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* Teapod
* Copyright 2020-2022 <seil0@mosad.xyz>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
* MA 02110-1301, USA.
package org.mosad.teapod.parser.crunchyroll
import android.util.Log
import io.ktor.client.*
import io.ktor.client.call.*
2022-08-19 18:15:37 +02:00
import io.ktor.client.plugins.*
import io.ktor.client.plugins.contentnegotiation.*
import io.ktor.client.request.*
import io.ktor.client.request.forms.*
import io.ktor.client.statement.*
import io.ktor.http.*
2022-08-19 18:15:37 +02:00
import io.ktor.serialization.kotlinx.json.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.serialization.SerializationException
import kotlinx.serialization.decodeFromString
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
import kotlinx.serialization.json.JsonObject
import kotlinx.serialization.json.buildJsonObject
import kotlinx.serialization.json.put
import org.mosad.teapod.preferences.EncryptedPreferences
import org.mosad.teapod.preferences.Preferences
object Crunchyroll {
private val TAG = javaClass.name
private val client = HttpClient {
2022-08-19 18:15:37 +02:00
install(ContentNegotiation) {
json(Json {
ignoreUnknownKeys = true
2021-12-20 22:14:58 +01:00
private const val baseUrl = "https://beta-api.crunchyroll.com"
private const val staticUrl = "https://static.crunchyroll.com"
2022-03-19 20:14:16 +01:00
private const val basicApiTokenUrl = "https://gitlab.com/-/snippets/2274956/raw/main/snippetfile1.txt"
private var basicApiToken: String = ""
private lateinit var token: Token
private var tokenValidUntil: Long = 0
private val tokenRefreshContext = newSingleThreadContext("TokenRefreshContext")
private var accountID = ""
private var externalID = ""
private var policy = ""
private var signature = ""
private var keyPairID = ""
private val browsingCache = hashMapOf<String, BrowseResult>()
2021-12-20 22:14:58 +01:00
2022-03-19 20:14:16 +01:00
* Load the pai token, see:
* https://git.mosad.xyz/mosad/NonePublicIssues/issues/1
* TODO handle empty file
fun initBasicApiToken() = runBlocking {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
2022-08-19 18:15:37 +02:00
basicApiToken = client.get { url(basicApiTokenUrl) }.bodyAsText()
2022-03-19 20:14:16 +01:00
Log.i(TAG, "basic auth token: $basicApiToken")
* Login to the crunchyroll API.
* @param username The Username/Email of the user to log in
* @param password The Accounts Password
* @return Boolean: True if login was successful, else false
fun login(username: String, password: String): Boolean = runBlocking {
val tokenEndpoint = "/auth/v1/token"
val formData = Parameters.build {
append("username", username)
append("password", password)
append("grant_type", "password")
append("scope", "offline_access")
var success = false// is false
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
Log.i(TAG, "getting token ...")
val status = try {
val response: HttpResponse = client.submitForm("$baseUrl$tokenEndpoint", formParameters = formData) {
header("Authorization", "Basic $basicApiToken")
2022-08-19 18:15:37 +02:00
token = response.body()
tokenValidUntil = System.currentTimeMillis() + (token.expiresIn * 1000)
} catch (ex: ClientRequestException) {
val status = ex.response.status
if (status == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) {
Log.e(TAG, "Could not complete login: " +
"${status.value} ${status.description}. " +
"Probably wrong username or password")
Log.i(TAG, "Login complete with code $status")
success = (status == HttpStatusCode.OK)
return@runBlocking success
private fun refreshToken() {
login(EncryptedPreferences.login, EncryptedPreferences.password)
* Requests: get, post, delete
private suspend inline fun <reified T> request(
url: String,
httpMethod: HttpMethod,
params: List<Pair<String, Any?>> = listOf(),
bodyObject: Any = Any()
): T = coroutineScope {
withContext(tokenRefreshContext) {
2022-03-30 20:42:46 +02:00
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > tokenValidUntil) refreshToken()
return@coroutineScope (Dispatchers.IO) {
val response: T = client.request(url) {
method = httpMethod
header("Authorization", "${token.tokenType} ${token.accessToken}")
params.forEach {
parameter(it.first, it.second)
// for json set body and content type
if (bodyObject is JsonObject) {
2022-08-19 18:15:37 +02:00
2022-08-19 18:15:37 +02:00
* Send a HTTP GET request with [params] to the [endpoint] at [url], if url is empty use baseUrl
private suspend inline fun <reified T> requestGet(
2021-12-20 22:14:58 +01:00
endpoint: String,
params: List<Pair<String, Any?>> = listOf(),
2021-12-20 22:14:58 +01:00
url: String = ""
): T {
val path = url.ifEmpty { baseUrl }.plus(endpoint)
2021-12-20 22:14:58 +01:00
return request(path, HttpMethod.Get, params)
private suspend fun requestPost(
endpoint: String,
params: List<Pair<String, Any?>> = listOf(),
bodyObject: JsonObject
) {
val path = "$baseUrl$endpoint"
val response: HttpResponse = request(path, HttpMethod.Post, params, bodyObject)
Log.i(TAG, "Response: $response")
private suspend fun requestPatch(
endpoint: String,
params: List<Pair<String, Any?>> = listOf(),
bodyObject: JsonObject
) {
val path = "$baseUrl$endpoint"
val response: HttpResponse = request(path, HttpMethod.Patch, params, bodyObject)
Log.i(TAG, "Response: $response")
private suspend fun requestDelete(
endpoint: String,
params: List<Pair<String, Any?>> = listOf(),
url: String = ""
) = coroutineScope {
val path = url.ifEmpty { "$baseUrl$endpoint" }
val response: HttpResponse = request(path, HttpMethod.Delete, params)
Log.i(TAG, "Response: $response")
* Basic functions: index, account
* Needed for other functions to work properly!
2021-12-20 22:14:58 +01:00
* Retrieve the identifiers necessary for streaming. If the identifiers are
* retrieved, set the corresponding global var. The identifiers are valid for 24h.
suspend fun index() {
val indexEndpoint = "/index/v2"
val index: Index = requestGet(indexEndpoint)
policy = index.cms.policy
signature = index.cms.signature
keyPairID = index.cms.keyPairId
2021-12-20 22:14:58 +01:00
Log.i(TAG, "Policy : $policy")
Log.i(TAG, "Signature : $signature")
Log.i(TAG, "Key Pair ID : $keyPairID")
2021-12-20 22:14:58 +01:00
* Retrieve the account id and set the corresponding global var.
* The account id is needed for other calls.
* This must be execute on every start for teapod to work properly!
suspend fun account() {
val indexEndpoint = "/accounts/v1/me"
val account: Account = try {
} catch (ex: SerializationException) {
Log.e(TAG, "SerializationException in account(). This is bad!", ex)
accountID = account.accountId
externalID = account.externalId
* General element/media functions: browse, search, objects, season_list
* Browse the media available on crunchyroll.
* @param sortBy
* @param n Number of items to return, defaults to 10
* @return A **[BrowseResult]** object is returned.
suspend fun browse(
categories: List<Categories> = emptyList(),
sortBy: SortBy = SortBy.ALPHABETICAL,
seasonTag: String = "",
start: Int = 0,
n: Int = 10
): BrowseResult {
val browseEndpoint = "/content/v1/browse"
val parameters = mutableListOf(
"locale" to Preferences.preferredLocale.toLanguageTag(),
"sort_by" to sortBy.str,
"start" to start,
"n" to n
// if a season tag is present add it to the parameters
if (seasonTag.isNotEmpty()) {
parameters.add("season_tag" to seasonTag)
// if a season tag is present add it to the parameters
if (categories.isNotEmpty()) {
parameters.add("categories" to categories.joinToString(",") { it.str })
// fetch result if not already cached
if (browsingCache.contains(parameters.toString())) {
Log.d(TAG, "browse result cached: $parameters")
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "browse result not cached, fetching: $parameters")
val browseResult: BrowseResult = try {
requestGet(browseEndpoint, parameters)
}catch (ex: SerializationException) {
Log.e(TAG, "SerializationException in browse().", ex)
// if the cache has more than 100 entries clear it, so it doesn't become a memory problem
// Note: this value is totally guessed and should be replaced by a properly researched value
if (browsingCache.size > 100) {
// add results to cache
browsingCache[parameters.toString()] = browseResult
return browsingCache[parameters.toString()] ?: NoneBrowseResult
2022-03-30 20:42:46 +02:00
* Search fo a query term.
* Note: currently this function only supports series/tv shows.
* @param query The query term as String
* @param n The maximum number of results to return, default = 10
* @return A **[SearchResult]** object
suspend fun search(query: String, n: Int = 10): SearchResult {
val searchEndpoint = "/content/v1/search"
val parameters = listOf(
"locale" to Preferences.preferredLocale.toLanguageTag(),
"q" to query,
"n" to n,
"type" to "series"
// TODO episodes have thumbnails as image, and not poster_tall/poster_tall,
// to work around this, for now only tv shows are supported
return try {
requestGet(searchEndpoint, parameters)
} catch (ex: SerializationException) {
Log.e(TAG, "SerializationException in search(), with query = \"$query\".", ex)
2022-01-03 14:10:41 +01:00
* Get a collection of series objects.
* Note: episode objects are currently not supported
* @param objects The object IDs as list of Strings
* @return A **[Collection]** of Panels
2022-01-03 14:10:41 +01:00
suspend fun objects(objects: List<String>): Collection<Item> {
2022-01-03 14:10:41 +01:00
val episodesEndpoint = "/cms/v2/DE/M3/crunchyroll/objects/${objects.joinToString(",")}"
val parameters = listOf(
"locale" to Preferences.preferredLocale.toLanguageTag(),
2022-01-03 14:10:41 +01:00
"Signature" to signature,
"Policy" to policy,
"Key-Pair-Id" to keyPairID
return try {
requestGet(episodesEndpoint, parameters)
} catch (ex: SerializationException) {
Log.e(TAG, "SerializationException in objects().", ex)
2022-01-03 14:10:41 +01:00
* List all available seasons as **[SeasonListItem]**.
suspend fun seasonList(): DiscSeasonList {
val seasonListEndpoint = "/content/v1/season_list"
val parameters = listOf("locale" to Preferences.preferredLocale.toLanguageTag())
return try {
requestGet(seasonListEndpoint, parameters)
} catch (ex: SerializationException) {
Log.e(TAG, "SerializationException in seasonList().", ex)
* Main media functions: series, season, episodes, playback
2021-12-20 22:14:58 +01:00
* series id == crunchyroll id?
2021-12-20 22:14:58 +01:00
suspend fun series(seriesId: String): Series {
val seriesEndpoint = "/cms/v2/${token.country}/M3/crunchyroll/series/$seriesId"
2021-12-20 22:14:58 +01:00
val parameters = listOf(
"locale" to Preferences.preferredLocale.toLanguageTag(),
2021-12-20 22:14:58 +01:00
"Signature" to signature,
"Policy" to policy,
"Key-Pair-Id" to keyPairID
return try {
requestGet(seriesEndpoint, parameters)
} catch (ex: SerializationException) {
Log.e(TAG, "SerializationException in series().", ex)
2021-12-20 22:14:58 +01:00
2022-03-30 20:42:46 +02:00
* Get the next episode for a series.
* @param seriesId The series id for which to call up next
* @return A **[UpNextSeriesItem]** with a Panel representing the up next episode
suspend fun upNextSeries(seriesId: String): UpNextSeriesItem {
val upNextSeriesEndpoint = "/content/v1/up_next_series"
val parameters = listOf(
"series_id" to seriesId,
"locale" to Preferences.preferredLocale.toLanguageTag()
return try {
requestGet(upNextSeriesEndpoint, parameters)
} catch (ex: SerializationException) {
Log.e(TAG, "SerializationException in upNextSeries().", ex)
* Get all available seasons for a series.
* @param seriesId The series id for which to get the seasons
* @return A **[Seasons]** object with a list of **[Season]**
2021-12-20 22:14:58 +01:00
suspend fun seasons(seriesId: String): Seasons {
val seasonsEndpoint = "/cms/v2/${token.country}/M3/crunchyroll/seasons"
2021-12-20 22:14:58 +01:00
val parameters = listOf(
"series_id" to seriesId,
"locale" to Preferences.preferredLocale.toLanguageTag(),
2021-12-20 22:14:58 +01:00
"Signature" to signature,
"Policy" to policy,
"Key-Pair-Id" to keyPairID
return try {
requestGet(seasonsEndpoint, parameters)
} catch (ex: SerializationException) {
Log.e(TAG, "SerializationException in seasons().", ex)
2021-12-20 22:14:58 +01:00
* Get all available episodes for a season.
* @param seasonId The season id for which to get the episodes
* @return A **[Episodes]** object with a list of **[Episode]**
2021-12-20 22:14:58 +01:00
suspend fun episodes(seasonId: String): Episodes {
val episodesEndpoint = "/cms/v2/${token.country}/M3/crunchyroll/episodes"
2021-12-20 22:14:58 +01:00
val parameters = listOf(
"season_id" to seasonId,
"locale" to Preferences.preferredLocale.toLanguageTag(),
2021-12-20 22:14:58 +01:00
"Signature" to signature,
"Policy" to policy,
"Key-Pair-Id" to keyPairID
return try {
requestGet(episodesEndpoint, parameters)
} catch (ex: SerializationException) {
Log.e(TAG, "SerializationException in episodes().", ex)
2021-12-20 22:14:58 +01:00
* Get all available subtitles and streams of a episode.
* @param url The playback url of a episode
* @return A **[Playback]** object
2021-12-20 22:14:58 +01:00
suspend fun playback(url: String): Playback {
return try {
requestGet("", url = url)
} catch (ex: SerializationException) {
Log.e(TAG, "SerializationException in playback(), with url = $url.", ex)
* Additional media functions: watchlist (series), playhead, similar to
* Check if a media is in the user's watchlist.
* @param seriesId The crunchyroll series id of the media to check
* @return **[Boolean]**: ture if it was found, else false
suspend fun isWatchlist(seriesId: String): Boolean {
2022-01-03 14:10:41 +01:00
val watchlistSeriesEndpoint = "/content/v1/watchlist/$accountID/$seriesId"
val parameters = listOf("locale" to Preferences.preferredLocale.toLanguageTag())
return try {
(requestGet(watchlistSeriesEndpoint, parameters) as JsonObject)
} catch (ex: SerializationException) {
Log.e(TAG, "SerializationException in isWatchlist() with seriesId = $seriesId", ex)
* Add a media to the user's watchlist.
* @param seriesId The crunchyroll series id of the media to check
suspend fun postWatchlist(seriesId: String) {
2022-01-03 14:10:41 +01:00
val watchlistPostEndpoint = "/content/v1/watchlist/$accountID"
val parameters = listOf("locale" to Preferences.preferredLocale.toLanguageTag())
val json = buildJsonObject {
put("content_id", seriesId)
requestPost(watchlistPostEndpoint, parameters, json)
* Remove a media from the user's watchlist.
* @param seriesId The crunchyroll series id of the media to check
suspend fun deleteWatchlist(seriesId: String) {
2022-01-03 14:10:41 +01:00
val watchlistDeleteEndpoint = "/content/v1/watchlist/$accountID/$seriesId"
val parameters = listOf("locale" to Preferences.preferredLocale.toLanguageTag())
2022-01-03 14:10:41 +01:00
requestDelete(watchlistDeleteEndpoint, parameters)
* Get playhead information for all episodes in episodeIDs.
* The Information returned contains the playhead position, watched state
* and last modified date.
* @param episodeIDs A **[List]** of episodes IDs as strings.
* @return A **[Map]**<String, **[PlayheadObject]**> containing playback info.
suspend fun playheads(episodeIDs: List<String>): PlayheadsMap {
val playheadsEndpoint = "/content/v1/playheads/$accountID/${episodeIDs.joinToString(",")}"
val parameters = listOf("locale" to Preferences.preferredLocale.toLanguageTag())
return try {
requestGet(playheadsEndpoint, parameters)
} catch (ex: SerializationException) {
Log.e(TAG, "SerializationException in playheads().", ex)
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
Log.e(TAG, "Exception in playheads().", ex.cause)
* Post the playhead to crunchy (playhead position,watched state)
* @param episodeId A episode ID as strings.
* @param playhead The episodes playhead in seconds.
suspend fun postPlayheads(episodeId: String, playhead: Int) {
val playheadsEndpoint = "/content/v1/playheads/$accountID"
val parameters = listOf("locale" to Preferences.preferredLocale.toLanguageTag())
val json = buildJsonObject {
put("content_id", episodeId)
put("playhead", playhead)
try {
requestPost(playheadsEndpoint, parameters, json)
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
Log.e(TAG, "Exception in postPlayheads()", ex.cause)
* Get the intro meta data including start, end and duration of the intro.
* @param episodeId A episode ID as strings.
suspend fun datalabIntro(episodeId: String): DatalabIntro {
val datalabIntroEndpoint = "/datalab-intro-v2/$episodeId.json"
2022-12-11 20:00:39 +01:00
* wtf crunchyroll, why do you return an xml error message when some data is missing,
* this is a json endpoint. For fucks sake, return at least a valid json message.
return try {
val response: HttpResponse = requestGet(datalabIntroEndpoint, url = staticUrl)
} catch (ex: SerializationException) {
Log.e(TAG, "SerializationException in datalabIntro(). EpisodeId=$episodeId", ex)
* Get similar media for a show/movie.
* @param seriesId The crunchyroll series id of the media
* @param n The maximum number of results to return, default = 10
* @return A **[SimilarToResult]** object
suspend fun similarTo(seriesId: String, n: Int = 10): SimilarToResult {
val similarToEndpoint = "/content/v1/$accountID/similar_to"
val parameters = listOf(
"guid" to seriesId,
"locale" to Preferences.preferredLocale.toLanguageTag(),
"n" to n
return try {
requestGet(similarToEndpoint, parameters)
} catch (ex: SerializationException) {
Log.e(TAG, "SerializationException in similarTo().", ex)
2022-01-03 14:10:41 +01:00
* Listing functions: watchlist (list), up_next_account
* List items present in the watchlist.
* @param n Number of items to return, defaults to 20.
* @return A **[Watchlist]** containing up to n **[Item]**.
2022-01-03 14:10:41 +01:00
suspend fun watchlist(n: Int = 20): Watchlist {
val watchlistEndpoint = "/content/v1/$accountID/watchlist"
val parameters = listOf(
"locale" to Preferences.preferredLocale.toLanguageTag(),
"n" to n
2022-01-03 14:10:41 +01:00
val list: ContinueWatchingList = try {
requestGet(watchlistEndpoint, parameters)
} catch (ex: SerializationException) {
Log.e(TAG, "SerializationException in watchlist().", ex)
2022-01-03 14:10:41 +01:00
val objects = list.items.map{ it.panel.episodeMetadata.seriesId }
return objects(objects)
* List the next up episodes for the logged in account.
* @param n Number of items to return, defaults to 20.
* @return A **[ContinueWatchingList]** containing up to n **[ContinueWatchingItem]**.
suspend fun upNextAccount(n: Int = 20): ContinueWatchingList {
val watchlistEndpoint = "/content/v1/$accountID/up_next_account"
val parameters = listOf(
"locale" to Preferences.preferredLocale.toLanguageTag(),
"n" to n
return try {
requestGet(watchlistEndpoint, parameters)
} catch (ex: SerializationException) {
Log.e(TAG, "SerializationException in upNextAccount().", ex)
2022-05-22 11:21:49 +02:00
suspend fun recommendations(n: Int = 20, start: Int = 0): RecommendationsList {
val recommendationsEndpoint = "/content/v1/$accountID/recommendations"
val parameters = listOf(
"locale" to Preferences.preferredLocale.toLanguageTag(),
"n" to n,
"start" to start,
"variant_id" to 0
return try {
requestGet(recommendationsEndpoint, parameters)
} catch (ex: SerializationException) {
2022-05-22 11:21:49 +02:00
Log.e(TAG, "SerializationException in recommendations().", ex)
* Account/Profile functions
* Get profile information for the currently logged in account.
* @return A **[Profile]** object
suspend fun profile(): Profile {
val profileEndpoint = "/accounts/v1/me/profile"
return try {
} catch (ex: SerializationException) {
Log.e(TAG, "SerializationException in profile().", ex)
* Post the preferred content subtitle language.
* @param languageTag the preferred language as language tag
suspend fun postPrefSubLanguage(languageTag: String) {
val profileEndpoint = "/accounts/v1/me/profile"
val json = buildJsonObject {
put("preferred_content_subtitle_language", languageTag)
requestPatch(profileEndpoint, bodyObject = json)
* Get additional profile (benefits) information for the currently logged in account.
* * @return A **[Profile]** object
suspend fun benefits(): Benefits {
val profileEndpoint = "/subs/v1/subscriptions/$externalID/benefits"
return try {
} catch (ex: SerializationException) {
Log.e(TAG, "SerializationException in benefits().", ex)
2022-01-02 17:59:23 +01:00