updated to build 102

This commit is contained in:
Seil0 2016-11-21 18:24:06 +01:00
parent aacd1ed47b
commit 98a493aba6
34 changed files with 222 additions and 94 deletions

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
<children> <children>
<TreeTableView fx:id="treeTableViewfilm" layoutX="14.0" layoutY="88.0" prefHeight="400.0" prefWidth="360.0" AnchorPane.bottomAnchor="12.0" AnchorPane.leftAnchor="12.0" AnchorPane.topAnchor="88.0" /> <TreeTableView fx:id="treeTableViewfilm" layoutX="14.0" layoutY="88.0" prefHeight="400.0" prefWidth="360.0" AnchorPane.bottomAnchor="12.0" AnchorPane.leftAnchor="12.0" AnchorPane.topAnchor="88.0" />
<JFXTextArea fx:id="ta1" layoutX="385.0" layoutY="42.0" maxWidth="503.0" minWidth="275.0" prefHeight="546.0" prefWidth="293.0" AnchorPane.bottomAnchor="12.0" AnchorPane.leftAnchor="385.0" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="222.0" AnchorPane.topAnchor="44.0" /> <JFXTextArea fx:id="ta1" layoutX="385.0" layoutY="42.0" maxWidth="503.0" minWidth="275.0" prefHeight="546.0" prefWidth="293.0" AnchorPane.bottomAnchor="12.0" AnchorPane.leftAnchor="385.0" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="222.0" AnchorPane.topAnchor="44.0" />
<JFXButton fx:id="playbtn" layoutX="690.0" layoutY="363.0" onAction="#playbtnclicked" prefHeight="25.0" prefWidth="198.0" text="play" AnchorPane.bottomAnchor="212.0" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="12.0"> <JFXButton fx:id="playbtn" contentDisplay="CENTER" layoutX="690.0" layoutY="363.0" onAction="#playbtnclicked" prefHeight="25.0" prefWidth="198.0" AnchorPane.bottomAnchor="212.0" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="12.0">
<font> <font>
<Font name="System Bold" size="14.0" /> <Font name="System Bold" size="14.0" />
</font></JFXButton> </font></JFXButton>
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
<image> <image>
<Image url="@../recources/Homeflix_Poster.png" /> <Image url="@../recources/Homeflix_Poster.png" />
</image></ImageView> </image></ImageView>
<JFXButton fx:id="returnBtn" layoutX="690.0" layoutY="443.0" onAction="#returnBtnclicked" prefHeight="25.0" prefWidth="90.0" text="&lt;&lt;" AnchorPane.bottomAnchor="132.0" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="120.0" /> <JFXButton fx:id="returnBtn" contentDisplay="CENTER" layoutX="690.0" layoutY="443.0" onAction="#returnBtnclicked" prefHeight="25.0" prefWidth="90.0" AnchorPane.bottomAnchor="132.0" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="120.0" />
<JFXButton fx:id="forwardBtn" layoutX="798.0" layoutY="443.0" onAction="#forwardBtnclicked" prefHeight="25.0" prefWidth="90.0" text="&gt;&gt;" AnchorPane.bottomAnchor="132.0" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="12.0" /> <JFXButton fx:id="forwardBtn" contentDisplay="CENTER" layoutX="798.0" layoutY="443.0" onAction="#forwardBtnclicked" prefHeight="25.0" prefWidth="90.0" AnchorPane.bottomAnchor="132.0" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="12.0" />
<HBox fx:id="topHBox" layoutY="12.0" prefHeight="32.0" prefWidth="900.0" AnchorPane.leftAnchor="0.0" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="0.0" AnchorPane.topAnchor="0.0"> <HBox fx:id="topHBox" layoutY="12.0" prefHeight="32.0" prefWidth="900.0" AnchorPane.leftAnchor="0.0" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="0.0" AnchorPane.topAnchor="0.0">
<children> <children>
<JFXButton fx:id="menubtn" onAction="#menubtnclicked" prefHeight="32.0" prefWidth="32.0" /> <JFXButton fx:id="menubtn" onAction="#menubtnclicked" prefHeight="32.0" prefWidth="32.0" />
@ -94,4 +94,4 @@
</children> </children>
</AnchorPane> </AnchorPane>
</children> </children>
</AnchorPane> </AnchorPane>

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
info = Info info = Info
settings = Einstellungen settings = Einstellungen
streamingSettings = Stream Einst. streamingSettings = Stream Einst.
play = play
tfPath = Pfad... tfPath = Pfad...
tfSearch = Suche...
openFolder = Ordner \u00F6ffnen openFolder = Ordner \u00F6ffnen
chooseFolder = Ordner ausw\u00E4hlen chooseFolder = Ordner ausw\u00E4hlen
fontSize = Schriftgr\u00F6\u00DFe: fontSize = Schriftgr\u00F6\u00DFe:
@ -23,6 +23,25 @@ errorUpdateD = Beim ausf\u00FChren des Updates ist ein Fehler aufgetreten! \nErr
errorPlay = Beim \u00F6ffnen der Datei ist ein Fehler aufgetreten! \nError: could not open file (nof) \nWeitere Hilfe erhalten sie unter www.kellerkinder.xyz \noder wenden sie sich an support@kellerkinder.xyz errorPlay = Beim \u00F6ffnen der Datei ist ein Fehler aufgetreten! \nError: could not open file (nof) \nWeitere Hilfe erhalten sie unter www.kellerkinder.xyz \noder wenden sie sich an support@kellerkinder.xyz
errorMode = Oh, da lief etwas falsch! Da hat jemand einen falschen Modus verwendet. \nError: mode unknow (muk)\nWeitere Hilfe erhalten sie unter www.kellerkinder.xyz \noder wenden sie sich an support@kellerkinder.xyz errorMode = Oh, da lief etwas falsch! Da hat jemand einen falschen Modus verwendet. \nError: mode unknow (muk)\nWeitere Hilfe erhalten sie unter www.kellerkinder.xyz \noder wenden sie sich an support@kellerkinder.xyz
errorOpenStream = Beim \u00F6ffnen des Streams ist ein Fehler aufgetreten! errorOpenStream = Beim \u00F6ffnen des Streams ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!
errorLoad = Beim laden der Einstellungen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!
errorSave = Beim speichern der Einstellungen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!
noFilmFound = Kein Film mit diesem Titel gefunden!
linuxBug = Zurzeit werden unter Linux leider keine Dateien mit Leerzeichen unterst\u00FCtzt! linuxBug = Zurzeit werden unter Linux leider keine Dateien mit Leerzeichen unterst\u00FCtzt!
vlcNotInstalled = Um einen Film abspielen wird der VLC Media Player ben\u00F6tigt! vlcNotInstalled = Um einen Film abspielen wird der VLC Media Player ben\u00F6tigt!
infoText = \nMaintainer: seilo@kellerkinder.xyz und \nhendrik.schutter@coptersicht.de \n(c) 2016 Kellerkinder www.kellerkinder.xyz infoText = \nMaintainer: seilo@kellerkinder.xyz und \nhendrik.schutter@coptersicht.de \n(c) 2016 Kellerkinder www.kellerkinder.xyz
title = Titel
year = Jahr
rating = Einstufung
publishedOn = Ver\u00F6ffentlicht am
duration = Laufzeit
genre = Gener
director = Regisseur
writer = Autor
actors = Schauspieler
plot = Beschreibung
language = Original Sprache
country = Produktionsland
awards = Auszeichnungen
metascore = Metascore
imdbRating = IMDB-Bewertung
type = Type

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
info = Info info = Info
settings = Settings settings = Settings
streamingSettings = Stream Settings streamingSettings = Stream Settings
play = play
tfPath = Path... tfPath = Path...
tfSearch = Search...
openFolder = open Folder openFolder = open Folder
chooseFolder = choose Directory chooseFolder = choose Directory
fontSize = font size: fontSize = font size:
@ -23,6 +23,25 @@ errorUpdateD = An error has occurred during update! \nError: could not download
errorPlay = An error has occurred during opening the file! \nError: could not open file (nof) \nTo get help, visit www.kellerkinder.xyz \nor contcat support@kellerkinder.xyz errorPlay = An error has occurred during opening the file! \nError: could not open file (nof) \nTo get help, visit www.kellerkinder.xyz \nor contcat support@kellerkinder.xyz
errorMode = Oh, something went wrong! It seems someone has used a wrong mode. \nError: mode unknow (muk) \nTo get help, visit www.kellerkinder.xyz \nor contcat support@kellerkinder.xyz errorMode = Oh, something went wrong! It seems someone has used a wrong mode. \nError: mode unknow (muk) \nTo get help, visit www.kellerkinder.xyz \nor contcat support@kellerkinder.xyz
errorOpenStream = An error has occurred during opening the stream! errorOpenStream = An error has occurred during opening the stream!
errorLoad = An error occurred while loading the settings!
errorSave = An error occurred while saving the settings!
noFilmFound = No film with this title found!
linuxBug = Currently no files are supported with additional space under Linux unfortunately! linuxBug = Currently no files are supported with additional space under Linux unfortunately!
vlcNotInstalled = VLC Media Player is required to play a movie! vlcNotInstalled = VLC Media Player is required to play a movie!
infoText = \nMaintainer: seilo@kellerkinder.xyz and \nhendrik.schutter@coptersicht.de \n(c) 2016 Kellerkinder www.kellerkinder.xyz infoText = \nMaintainer: seilo@kellerkinder.xyz and \nhendrik.schutter@coptersicht.de \n(c) 2016 Kellerkinder www.kellerkinder.xyz
title = Title
year = Year
rating = Rating
publishedOn = published on
duration = Duration
genre = Gener
director = Director
writer = Writer
actors = Actors
plot = Plot
language = Language
country = Country
awards = Awards
metascore = Metascore
imdbRating = IMDB-Rating
type = Type

Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 215 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 128 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 134 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 131 B

Binary file not shown.


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View File


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View File


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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 15 KiB

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
<children> <children>
<TreeTableView fx:id="treeTableViewfilm" layoutX="14.0" layoutY="88.0" prefHeight="400.0" prefWidth="360.0" AnchorPane.bottomAnchor="12.0" AnchorPane.leftAnchor="12.0" AnchorPane.topAnchor="88.0" /> <TreeTableView fx:id="treeTableViewfilm" layoutX="14.0" layoutY="88.0" prefHeight="400.0" prefWidth="360.0" AnchorPane.bottomAnchor="12.0" AnchorPane.leftAnchor="12.0" AnchorPane.topAnchor="88.0" />
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<JFXButton fx:id="playbtn" layoutX="690.0" layoutY="363.0" onAction="#playbtnclicked" prefHeight="25.0" prefWidth="198.0" text="play" AnchorPane.bottomAnchor="212.0" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="12.0"> <JFXButton fx:id="playbtn" contentDisplay="CENTER" layoutX="690.0" layoutY="363.0" onAction="#playbtnclicked" prefHeight="25.0" prefWidth="198.0" AnchorPane.bottomAnchor="212.0" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="12.0">
<font> <font>
<Font name="System Bold" size="14.0" /> <Font name="System Bold" size="14.0" />
</font></JFXButton> </font></JFXButton>
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
<image> <image>
<Image url="@../recources/Homeflix_Poster.png" /> <Image url="@../recources/Homeflix_Poster.png" />
</image></ImageView> </image></ImageView>
<JFXButton fx:id="returnBtn" layoutX="690.0" layoutY="443.0" onAction="#returnBtnclicked" prefHeight="25.0" prefWidth="90.0" text="&lt;&lt;" AnchorPane.bottomAnchor="132.0" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="120.0" /> <JFXButton fx:id="returnBtn" contentDisplay="CENTER" layoutX="690.0" layoutY="443.0" onAction="#returnBtnclicked" prefHeight="25.0" prefWidth="90.0" AnchorPane.bottomAnchor="132.0" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="120.0" />
<JFXButton fx:id="forwardBtn" layoutX="798.0" layoutY="443.0" onAction="#forwardBtnclicked" prefHeight="25.0" prefWidth="90.0" text="&gt;&gt;" AnchorPane.bottomAnchor="132.0" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="12.0" /> <JFXButton fx:id="forwardBtn" contentDisplay="CENTER" layoutX="798.0" layoutY="443.0" onAction="#forwardBtnclicked" prefHeight="25.0" prefWidth="90.0" AnchorPane.bottomAnchor="132.0" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="12.0" />
<HBox fx:id="topHBox" layoutY="12.0" prefHeight="32.0" prefWidth="900.0" AnchorPane.leftAnchor="0.0" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="0.0" AnchorPane.topAnchor="0.0"> <HBox fx:id="topHBox" layoutY="12.0" prefHeight="32.0" prefWidth="900.0" AnchorPane.leftAnchor="0.0" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="0.0" AnchorPane.topAnchor="0.0">
<children> <children>
<JFXButton fx:id="menubtn" onAction="#menubtnclicked" prefHeight="32.0" prefWidth="32.0" /> <JFXButton fx:id="menubtn" onAction="#menubtnclicked" prefHeight="32.0" prefWidth="32.0" />
@ -94,4 +94,4 @@
</children> </children>
</AnchorPane> </AnchorPane>
</children> </children>
</AnchorPane> </AnchorPane>

View File

@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ public class MainWindowController {
private boolean settingstrue = false; private boolean settingstrue = false;
private boolean streamingSettingsTrue = false; private boolean streamingSettingsTrue = false;
private String version = "0.4.0"; private String version = "0.4.0";
private String buildNumber = "100"; private String buildNumber = "102";
private String versionName = "glowing bucket"; private String versionName = "glowing bucket";
private String buildURL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Seil0/Project-HomeFlix/master/updates/buildNumber.txt"; private String buildURL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Seil0/Project-HomeFlix/master/updates/buildNumber.txt";
private String downloadLink = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Seil0/Project-HomeFlix/master/updates/downloadLink.txt"; private String downloadLink = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Seil0/Project-HomeFlix/master/updates/downloadLink.txt";
@ -203,6 +203,9 @@ public class MainWindowController {
private String errorPlay; private String errorPlay;
private String errorOpenStream; private String errorOpenStream;
private String errorMode; private String errorMode;
private String errorLoad;
private String errorSave;
private String noFilmFound;
private String infoText; private String infoText;
private String linuxBugText; private String linuxBugText;
private String vlcNotInstalled; private String vlcNotInstalled;
@ -213,7 +216,23 @@ public class MainWindowController {
private String Name; private String Name;
private String datPath; private String datPath;
private String autoUpdate; private String autoUpdate;
private String mode; private String mode;
private String title;
private String year;
private String rating;
private String publishedOn;
private String duration;
private String genre;
private String director;
private String writer;
private String actors;
private String plot;
private String language;
private String country;
private String awards;
private String metascore;
private String imdbRating;
private String type;
private double size; private double size;
private int last; private int last;
private int selected; private int selected;
@ -228,8 +247,14 @@ public class MainWindowController {
private ObservableList<streamUiData> streamData = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); private ObservableList<streamUiData> streamData = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
private ObservableList<String> locals = FXCollections.observableArrayList("english", "deutsch"); private ObservableList<String> locals = FXCollections.observableArrayList("english", "deutsch");
private ObservableList<streamUiData> streamingData = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); private ObservableList<streamUiData> streamingData = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
private ImageView menu_icon_black = new ImageView(new Image("recources/menu_icon_black.png")); private ImageView menu_icon_black = new ImageView(new Image("recources/icons/menu_icon_black.png"));
private ImageView menu_icon_white = new ImageView(new Image("recources/menu_icon_white.png")); private ImageView menu_icon_white = new ImageView(new Image("recources/icons/menu_icon_white.png"));
private ImageView skip_previous_white = new ImageView(new Image("recources/icons/ic_skip_previous_white_18dp_1x.png"));
private ImageView skip_previous_black = new ImageView(new Image("recources/icons/ic_skip_previous_black_18dp_1x.png"));
private ImageView skip_next_white = new ImageView(new Image("recources/icons/ic_skip_next_white_18dp_1x.png"));
private ImageView skip_next_black = new ImageView(new Image("recources/icons/ic_skip_next_black_18dp_1x.png"));
private ImageView play_arrow_white = new ImageView(new Image("recources/icons/ic_play_arrow_white_18dp_1x.png"));
private ImageView play_arrow_black = new ImageView(new Image("recources/icons/ic_play_arrow_black_18dp_1x.png"));
private DirectoryChooser directoryChooser = new DirectoryChooser(); private DirectoryChooser directoryChooser = new DirectoryChooser();
Properties props = new Properties(); Properties props = new Properties();
@ -767,8 +792,8 @@ public class MainWindowController {
//setzt die Farben für die UI-Elemente //setzt die Farben für die UI-Elemente
public void applyColor(){ public void applyColor(){
String style = "-fx-background-color: #"+getColor()+";"; String style = "-fx-background-color: #"+getColor()+";";
String btnStyle = "-fx-button-type: RAISED; -fx-background-color: #"+getColor()+"; -fx-text-fill: BLACK;"; String btnStyleBlack = "-fx-button-type: RAISED; -fx-background-color: #"+getColor()+"; -fx-text-fill: BLACK;";
String btnStylewhite = "-fx-button-type: RAISED; -fx-background-color: #"+getColor()+"; -fx-text-fill: WHITE;"; String btnStyleWhite = "-fx-button-type: RAISED; -fx-background-color: #"+getColor()+"; -fx-text-fill: WHITE;";
BigInteger icolor = new BigInteger(getColor(),16); BigInteger icolor = new BigInteger(getColor(),16);
BigInteger ccolor = new BigInteger("78909cff",16); BigInteger ccolor = new BigInteger("78909cff",16);
@ -783,13 +808,16 @@ public class MainWindowController {
switchBtn.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: WHITE;"); switchBtn.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: WHITE;");
infoBtn.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: WHITE;"); infoBtn.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: WHITE;");
debugBtn.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: WHITE;"); debugBtn.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: WHITE;");
directoryBtn.setStyle(btnStylewhite); directoryBtn.setStyle(btnStyleWhite);
streamingDirectoryBtn.setStyle(btnStyle); streamingDirectoryBtn.setStyle(btnStyleWhite);
updateBtn.setStyle(btnStylewhite); updateBtn.setStyle(btnStyleWhite);
playbtn.setStyle(btnStylewhite); playbtn.setStyle(btnStyleWhite);
openfolderbtn.setStyle(btnStylewhite); openfolderbtn.setStyle(btnStyleWhite);
returnBtn.setStyle(btnStylewhite); returnBtn.setStyle(btnStyleWhite);
forwardBtn.setStyle(btnStylewhite); forwardBtn.setStyle(btnStyleWhite);
menubtn.setGraphic(menu_icon_white); menubtn.setGraphic(menu_icon_white);
}else{ }else{
settingsBtn.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: BLACK;"); settingsBtn.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: BLACK;");
@ -797,13 +825,16 @@ public class MainWindowController {
switchBtn.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: BLACK;"); switchBtn.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: BLACK;");
infoBtn.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: BLACK;"); infoBtn.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: BLACK;");
debugBtn.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: BLACK;"); debugBtn.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: BLACK;");
directoryBtn.setStyle(btnStyle); directoryBtn.setStyle(btnStyleBlack);
streamingDirectoryBtn.setStyle(btnStyle); streamingDirectoryBtn.setStyle(btnStyleBlack);
updateBtn.setStyle(btnStyle); updateBtn.setStyle(btnStyleBlack);
playbtn.setStyle(btnStyle); playbtn.setStyle(btnStyleBlack);
openfolderbtn.setStyle(btnStyle); openfolderbtn.setStyle(btnStyleBlack);
returnBtn.setStyle(btnStyle); returnBtn.setStyle(btnStyleBlack);
forwardBtn.setStyle(btnStyle); forwardBtn.setStyle(btnStyleBlack);
menubtn.setGraphic(menu_icon_black); menubtn.setGraphic(menu_icon_black);
} }
@ -817,15 +848,15 @@ public class MainWindowController {
private void sideMenuSlideIn(){ private void sideMenuSlideIn(){
sideMenuVBox.setVisible(true); sideMenuVBox.setVisible(true);
//einblenden von 40% nach 100% deckkraft in 400ms //fade in from 40% to 100% opacity in 400ms
FadeTransition fadeTransition = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis(400), sideMenuVBox); FadeTransition fadeTransition = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis(400), sideMenuVBox);
fadeTransition.setFromValue(0.4); fadeTransition.setFromValue(0.4);
fadeTransition.setToValue(1.0); fadeTransition.setToValue(1.0);
//einfahren des side munes in 400ms //slide in in 400ms
TranslateTransition translateTransition = new TranslateTransition(Duration.millis(400), sideMenuVBox); TranslateTransition translateTransition = new TranslateTransition(Duration.millis(400), sideMenuVBox);
translateTransition.setFromX(-150); translateTransition.setFromX(-150);
translateTransition.setToX(0); translateTransition.setToX(0);
//falls beides verwendet werden soll //in case both animations are used (add (fadeTransition, translateTransition) in the second line under this command)
ParallelTransition parallelTransition = new ParallelTransition(); ParallelTransition parallelTransition = new ParallelTransition();
parallelTransition.getChildren().addAll(translateTransition);//(fadeTransition, translateTransition); parallelTransition.getChildren().addAll(translateTransition);//(fadeTransition, translateTransition);
parallelTransition.play(); parallelTransition.play();
@ -833,15 +864,15 @@ public class MainWindowController {
private void sideMenuSlideOut(){ private void sideMenuSlideOut(){
// sideMenuVBox.setVisible(false); // sideMenuVBox.setVisible(false);
//ausblenden von 100% nach 40% deckkraft in 400ms //fade out from 100% to 40% opacity in 400ms
FadeTransition fadeTransition = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis(400), sideMenuVBox); FadeTransition fadeTransition = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis(400), sideMenuVBox);
fadeTransition.setFromValue(1.0); fadeTransition.setFromValue(1.0);
fadeTransition.setToValue(0.4); fadeTransition.setToValue(0.4);
//ausfahren des side munes in 400ms //slide out in 400ms
TranslateTransition translateTransition = new TranslateTransition(Duration.millis(400), sideMenuVBox); TranslateTransition translateTransition = new TranslateTransition(Duration.millis(400), sideMenuVBox);
translateTransition.setFromX(0); translateTransition.setFromX(0);
translateTransition.setToX(-150); translateTransition.setToX(-150);
//falls beides verwendet werden soll //in case both animations are used (add (fadeTransition, translateTransition) in the second line under this command)
ParallelTransition parallelTransition = new ParallelTransition(); ParallelTransition parallelTransition = new ParallelTransition();
parallelTransition.getChildren().addAll(translateTransition);//(fadeTransition, translateTransition); parallelTransition.getChildren().addAll(translateTransition);//(fadeTransition, translateTransition);
parallelTransition.play(); parallelTransition.play();
@ -859,9 +890,9 @@ public class MainWindowController {
infoBtn.setText(bundle.getString("info")); infoBtn.setText(bundle.getString("info"));
settingsBtn.setText(bundle.getString("settings")); settingsBtn.setText(bundle.getString("settings"));
streamingSettingsBtn.setText(bundle.getString("streamingSettings")); streamingSettingsBtn.setText(bundle.getString("streamingSettings"));
tfPath.setPromptText(bundle.getString("tfPath")); tfPath.setPromptText(bundle.getString("tfPath"));
tfStreamingPath.setPromptText(bundle.getString("tfPath")); tfStreamingPath.setPromptText(bundle.getString("tfPath"));
openfolderbtn.setText(bundle.getString("openFolder")); openfolderbtn.setText(bundle.getString("openFolder"));
updateBtn.setText(bundle.getString("checkUpdates")); updateBtn.setText(bundle.getString("checkUpdates"));
directoryBtn.setText(bundle.getString("chooseFolder")); directoryBtn.setText(bundle.getString("chooseFolder"));
@ -880,9 +911,29 @@ public class MainWindowController {
errorPlay = bundle.getString("errorPlay"); errorPlay = bundle.getString("errorPlay");
errorOpenStream = bundle.getString("errorOpenStream"); errorOpenStream = bundle.getString("errorOpenStream");
errorMode = bundle.getString("errorMode"); errorMode = bundle.getString("errorMode");
errorLoad = bundle.getString("errorLoad");
errorSave = bundle.getString("errorSave");
noFilmFound = bundle.getString("noFilmFound");
infoText = bundle.getString("version")+" "+version+" (Build: "+buildNumber+") "+versionName+bundle.getString("infoText"); infoText = bundle.getString("version")+" "+version+" (Build: "+buildNumber+") "+versionName+bundle.getString("infoText");
linuxBugText = bundle.getString("linuxBug"); linuxBugText = bundle.getString("linuxBug");
vlcNotInstalled = bundle.getString("vlcNotInstalled"); vlcNotInstalled = bundle.getString("vlcNotInstalled");
title = bundle.getString("title");
year = bundle.getString("year");
rating = bundle.getString("rating");
publishedOn = bundle.getString("publishedOn");
duration = bundle.getString("duration");
genre = bundle.getString("genre");
director = bundle.getString("director");
writer = bundle.getString("writer");
actors = bundle.getString("actors");
plot = bundle.getString("plot");
language = bundle.getString("language");
country = bundle.getString("country");
awards = bundle.getString("awards");
metascore = bundle.getString("metascore");
imdbRating = bundle.getString("imdbRating");
type = bundle.getString("type");
} }
private void showErrorMsg(String msg, IOException exception){ private void showErrorMsg(String msg, IOException exception){
@ -918,31 +969,31 @@ public class MainWindowController {
} }
//speichert die Einstellungen //saves the Settings
public void saveSettings(){ public void saveSettings(){
try { try {
props.setProperty("path", getPath()); //setzt pfad in propselement props.setProperty("path", getPath()); //writes path into property
props.setProperty("color", getColor()); props.setProperty("color", getColor());
props.setProperty("autoUpdate", getAutoUpdate()); props.setProperty("autoUpdate", getAutoUpdate());
props.setProperty("size", getSize().toString()); props.setProperty("size", getSize().toString());
props.setProperty("local", Integer.toString(getLocal())); props.setProperty("local", Integer.toString(getLocal()));
props.setProperty("streamingPath", getStreamingPath()); props.setProperty("streamingPath", getStreamingPath());
props.setProperty("mode", getMode()); props.setProperty("mode", getMode());
OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file); //neuer outputstream OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file); //new outputstream
props.storeToXML(outputStream, "Project HomeFlix settings"); props.storeToXML(outputStream, "Project HomeFlix settings"); //writes new .xml
outputStream.close(); outputStream.close();
} catch (IOException e) { } catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("An error has occurred!"); showErrorMsg(errorSave, e);
e.printStackTrace(); e.printStackTrace();
} }
} }
//lädt die Einstellungen //loads the Settings
public void loadSettings(){ public void loadSettings(){
try { try {
InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file); InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
props.loadFromXML(inputStream); props.loadFromXML(inputStream); //new inputstream from .xml
path = props.getProperty("path"); //setzt Propselement in Pfad path = props.getProperty("path"); //reads path from property
streamingPath = props.getProperty("streamingPath"); streamingPath = props.getProperty("streamingPath");
color = props.getProperty("color"); color = props.getProperty("color");
size = Double.parseDouble(props.getProperty("size")); size = Double.parseDouble(props.getProperty("size"));
@ -951,12 +1002,12 @@ public class MainWindowController {
mode = props.getProperty("mode"); mode = props.getProperty("mode");
inputStream.close(); inputStream.close();
} catch (IOException e) { } catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("An error has occurred!"); showErrorMsg(errorLoad, e);
e.printStackTrace(); e.printStackTrace();
} }
} }
//entfernt 0x von dem Rückgabewert des Colorpickers //cuts 0x of the Colorpickers return value
private void editColor(String input){ private void editColor(String input){
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(input); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(input);
sb.delete(0, 2); sb.delete(0, 2);
@ -964,7 +1015,7 @@ public class MainWindowController {
saveSettings(); saveSettings();
} }
//getter Und setter //getter and setter
public void setColor(String input){ public void setColor(String input){
this.color = input; this.color = input;
} }
@ -1021,7 +1072,7 @@ public class MainWindowController {
return mode; return mode;
} }
//methode der API-Abfrage //API-Query
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
private void apiAbfrage(String input){ private void apiAbfrage(String input){
URL url = null; URL url = null;
@ -1035,19 +1086,19 @@ public class MainWindowController {
try { try {
// hohlen des Filmtitels //get film title
sc = new Scanner(System.in); sc = new Scanner(System.in);
moviename = input; moviename = input;
// für keinen oder "" Filmtitel // in case of no or "" Film title
if (moviename == null || moviename.equals("")) { if (moviename == null || moviename.equals("")) {
System.out.println("No movie found"); System.out.println("No movie found");
} }
//entfernen ungewolter leerzeichen //remove unwanted blank
moviename = moviename.trim(); moviename = moviename.trim();
// ersetzen der Leerzeichen durch + für api-abfrage //replace blank with + for api-query
moviename = moviename.replace(" ", "+"); moviename = moviename.replace(" ", "+");
//URL wird zusammengestellt abfragetypen: http,json,xml (muss json sein um späteres trennen zu ermöglichen) //URL wird zusammengestellt abfragetypen: http,json,xml (muss json sein um späteres trennen zu ermöglichen)
@ -1062,51 +1113,52 @@ public class MainWindowController {
//retdata in json object parsen und anschließend das json Objekt "zerschneiden" //retdata in json object parsen und anschließend das json Objekt "zerschneiden"
System.out.println(retdata); System.out.println(retdata);
JsonObject object = Json.parse(retdata).asObject(); JsonObject object = Json.parse(retdata).asObject();
String titel = object.getString("Title", ""); String titelV = object.getString("Title", "");
String year = object.getString("Year", ""); String yearV = object.getString("Year", "");
String rated = object.getString("Rated", ""); String ratedV = object.getString("Rated", "");
String released = object.getString("Released", ""); String releasedV = object.getString("Released", "");
String runtime = object.getString("Runtime", ""); String runtimeV = object.getString("Runtime", "");
String genre = object.getString("Genre", ""); String genreV = object.getString("Genre", "");
String director = object.getString("Director", ""); String directorV = object.getString("Director", "");
String writer = object.getString("Writer", ""); String writerV = object.getString("Writer", "");
String actors = object.getString("Actors", ""); String actorsV = object.getString("Actors", "");
String plot = object.getString("Plot", ""); String plotV = object.getString("Plot", "");
String language = object.getString("Language", ""); String languageV = object.getString("Language", "");
String country = object.getString("Country", ""); String countryV = object.getString("Country", "");
String awards = object.getString("Awards", ""); String awardsV = object.getString("Awards", "");
String posterURL = object.getString("Poster", ""); String posterURL = object.getString("Poster", "");
String metascore = object.getString("Metascore", ""); String metascoreV = object.getString("Metascore", "");
String imdbRating = object.getString("imdbRating", ""); String imdbRatingV = object.getString("imdbRating", "");
@SuppressWarnings("unused") @SuppressWarnings("unused")
String imdbVotes = object.getString("imdbVotes", ""); String imdbVotesV = object.getString("imdbVotes", "");
@SuppressWarnings("unused") @SuppressWarnings("unused")
String imdbID = object.getString("imdbID", ""); String imdbIDV = object.getString("imdbID", "");
String type = object.getString("Type", ""); String typeV = object.getString("Type", "");
String response = object.getString("Response", ""); String response = object.getString("Response", "");
if(response.equals("False")){ if(response.equals("False")){
ta1.appendText("Kein Film mit diesem Titel gefunden!!"); ta1.appendText(noFilmFound);
Image im2 = new Image("http://publicdomainvectors.org/photos/jean_victor_balin_cross.png"); Image im2 = new Image("recources/icons/close_black_2048x2048.png");
image1.setImage(im2); image1.setImage(im2);
}else{ }else{
//ausgabe des Textes in ta1 in jeweils neuer Zeile //ausgabe des Textes in ta1 in jeweils neuer Zeile //TODOformatting
ta1.appendText("Titel: "+titel+"\n"); ta1.appendText(title+": "+titelV+"\n");
ta1.appendText("Jahr: "+ year+"\n"); ta1.appendText(year+": "+ yearV+"\n");
ta1.appendText("Einstufung: "+rated+"\n"); ta1.appendText(rating+": "+ratedV+"\n");
ta1.appendText("Veröffentlicht am: "+released+"\n"); ta1.appendText(publishedOn+": "+releasedV+"\n");
ta1.appendText("Laufzeit: "+runtime+"\n"); ta1.appendText(duration+": "+runtimeV+"\n");
ta1.appendText("Genre: "+genre+"\n"); ta1.appendText(genre+": "+genreV+"\n");
ta1.appendText("Regisseur: "+director+"\n"); ta1.appendText(director+": "+directorV+"\n");
ta1.appendText("Autor: "+writer+"\n"); ta1.appendText(writer+": "+writerV+"\n");
ta1.appendText("Schauspieler: "+actors+"\n"); ta1.appendText(actors+": "+actorsV+"\n");
ta1.appendText("Beschreibung: "+plot+"\n"); ta1.appendText(plot+": "+plotV+"\n");
ta1.appendText("Original Sprache: "+language+"\n"); ta1.appendText(language+": "+languageV+"\n");
ta1.appendText("Produktionsland: "+country+"\n"); ta1.appendText(country+": "+countryV+"\n");
ta1.appendText("Auszeichnungen: "+awards+"\n"); ta1.appendText(awards+": "+awardsV+"\n");
ta1.appendText("Metascore: "+metascore+"\n"); ta1.appendText(metascore+": "+metascoreV+"\n");
ta1.appendText("imdb Bewertung: "+imdbRating+"\n"); ta1.appendText(imdbRating+": "+imdbRatingV+"\n");
ta1.appendText("Type: "+type+"\n"); ta1.appendText(type+": "+typeV+"\n");
Image im1 = new Image(posterURL); Image im1 = new Image(posterURL);
image1.setImage(im1); image1.setImage(im1);
@ -1116,8 +1168,8 @@ public class MainWindowController {
} catch (Exception e) { } catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println(e); System.out.println(e);
} finally { } finally {
//closes datainputStream, InputStream,Scanner if not already done
try { try {
//schließt datainputStream, InputStream,Scanner
if (dis != null) { if (dis != null) {
dis.close(); dis.close();
} }

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
info = Info info = Info
settings = Einstellungen settings = Einstellungen
streamingSettings = Stream Einst. streamingSettings = Stream Einst.
play = play
tfPath = Pfad... tfPath = Pfad...
tfSearch = Suche...
openFolder = Ordner \u00F6ffnen openFolder = Ordner \u00F6ffnen
chooseFolder = Ordner ausw\u00E4hlen chooseFolder = Ordner ausw\u00E4hlen
fontSize = Schriftgr\u00F6\u00DFe: fontSize = Schriftgr\u00F6\u00DFe:
@ -23,6 +23,25 @@ errorUpdateD = Beim ausf\u00FChren des Updates ist ein Fehler aufgetreten! \nErr
errorPlay = Beim \u00F6ffnen der Datei ist ein Fehler aufgetreten! \nError: could not open file (nof) \nWeitere Hilfe erhalten sie unter www.kellerkinder.xyz \noder wenden sie sich an support@kellerkinder.xyz errorPlay = Beim \u00F6ffnen der Datei ist ein Fehler aufgetreten! \nError: could not open file (nof) \nWeitere Hilfe erhalten sie unter www.kellerkinder.xyz \noder wenden sie sich an support@kellerkinder.xyz
errorMode = Oh, da lief etwas falsch! Da hat jemand einen falschen Modus verwendet. \nError: mode unknow (muk)\nWeitere Hilfe erhalten sie unter www.kellerkinder.xyz \noder wenden sie sich an support@kellerkinder.xyz errorMode = Oh, da lief etwas falsch! Da hat jemand einen falschen Modus verwendet. \nError: mode unknow (muk)\nWeitere Hilfe erhalten sie unter www.kellerkinder.xyz \noder wenden sie sich an support@kellerkinder.xyz
errorOpenStream = Beim \u00F6ffnen des Streams ist ein Fehler aufgetreten! errorOpenStream = Beim \u00F6ffnen des Streams ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!
errorLoad = Beim laden der Einstellungen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!
errorSave = Beim speichern der Einstellungen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!
noFilmFound = Kein Film mit diesem Titel gefunden!
linuxBug = Zurzeit werden unter Linux leider keine Dateien mit Leerzeichen unterst\u00FCtzt! linuxBug = Zurzeit werden unter Linux leider keine Dateien mit Leerzeichen unterst\u00FCtzt!
vlcNotInstalled = Um einen Film abspielen wird der VLC Media Player ben\u00F6tigt! vlcNotInstalled = Um einen Film abspielen wird der VLC Media Player ben\u00F6tigt!
infoText = \nMaintainer: seilo@kellerkinder.xyz und \nhendrik.schutter@coptersicht.de \n(c) 2016 Kellerkinder www.kellerkinder.xyz infoText = \nMaintainer: seilo@kellerkinder.xyz und \nhendrik.schutter@coptersicht.de \n(c) 2016 Kellerkinder www.kellerkinder.xyz
title = Titel
year = Jahr
rating = Einstufung
publishedOn = Ver\u00F6ffentlicht am
duration = Laufzeit
genre = Gener
director = Regisseur
writer = Autor
actors = Schauspieler
plot = Beschreibung
language = Original Sprache
country = Produktionsland
awards = Auszeichnungen
metascore = Metascore
imdbRating = IMDB-Bewertung
type = Type

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
info = Info info = Info
settings = Settings settings = Settings
streamingSettings = Stream Settings streamingSettings = Stream Settings
play = play
tfPath = Path... tfPath = Path...
tfSearch = Search...
openFolder = open Folder openFolder = open Folder
chooseFolder = choose Directory chooseFolder = choose Directory
fontSize = font size: fontSize = font size:
@ -23,6 +23,25 @@ errorUpdateD = An error has occurred during update! \nError: could not download
errorPlay = An error has occurred during opening the file! \nError: could not open file (nof) \nTo get help, visit www.kellerkinder.xyz \nor contcat support@kellerkinder.xyz errorPlay = An error has occurred during opening the file! \nError: could not open file (nof) \nTo get help, visit www.kellerkinder.xyz \nor contcat support@kellerkinder.xyz
errorMode = Oh, something went wrong! It seems someone has used a wrong mode. \nError: mode unknow (muk) \nTo get help, visit www.kellerkinder.xyz \nor contcat support@kellerkinder.xyz errorMode = Oh, something went wrong! It seems someone has used a wrong mode. \nError: mode unknow (muk) \nTo get help, visit www.kellerkinder.xyz \nor contcat support@kellerkinder.xyz
errorOpenStream = An error has occurred during opening the stream! errorOpenStream = An error has occurred during opening the stream!
errorLoad = An error occurred while loading the settings!
errorSave = An error occurred while saving the settings!
noFilmFound = No film with this title found!
linuxBug = Currently no files are supported with additional space under Linux unfortunately! linuxBug = Currently no files are supported with additional space under Linux unfortunately!
vlcNotInstalled = VLC Media Player is required to play a movie! vlcNotInstalled = VLC Media Player is required to play a movie!
infoText = \nMaintainer: seilo@kellerkinder.xyz and \nhendrik.schutter@coptersicht.de \n(c) 2016 Kellerkinder www.kellerkinder.xyz infoText = \nMaintainer: seilo@kellerkinder.xyz and \nhendrik.schutter@coptersicht.de \n(c) 2016 Kellerkinder www.kellerkinder.xyz
title = Title
year = Year
rating = Rating
publishedOn = published on
duration = Duration
genre = Gener
director = Director
writer = Writer
actors = Actors
plot = Plot
language = Language
country = Country
awards = Awards
metascore = Metascore
imdbRating = IMDB-Rating
type = Type

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@ -1 +1 @@
100 102