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# FTDI_simple_alarm
Use a USB-Serial Converter like the FT232RL for activating a buzzer. Simple and cheap (~1,75€)
## Features:
* works on GNU/Linux only
* no drivers or other software/libs are requidered
* triggerd via bash or service daemon
## Limitations:
* works safe on system with only one `/dev/ttyUSB` device
* no other task can use the FTDI device for other things
## Hardware:
1. FT232RL Breakout board ~1,5€
2. NPN Transistor like 2N2222A ~0,0€
3. Active Buzzer 5V ~0,25€
### Schematics:
To invert the TXD pin on the FTDI device, programming the EEPROM is needed. With the Windoofs tool "FTDI_Prog" the Template `ft232rl_alert.xml` is uplouded. For GNU/Linux is [ftx-prog](https://github.com/richardeoin/ftx-prog) available. The only difference to default is the inverted TXD pin.
## Software:
### Commmon Distributions
Make sure the device is after plug in recognized as ttyUSB with `dmesg`.<br/>
Edit the alert.sh with your device name, like `/dev/ttyUSB0`. <br/>
Run `bash ./alert.sh` for starting the alarm.<br/>
### openWrt
`opkg update`<br/>
`opkg install kmod-usb-serial`<br/>
`opkg install kmod-usb-serial-ftdi`<br/>
Make shure the device is recocntied as ttyUSB after plug in with `dmesg`.<br/>
Edit the alarm.sh with your device name, like `/dev/ttyUSB0`. <br/>
Run `bash ./alert.sh` for starting the alarm.<br/>
### Service
`nano /etc/init.d/alarm`
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
restart() {
bash /root/alert.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 &
bash /root/alert.sh start > /dev/null 2>&1 &
start() {
bash /root/alert.sh start > /dev/null 2>&1 &
stop() {
bash /root/alert.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 &
`chmod +x /etc/init.d/alarm`
`/etc/init.d/alarm start`
`/etc/init.d/alarm stop`