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Jannik 2017-12-21 17:33:22 +01:00 commit de GitHub
commit 9be124a5f3
Nenhuma chave conhecida encontrada para esta assinatura no banco de dados
ID da chave GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
1 arquivos alterados com 7 adições e 1 exclusões

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@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
# Contributing to cemu_UI
The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to cemu_UI.
## Java Sytleguide
## Translating
If you don't want to contibute any code you can support this project by translating it! The translation files are stored in "src/main/resources/locals".
# Contributing code
If you want to contibute code please read the java code styleguide.
## Java code sytleguide
If your willing to contribute to cemu_UI please us the following example as guide and rules to design your code.
* Use names for methods and variables that clarify their purpose. (This will help a lot to understand the code)
* Use as many spaces as necessary to make the code clear, but as little as possible.