code clean up

This commit is contained in:
Jannik 2018-07-24 14:14:34 +02:00
parent d16e724cce
commit f68b0c0feb
1 changed files with 52 additions and 96 deletions

View File

@ -89,112 +89,68 @@ import kellerkinder.HomeFlix.datatypes.FilmTabelDataType;
public class MainWindowController { public class MainWindowController {
@FXML // general/settings fxml elements
private AnchorPane mainAnchorPane; @FXML private AnchorPane mainAnchorPane;
@FXML @FXML private ScrollPane settingsScrollPane;
private AnchorPane tableModeAnchorPane;
@FXML @FXML private JFXHamburger menuHam;
private ScrollPane settingsScrollPane; @FXML private HBox topHBox;
@FXML @FXML private VBox sideMenuVBox;
private ScrollPane textScrollPane; @FXML private TableView<SourceDataType> sourcesTable;
@FXML @FXML private JFXButton aboutBtn;
private HBox topHBox; @FXML private JFXButton settingsBtn;
@FXML private JFXButton updateBtn;
@FXML private JFXButton addDirectoryBtn;
@FXML private JFXButton addStreamSourceBtn;
@FXML @FXML private JFXToggleButton autoUpdateToggleBtn;
private VBox sideMenuVBox; @FXML private JFXToggleButton autoplayToggleBtn;
@FXML @FXML private JFXColorPicker colorPicker;
private TreeTableView<FilmTabelDataType> filmsTreeTable;
@FXML @FXML private ChoiceBox<String> languageChoisBox = new ChoiceBox<>();
private TableView<SourceDataType> sourcesTable; @FXML private ChoiceBox<String> branchChoisBox = new ChoiceBox<>();
@FXML @FXML private JFXSlider fontsizeSlider;
private TextFlow textFlow;
@FXML @FXML private Label homeflixSettingsLbl;
private JFXButton playbtn; @FXML private Label mainColorLbl;
@FXML @FXML private Label fontsizeLbl;
private JFXButton openfolderbtn; @FXML private Label languageLbl;
@FXML @FXML private Label updateLbl;
private JFXButton returnBtn; @FXML private Label branchLbl;
@FXML @FXML private Label sourcesLbl;
private JFXButton forwardBtn; @FXML private Label versionLbl;
private JFXButton aboutBtn;
private JFXButton settingsBtn;
private JFXButton updateBtn;
private JFXButton addDirectoryBtn;
private JFXButton addStreamSourceBtn;
@FXML @FXML private TreeItem<SourceDataType> sourceRoot = new TreeItem<>(new SourceDataType("", ""));
private JFXHamburger menuHam; @FXML private TableColumn<SourceDataType, String> sourceColumn;
@FXML private TableColumn<SourceDataType, String> modeColumn;
@FXML // table-mode
private JFXToggleButton autoUpdateToggleBtn; @FXML private AnchorPane tableModeAnchorPane;
@FXML @FXML private JFXTextField searchTextField;
private JFXToggleButton autoplayToggleBtn;
@FXML @FXML private TreeTableView<FilmTabelDataType> filmsTreeTable;
private JFXTextField searchTextField; @FXML private TreeItem<FilmTabelDataType> filmRoot = new TreeItem<>(new FilmTabelDataType("", "", "", "", false, false, null));
@FXML private TreeTableColumn<FilmTabelDataType, String> columnStreamUrl = new TreeTableColumn<>("File Name");
@FXML private TreeTableColumn<FilmTabelDataType, String> columnTitle = new TreeTableColumn<>("Title");
@FXML private TreeTableColumn<FilmTabelDataType, String> columnSeason = new TreeTableColumn<>("Season");
@FXML private TreeTableColumn<FilmTabelDataType, String> columnEpisode = new TreeTableColumn<>("Episode");
@FXML private TreeTableColumn<FilmTabelDataType, ImageView> columnFavorite = new TreeTableColumn<>("Favorite");
@FXML @FXML private ScrollPane textScrollPane;
private JFXColorPicker colorPicker; @FXML private TextFlow textFlow;
@FXML private ImageView posterImageView;
@FXML @FXML private JFXButton playbtn;
private ChoiceBox<String> languageChoisBox = new ChoiceBox<>(); @FXML private JFXButton openfolderbtn;
@FXML @FXML private JFXButton returnBtn;
private ChoiceBox<String> branchChoisBox = new ChoiceBox<>(); @FXML private JFXButton forwardBtn;
@FXML // poster-mode
private JFXSlider fontsizeSlider; // @FXML private AnchorPane posterModeAnchorPane;
private Label homeflixSettingsLbl;
private Label mainColorLbl;
private Label fontsizeLbl;
private Label languageLbl;
private Label updateLbl;
private Label branchLbl;
private Label sourcesLbl;
private Label versionLbl;
private ImageView posterImageView;
private ImageView imv1;
private TreeItem<FilmTabelDataType> filmRoot = new TreeItem<>(new FilmTabelDataType("", "", "", "", false, false, imv1));
private TreeTableColumn<FilmTabelDataType, String> columnStreamUrl = new TreeTableColumn<>("File Name");
private TreeTableColumn<FilmTabelDataType, String> columnTitle = new TreeTableColumn<>("Title");
private TreeTableColumn<FilmTabelDataType, String> columnSeason = new TreeTableColumn<>("Season");
private TreeTableColumn<FilmTabelDataType, String> columnEpisode = new TreeTableColumn<>("Episode");
private TreeTableColumn<FilmTabelDataType, ImageView> columnFavorite = new TreeTableColumn<>("Favorite");
private TreeItem<SourceDataType> sourceRoot = new TreeItem<>(new SourceDataType("", ""));
private TableColumn<SourceDataType, String> sourceColumn;
private TableColumn<SourceDataType, String> modeColumn;
private Main main; private Main main;
private MainWindowController mainWindowController; private MainWindowController mainWindowController;