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# reHDD
## Useful for:
* checking new drives for the first time
* checking used drives for their next live
* deleting a drive securely via overwriting
## Screenshot
![alt text]( "Screenshot")
## Debian Build Notes
* `apt-get install ncurses-dev git make g++`
* `git submodule init`
* `git submodule update`
* `make release`
## Create Standalone with Debian 11
Instructions how to create a standalone machine that boots directly to reHDD. This is aimed for production use, like several drives a day shredding.
* Start reHDD after boot without login (as a tty1 shell)
* Start dmesg after boot without login (as a tty2 shell)
* Start htop after boot without login (as a tty3 shell)
* Upload reHDD log every 12h if wanted
### Software requirements
* `apt-get install hwinfo smartmontools curl htop sudo`
### Installation
clone this repo into /root/
git submodule init
git submodule update
`cd /root/reHDD/`
`make release`
`bash scripts/install_reHDD.bash`
If you want to upload the logs, edit `scripts/reHDDLogUploader.bash` with your nextcloud token
Add your system drive in `/root/reHDD/ignoreDrives.conf` like:
Get the first 8 Bytes from your UUID via `blkid /dev/sdX`
## Build docs
`make docs`
open `doc/html/index.html` in browser