandleTmp;
return ESP_OK;
* @fn esp_err_t errMeshNetworkSetAppReceiveHandle(void (*pAppRxHandleTmp)(const uint8_t* const cpcu8Data, const uint8_t* const pu8Sender))
* @brief set callback for event when application data is received
* @param (*pAppRxHandleTmp)(const uint8_t* const cpcu8Data, const uint8_t* const pu8Sender) function pointer
* @return ESP32 error code
* @author Hendrik Schutter
* @date 20.01.2021
esp_err_t errMeshNetworkSetAppReceiveHandle(void (*pAppRxHandleTmp)(const uint8_t* const cpcu8Data, const uint8_t* const pu8Sender))
pAppRxHandle = pAppRxHandleTmp; //set handle from app as receive handle if an app packet is received
return ESP_OK;
* @fn esp_err_t errMeshNetworkSetOTAMessageHandleHandle(void (*pOTAMessageHandleTmp)(const MESH_PACKET_t* const cpcuMeshPacket))
* @brief set callback for event when OTA message is received
* @param (*pOTAMessageHandleTmp)(const MESH_PACKET_t* const cpcuMeshPacket) function pointer
* @return ESP32 error code
* @author Hendrik Schutter
* @date 20.01.2021
esp_err_t errMeshNetworkSetOTAMessageHandleHandle(void (*pOTAMessageHandleTmp)(const MESH_PACKET_t* const cpcuMeshPacket))
pOTAMessageHandle = pOTAMessageHandleTmp;
return ESP_OK;
* @fn esp_err_t errMeshNetworkSetChangeStateOfServerWorkerHandle(void (*pChangeStateOfServerWorkerHandleTmp)(const bool cbState))
* @brief set callback for event when connectify to server is changed
* @param (*pChangeStateOfServerWorkerHandleTmp)(const bool cbState) function pointer
* @return ESP32 error code
* @author Hendrik Schutter
* @date 20.01.2021
esp_err_t errMeshNetworkSetChangeStateOfServerWorkerHandle(void (*pChangeStateOfServerWorkerHandleTmp)(const bool cbState))
pChangeStateOfServerWorkerHandle = pChangeStateOfServerWorkerHandleTmp;

View File

@ -1,8 +1,28 @@
* @file Mesh_Network_Handler.c
* @brief Handler for events from mesh network (no messages)
* @author Hendrik Schutter
* @date 20.01.2021
* Additional Infos: IP event received or parrent or child connected or disconnected
#include "Mesh_Network.h"
static const char *LOG_TAG = "mesh_network_handler";
* @fn void vMeshNetworkIpEventHandler(void *arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t i32EventID, void *vpEventData)
* @brief received an IP event
* @param arg
* @param event_base
* @param i32EventID
* @param vpEventData
* @return void
* @author ESP-IDF
* @date 20.01.2021
void vMeshNetworkIpEventHandler(void *arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t i32EventID, void *vpEventData)
ip_event_got_ip_t *event = (ip_event_got_ip_t *) vpEventData;
@ -13,6 +33,17 @@ void vMeshNetworkIpEventHandler(void *arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t
* @fn void vMeshNetworkMeshEventHandler(void *arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t i32EventID, void* vpEventData)
* @brief received an mesh event
* @param arg
* @param event_base
* @param i32EventID
* @param vpEventData
* @return void
* @author ESP-IDF
* @date 20.01.2021
void vMeshNetworkMeshEventHandler(void *arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t i32EventID, void* vpEventData)
mesh_addr_t id = {0,};

View File

@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
* @file HTTPS_Client.h
* @brief Used to download the OTA image from the server
* @author Hendrik Schutter
* @date 20.01.2021
* Additional Infos: Connects via HTTPS and HTTPS Basic Auth to the Server.
* Downloads the image in segments

View File

@ -1,13 +1,32 @@
* @file Blinky_LED.c
* @brief Demo application using the mesh network
* @author Hendrik Schutter
* @date 20.01.2021
* Additional Infos: If button "BOOT" on ESP32-Module is pressed, all LED2 (blue) in the network will toggle the state.
#include "Blinky_LED.h"
static const char *LOG_TAG = "blinky_led";
static bool bLEDisOn = false; //set led default off
static mesh_addr_t addrParent; //addr of parent node
static mesh_addr_t addrParent; //addr of parent node
static mesh_addr_t childrenAddr[CONFIG_MESH_ROUTE_TABLE_SIZE]; //array of children attached to this node
static uint16_t u16ChildrenSize; //number of children attached to this node
xQueueHandle queueBlinkyLEDPackets; //handle for led action queue
esp_err_t errBlinkyLEDInitialize()
* @fn esp_err_t errBlinkyLEDInitialize()
* @brief Starts the demp app
* @param void
* @return ESP32 error code
* @author Hendrik Schutter
* @date 20.01.2021
* Initialize the queue and starts the tasks
esp_err_t errBlinkyLEDInitialize(void)
esp_err_t err = ESP_OK;
BaseType_t xReturned;
@ -45,7 +64,17 @@ esp_err_t errBlinkyLEDInitialize()
return err;
void vGPIOInitialize()
* @fn void vGPIOInitialize(void)
* @brief sets the GPIO pins to correct modes
* @param void
* @return void
* @author Hendrik Schutter
* @date 20.01.2021
* Initialize GPIO
void vGPIOInitialize(void)
gpio_config_t gpioConf;
@ -62,6 +91,17 @@ void vGPIOInitialize()
* @fn void rxHandle(const uint8_t* const pu8Data, const uint8_t* const pu8Sender)
* @brief callback handler from mesh network layer
* @param pu8Data data received
* @param pu8Sender sender node from data
* @return void
* @author Hendrik Schutter
* @date 20.01.2021
* Adds the data into queue
void rxHandle(const uint8_t* const pu8Data, const uint8_t* const pu8Sender)
//send payload to app queue
@ -74,6 +114,16 @@ void rxHandle(const uint8_t* const pu8Data, const uint8_t* const pu8Sender)
* @fn void vTaskReadUserInput(void *arg)
* @brief FreeRTOS task reading the user input (button)
* @param args parameter for task
* @return void
* @author Hendrik Schutter
* @date 20.01.2021
* Adds a button press to the queue
void vTaskReadUserInput(void *arg)
esp_err_t err = ESP_OK;
@ -129,6 +179,16 @@ void vTaskReadUserInput(void *arg)
* @fn void vTaskReceiveData(void *arg)
* @brief FreeRTOS task reading queue and setting the LED
* @param args parameter for task
* @return void
* @author Hendrik Schutter
* @date 20.01.2021
* Sets the LED off or on based on data in queue
void vTaskReceiveData(void *arg)
esp_err_t err = ESP_OK;

View File

@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* @file Blinky_LED.h
* @brief Demo application using the mesh network
* @author Hendrik Schutter
* @date 20.01.2021
* Additional Infos: If button "BOOT" on ESP32-Module is pressed, all LED2 (blue) in the network will toggle the state.
#ifndef H_BLINKY_LED
#define H_BLINKY_LED
@ -29,8 +38,8 @@ struct blinky_packet
typedef struct blinky_packet BLINKY_PACKET_t;
esp_err_t errBlinkyLEDInitialize();
void vGPIOInitialize();
esp_err_t errBlinkyLEDInitialize(void);
void vGPIOInitialize(void);
void rxHandle(const uint8_t* const pu8Data, const uint8_t* const pu8Sender);
void vTaskReadUserInput(void *arg);
void vTaskReceiveData(void *arg);