add upNextSeries

the MediaFragment will show the next episodes title instead for the series title and play the "next up" episode when the play button is clicked
This commit is contained in:
Jannik 2022-01-09 18:41:23 +01:00
parent e98e75456e
commit a10287f747
Signed by: Seil0
GPG Key ID: E8459F3723C52C24
6 changed files with 125 additions and 78 deletions

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ android {
minSdkVersion 23
targetSdkVersion 30
versionCode 4200 //00.04.200
versionName "1.0.0-alpha2"
versionName "1.0.0-alpha3"
testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
resValue "string", "build_time", buildTime()

View File

@ -295,6 +295,23 @@ object Crunchyroll {
} ?: NoneSeries
suspend fun upNextSeries(seriesId: String): UpNextSeriesItem {
val upNextSeriesEndpoint = "/content/v1/up_next_series"
val parameters = listOf(
"series_id" to seriesId,
"locale" to locale
val result = request(upNextSeriesEndpoint, parameters)
return result.component1()?.obj()?.let {
} ?: NoneUpNextSeriesItem
suspend fun seasons(seriesId: String): Seasons {
val episodesEndpoint = "/cms/v2/$country/M3/crunchyroll/seasons"
val parameters = listOf(
@ -404,6 +421,18 @@ object Crunchyroll {
} ?: emptyMap()
suspend fun postPlayheads(episodeId: String, playhead: Int) {
val playheadsEndpoint = "/content/v1/playheads/$accountID"
val parameters = listOf("locale" to locale)
val json = buildJsonObject {
put("content_id", episodeId)
put("playhead", playhead)
requestPost(playheadsEndpoint, parameters, json.toString())
* Listing functions: watchlist (list), up_next_account

View File

@ -31,6 +31,14 @@ typealias DiscSeasonList = Collection<SeasonListItem>
typealias Watchlist = Collection<Item>
typealias ContinueWatchingList = Collection<ContinueWatchingItem>
data class UpNextSeriesItem(
val playhead: Int,
val fully_watched: Boolean,
val never_watched: Boolean,
val panel: EpisodePanel,
* panel data classes
@ -73,17 +81,18 @@ data class SeasonListLocalization(
* continue_watching_item data classes
data class ContinueWatchingItem(
@SerialName("panel") val panel: EpisodePanel,
@SerialName("new") val new: Boolean,
@SerialName("new_content") val newContent: Boolean,
// not present in up_next_account's continue_watching_item
// not present in up_next_account -> continue_watching_item
// @SerialName("is_favorite") val isFavorite: Boolean,
// @SerialName("never_watched") val neverWatched: Boolean,
// @SerialName("completion_status") val completionStatus: Boolean,
@SerialName("playhead") val playhead: Int,
// not present in watchlist -> continue_watching_item
// @SerialName("fully_watched") val fullyWatched: Boolean,
// EpisodePanel is used in ContinueWatchingItem
@ -94,24 +103,31 @@ data class EpisodePanel(
@SerialName("type") val type: String,
@SerialName("channel_id") val channelId: String,
@SerialName("description") val description: String,
@SerialName("images") val images: Thumbnail,
@SerialName("episode_metadata") val episodeMetadata: EpisodeMetadata,
@SerialName("images") val images: Thumbnail,
@SerialName("playback") val playback: String,
data class EpisodeMetadata(
@SerialName("duration_ms") val durationMs: Int,
@SerialName("season_id") val seasonId: String,
@SerialName("series_id") val seriesId: String,
@SerialName("series_title") val seriesTitle: String,
val NoneItem = Item("", "", "", "", "", Images(emptyList(), emptyList()))
val NoneEpisodeMetadata = EpisodeMetadata(0, "", "", "")
val NoneEpisodePanel = EpisodePanel("", "", "", "", "", NoneEpisodeMetadata, Thumbnail(listOf()), "")
val NoneCollection = Collection<Item>(0, emptyList())
val NoneSearchResult = SearchResult(0, emptyList())
val NoneBrowseResult = BrowseResult(0, emptyList())
val NoneDiscSeasonList = DiscSeasonList(0, emptyList())
val NoneWatchlist = Watchlist(0, emptyList())
val NoneContinueWatchingList = ContinueWatchingList(0, emptyList())
val NoneUpNextSeriesItem =UpNextSeriesItem(0, false, false, NoneEpisodePanel)
* Series data type
@ -163,7 +179,7 @@ data class Season(
@SerialName("is_dubbed") val isDubbed: Boolean,
val NoneSeasons = Seasons(0, listOf())
val NoneSeasons = Seasons(0, emptyList())
val NoneSeason = Season("", "", "", 0, isSubbed = false, isDubbed = false)

View File

@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ import com.bumptech.glide.request.RequestOptions
import jp.wasabeef.glide.transformations.BlurTransformation
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import org.mosad.teapod.R
import org.mosad.teapod.databinding.FragmentMediaBinding
import org.mosad.teapod.parser.crunchyroll.NoneUpNextSeriesItem
import org.mosad.teapod.ui.activity.main.MainActivity
import org.mosad.teapod.ui.activity.main.viewmodel.MediaFragmentViewModel
import org.mosad.teapod.util.tmdb.TMDBApiController
@ -37,19 +37,23 @@ class MediaFragment(private val mediaIdStr: String) : Fragment() {
private lateinit var binding: FragmentMediaBinding
private lateinit var pagerAdapter: FragmentStateAdapter
private val model: MediaFragmentViewModel by activityViewModels()
private val fragments = arrayListOf<Fragment>()
private var watchlistJobRunning = false
private var runOnResume = false
private val model: MediaFragmentViewModel by activityViewModels()
override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View {
binding = FragmentMediaBinding.inflate(inflater, container, false)
return binding.root
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
binding.frameLoading.visibility = View.VISIBLE
// tab layout and pager
@ -77,11 +81,21 @@ class MediaFragment(private val mediaIdStr: String) : Fragment() {
override fun onResume() {
// update the next ep text if there is one, since it may have changed
// TODO reimplement
// if ( {
// binding.textTitle.text =
// }
if (runOnResume) {
lifecycleScope.launch {
if (model.upNextSeries != NoneUpNextSeriesItem) {
binding.textTitle.text = model.upNextSeries.panel.title
if (fragments.elementAtOrNull(0) is MediaFragmentEpisodes) {
(fragments[0] as MediaFragmentEpisodes).updateWatchedState()
} else {
runOnResume = true
@ -102,15 +116,17 @@ class MediaFragment(private val mediaIdStr: String) : Fragment() {
.apply(RequestOptions.bitmapTransform(BlurTransformation(20, 3)))
binding.textTitle.text = seriesCrunchy.title
binding.textOverview.text = seriesCrunchy.description
binding.textAge.text = seriesCrunchy.maturityRatings.firstOrNull()
binding.textYear.text = when(tmdbResult) {
is TMDBTVShow -> (tmdbResult as TMDBTVShow).firstAirDate.substring(0, 4)
is TMDBMovie -> (tmdbResult as TMDBMovie).releaseDate.substring(0, 4)
else -> ""
binding.textAge.text = seriesCrunchy.maturityRatings.firstOrNull()
binding.textTitle.text = if (upNextSeries != NoneUpNextSeriesItem) {
} else seriesCrunchy.title
binding.textOverview.text = seriesCrunchy.description
// set "watchlist" indicator
val watchlistIcon = if (isWatchlist) R.drawable.ic_baseline_check_24 else R.drawable.ic_baseline_add_24
@ -127,8 +143,7 @@ class MediaFragment(private val mediaIdStr: String) : Fragment() {
// TODO reimplement via tmdb/metaDB
// specific gui
// specific gui (via tmdb)
when (tmdbResult) {
is TMDBTVShow -> {
// episodes count
@ -156,40 +171,6 @@ class MediaFragment(private val mediaIdStr: String) : Fragment() {
// if (mediaCrunchy.type == MediaType.TVSHOW.str) {
// // TODO get next episode
//// nextEpisodeId = media.playlist.firstOrNull{ !it.watched }?.mediaId
//// ?: media.playlist.first().mediaId
// // TODO title is the next episodes title
//// binding.textTitle.text = media.getEpisodeById(nextEpisodeId).title
// // episodes count
// binding.textEpisodesOrRuntime.text = resources.getQuantityString(
// R.plurals.text_episodes_count,
// )
// // episodes
// MediaFragmentEpisodes().also {
// fragments.add(it)
// pagerAdapter.notifyItemInserted(fragments.indexOf(it))
// }
// } else if (media.type == MediaType.MOVIE) {
// val tmdbMovie = (tmdbResult as TMDBMovie?)
// if (tmdbMovie?.runtime != null) {
// binding.textEpisodesOrRuntime.text = resources.getQuantityString(
// R.plurals.text_runtime,
// tmdbMovie.runtime,
// tmdbMovie.runtime
// )
// } else {
// binding.textEpisodesOrRuntime.visibility = View.GONE
// }
// }
// if has similar titles
// TODO reimplement
// if (media.similar.isNotEmpty()) {
@ -210,12 +191,9 @@ class MediaFragment(private val mediaIdStr: String) : Fragment() {
private fun initActions() = with(model) {
binding.buttonPlay.setOnClickListener {
// TODO reimplement
// when (media.type) {
// MediaType.MOVIE -> playEpisode(media.playlist.first().mediaId)
// MediaType.TVSHOW -> playEpisode(nextEpisodeId)
// else -> Log.e(, "Wrong Type: ${media.type}")
// }
if (upNextSeries != NoneUpNextSeriesItem) {
// add or remove media from myList

View File

@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ class MediaFragmentEpisodes : Fragment() {
// if adapterRecEpisodes is initialized, update the watched state for the episodes
if (this::adapterRecEpisodes.isInitialized) {
// TODO reimplement, if needed
// update via playheads?
// { index, episodeInfo ->
// adapterRecEpisodes.updateWatchedState(episodeInfo.watched, index)
// }
@ -67,6 +68,11 @@ class MediaFragmentEpisodes : Fragment() {
fun updateWatchedState() {
// TODO update watched state of all episodes
// use a mutable list for playheads and notify dataset changed
private fun showSeasonSelection(v: View) {
// TODO replace with Exposed dropdown menu:
val popup = PopupMenu(requireContext(), v)

View File

@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ package org.mosad.teapod.ui.activity.main.viewmodel
import androidx.lifecycle.AndroidViewModel
import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
import kotlinx.coroutines.joinAll
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.serialization.ExperimentalSerializationApi
import org.mosad.teapod.parser.crunchyroll.*
import org.mosad.teapod.preferences.Preferences
import org.mosad.teapod.util.DataTypes.MediaType
@ -29,9 +29,12 @@ class MediaFragmentViewModel(application: Application) : AndroidViewModel(applic
var episodesCrunchy = NoneEpisodes
internal set
val currentEpisodesCrunchy = arrayListOf<Episode>() // used for EpisodeItemAdapter (easier updates)
// additional media info
var currentPlayheads: PlayheadsMap = emptyMap()
var isWatchlist = false
internal set
var upNextSeries = NoneUpNextSeriesItem
// TMDB stuff
var mediaType = MediaType.OTHER
@ -52,35 +55,40 @@ class MediaFragmentViewModel(application: Application) : AndroidViewModel(applic
viewModelScope.launch { seriesCrunchy = Crunchyroll.series(crunchyId) },
viewModelScope.launch { seasonsCrunchy = Crunchyroll.seasons(crunchyId) },
viewModelScope.launch { isWatchlist = Crunchyroll.isWatchlist(crunchyId) }
viewModelScope.launch { isWatchlist = Crunchyroll.isWatchlist(crunchyId) },
viewModelScope.launch { upNextSeries = Crunchyroll.upNextSeries(crunchyId) }
println("series: $seriesCrunchy")
println("seasons: $seasonsCrunchy")
// TODO load episodes, metaDB and tmdb in parallel
// println("series: $seriesCrunchy")
// println("seasons: $seasonsCrunchy")
// load the preferred season (preferred language, language per season, not per stream)
currentSeasonCrunchy = seasonsCrunchy.getPreferredSeason(Preferences.preferredLocal)
episodesCrunchy = Crunchyroll.episodes(
// load episodes and metaDB in parallel (tmdb needs mediaType, which is set via episodes)
viewModelScope.launch { episodesCrunchy = Crunchyroll.episodes( },
viewModelScope.launch { mediaMeta = null }, // TODO metaDB
// println("episodes: $episodesCrunchy")
println("episodes: $episodesCrunchy")
// get playheads (including fully watched state)
val episodeIDs = { }
currentPlayheads = Crunchyroll.playheads(episodeIDs)
// set media type
mediaType = episodesCrunchy.items.firstOrNull()?.let {
if (it.episodeNumber != null) MediaType.TVSHOW else MediaType.MOVIE
} ?: MediaType.OTHER
// TODO check if metaDB knows the title
mediaMeta = null // set mediaMeta to null, if metaDB doesn't know the media
// use tmdb search to get media info
// load playheads and tmdb in parallel
viewModelScope.launch {
// get playheads (including fully watched state)
val episodeIDs = { }
currentPlayheads = Crunchyroll.playheads(episodeIDs)
viewModelScope.launch { loadTmdbInfo() } // use tmdb search to get media info
@ -143,6 +151,16 @@ class MediaFragmentViewModel(application: Application) : AndroidViewModel(applic
suspend fun updateOnResume(): List<Job> {
return listOf(
viewModelScope.launch {
val episodeIDs = { }
currentPlayheads = Crunchyroll.playheads(episodeIDs)
viewModelScope.launch { upNextSeries = Crunchyroll.upNextSeries( }
* get the next episode based on episodeId
* if no matching is found, use first episode