fix: https download offset

This commit is contained in:
Hendrik Schutter 2021-01-08 22:29:33 +01:00
parent d50985c577
commit 8e7f4e68dc
1 changed files with 24 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -130,17 +130,17 @@ https_client_ret_t https_clientRetrieveData(unsigned char* pu8Data, uint32_t* pu
int32_t i32RetRetrieveData = ESP_OK;
bzero(pu8Data, *pu32DataLenght);
bool bRetriveData = true;
*pu32BytesRead = 0U;
while (bRetriveData)
//Reading HTTP response
i32RetRetrieveData = mbedtls_ssl_read(&sHTTPS_ClientConfig.ssl, (unsigned char *)pu8Data, *pu32DataLenght);
i32RetRetrieveData = mbedtls_ssl_read(&sHTTPS_ClientConfig.ssl, (unsigned char *)(pu8Data+(*pu32BytesRead)), ((*pu32DataLenght)-(*pu32BytesRead)));
if(i32RetRetrieveData > 0)
//Data received
*pu32BytesRead = *pu32BytesRead + i32RetRetrieveData;
*pu32DataLenght = *pu32DataLenght - *pu32BytesRead;
if(*pu32DataLenght > 0)
@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ https_client_ret_t https_clientRetrieveData(unsigned char* pu8Data, uint32_t* pu
//buffer full --> stop reading
bRetriveData = false;
if(i32RetRetrieveData == 0)
@ -357,20 +358,36 @@ static void https_get_task(void *pvParameters)
unsigned char buffer[1024U];
uint32_t u32BytesRead = 0;
uint32_t u32readCount = 0U;
do {
https_clientRetrieveData(buffer, &u32BufferLenght, &u32BytesRead);
printf("\nread: %i\n", u32BytesRead);
if(u32BytesRead == 293)
// Print response directly to stdout as it is read
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < u32BytesRead; i++) {
// printf("%x ", buffer[i]);
printf("%x ", buffer[i]);
printf("\n END \n");
}while(u32BytesRead > 0);
printf("\n END %i\n", u32readCount);
vTaskDelay( 500/portTICK_PERIOD_MS);