Merge pull request 'Bugfixes: OTA-Update Upstream' (#4) from develop into master
Reviewed-on: #4
This commit is contained in:
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ bool bMeshNetworkIsNodeNeighbour(const mesh_addr_t* const cpcNode)
* @fn bool bMeshNetworkCheckMacEquality(const uint8_t* const cpcu8aMAC, const uint8_t* const cpcu8bMAC)
* @brief returns true if MAC address is equal
* @brief returns true if MAC address is equal, compares only the first 5 bytes, the last is node specific
* @param cpcu8aMAC first MAC
* @param cpcu8bMAC second MAC
* @return boolean
@ -320,21 +320,12 @@ bool bMeshNetworkCheckMacEquality(const uint8_t* const cpcu8aMAC, const uint8_t*
bool bRet = true;
uint8_t index = 0;
while ((index < 6) && (bRet == true))
while ((index < 5) && (bRet == true))
if(cpcu8aMAC[index] != cpcu8bMAC[index])
bRet = false;
if(index == 5)
//last byte of mac
if(abs((cpcu8aMAC[index] - cpcu8bMAC[index])) <= 1)
bRet = true; //last byte differs 1 ore less
return bRet;
@ -399,7 +390,6 @@ esp_err_t errMeshNetworkGetChildren(mesh_addr_t* const cpChildren, uint16_t* con
if(! (bMeshNetworkCheckMacEquality(u8ownMAC, route_table[index].addr)) )
//child node
//ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "adding Node: \"0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x\" ", route_table[index].addr[0], route_table[index].addr[1], route_table[index].addr[2], route_table[index].addr[3], route_table[index].addr[4], route_table[index].addr[5]);
cpChildren[*cpu16ChildrenSize] = route_table[index];
(*cpu16ChildrenSize) = (*cpu16ChildrenSize)+1;
@ -189,9 +189,9 @@ void vMeshOtaTaskOTAWorker(void *arg)
if((uxQueueSpacesAvailable(queueNodes) - QUEUE_NODES_SIZE) == 0)
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "//nodes queue is empty");
//nodes queue is empty
xReturned = xSemaphoreTake(bsOTAProcess, portMAX_DELAY); //wait for binary semaphore that allows to start the OTA process
xReturned = xSemaphoreTake(bsOTAProcess, portMAX_DELAY); //wait for binary semaphore that allows to start the OTA process
if((xReturned == pdTRUE) && (bWantReboot == true) && (OTA_ALLOW_REBOOT == 1))
ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "ESP32 Reboot ...");
@ -200,19 +200,17 @@ void vMeshOtaTaskOTAWorker(void *arg)
xSemaphoreGive(bsOTAProcess); //free binary semaphore, this allows other tasks to start the OTA process
ERROR_CHECK(errMeshOtaSlaveEndpoint(&bNewOTAImage, &meshNodeAddr));
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "//queue not empty %i", (uxQueueSpacesAvailable(queueNodes) - QUEUE_NODES_SIZE));
//queue not empty
if (xQueueReceive(queueNodes, &meshNodeAddr, ((100) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS)) != pdTRUE)
ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Unable to receive OTA Messages from Queue");
err = ESP_FAIL;
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "//handle node %x", meshNodeAddr.addr[5]);
ERROR_CHECK(errMeshOtaMasterEndpoint(&bNewOTAImage, &meshNodeAddr));
if (err != ESP_OK)
@ -231,7 +229,8 @@ void vMeshOtaTaskOTAWorker(void *arg)
//set want reboot
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "Updated successfully via Mesh, set pending reboot");
bWantReboot = true;
vMeshOtaUtilAddAllNeighboursToQueue(); //add all existing neighbours to queue
vMeshOtaUtilAddAllNeighboursToQueue(&meshNodeAddr); //add all existing neighbours to queue
vTaskDelay( (1000) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
@ -241,6 +240,7 @@ void vMeshOtaTaskOTAWorker(void *arg)
* @fn esp_err_t errMeshOtaSlaveEndpoint(bool* const cpbNewOTAImage)
* @brief Endpoint for OTA process that is called from remote node
* @param cpbNewOTAImage pointer to boolean to signal if a new image was successfully received
* @param cpcMeshNodeAddr pointer to mesh node that transmitted the update
* @return ESP32 error code
* @author Hendrik Schutter
* @date 21.01.2021
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ void vMeshOtaTaskOTAWorker(void *arg)
* Answers the OTA_Version_Request with OTA_Version_Response
* calls errMeshOtaPartitionAccessMeshReceive OR errMeshOtaPartitionAccessMeshTransmit based on version number
esp_err_t errMeshOtaSlaveEndpoint(bool* const cpbNewOTAImage)
esp_err_t errMeshOtaSlaveEndpoint(bool* const cpbNewOTAImage, mesh_addr_t* const cpcMeshNodeAddr)
esp_err_t err = ESP_OK;
@ -262,7 +262,6 @@ esp_err_t errMeshOtaSlaveEndpoint(bool* const cpbNewOTAImage)
//queue not empty
if (xQueueReceive(queueMessageOTA, &sOTAMessage, ((100) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS)) != pdTRUE)
ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Unable to receive OTA Messages from Queue");
err = ESP_FAIL;
@ -270,6 +269,8 @@ esp_err_t errMeshOtaSlaveEndpoint(bool* const cpbNewOTAImage)
xSemaphoreTake(bsOTAProcess, portMAX_DELAY); //wait for binary semaphore that allows to start the OTA process
memcpy(cpcMeshNodeAddr, &sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr, sizeof(mesh_addr_t));
cpBootPartition = esp_ota_get_boot_partition(); //get boot partition (that will booted after reset), not the running partition
ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_get_partition_description(cpBootPartition, &bootPartitionDesc)); //get metadata of partition
@ -317,6 +318,7 @@ esp_err_t errMeshOtaMasterEndpoint(bool* const cpbNewOTAImage, const mesh_addr_t
esp_app_desc_t bootPartitionDesc; //Metadata from boot partition
bool bNodeIsConnected = false;
bool bNodeIsResponding = false;
bool bSameVersion = false;
*cpbNewOTAImage = false; //set default false
@ -327,49 +329,47 @@ esp_err_t errMeshOtaMasterEndpoint(bool* const cpbNewOTAImage, const mesh_addr_t
ERROR_CHECK(errMeshOtaUtilSendOtaVersionRequest(cpcMeshNodeAddr)); //send OTA_VERSION_REQUEST with local version in payload
for (uint32_t u32Index = 0; u32Index < QUEUE_MESSAGE_OTA_SIZE; u32Index++) //loop through all OTA messages
for (uint32_t u32Index = 0; ((u32Index < QUEUE_MESSAGE_OTA_SIZE) && (bSameVersion == false)); u32Index++) //loop through all OTA messages
if(uxQueueSpacesAvailable(queueMessageOTA) < QUEUE_MESSAGE_OTA_SIZE)
//if(uxQueueSpacesAvailable(queueMessageOTA) < QUEUE_MESSAGE_OTA_SIZE)
// {
//queue not empty
if (xQueueReceive(queueMessageOTA, &sOTAMessage, ((3000) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS)) != pdTRUE)
//queue not empty
if (xQueueReceive(queueMessageOTA, &sOTAMessage, ((3000) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS)) != pdTRUE)
ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Unable to receive OTA Messages from queue");
err = ESP_FAIL;
if((err == ESP_OK) && (sOTAMessage.type == OTA_Version_Response) && (bMeshNetworkCheckMacEquality(sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr, cpcMeshNodeAddr->addr))) //if OTA_Version_Request
bSameVersion = true;
bNodeIsResponding = true;
cpBootPartition = esp_ota_get_boot_partition(); //get boot partition (that will booted after reset), not the running partition
ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_get_partition_description(cpBootPartition, &bootPartitionDesc)); //get metadata of partition
if((bMeshOtaUtilNewerVersion((bootPartitionDesc).version, (char*) sOTAMessage.au8Payload)) && (err == ESP_OK)) //compare local and remote version
ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Unable to receive OTA Messages from queue");
err = ESP_FAIL;
//remote newer as local
bSameVersion = false;
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "remote image on node is newer --> OTA update required from node \"%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x\"", sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr[0], sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr[1], sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr[2], sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr[3], sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr[4], sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr[5]);
// --> this version older --> start OTA_Rx --> set cpbNewOTAImage true
ERROR_CHECK(errMeshOtaPartitionAccessMeshReceive(cpbNewOTAImage, &sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr));
if((err == ESP_OK) && (sOTAMessage.type == OTA_Version_Response) && (bMeshNetworkCheckMacEquality(sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr, cpcMeshNodeAddr->addr))) //if OTA_Version_Request
if((bMeshOtaUtilNewerVersion((char*) sOTAMessage.au8Payload, (bootPartitionDesc).version)) && (err == ESP_OK)) //compare remote and local version
bNodeIsResponding = true;
cpBootPartition = esp_ota_get_boot_partition(); //get boot partition (that will booted after reset), not the running partition
ERROR_CHECK(esp_ota_get_partition_description(cpBootPartition, &bootPartitionDesc)); //get metadata of partition
if((bMeshOtaUtilNewerVersion((bootPartitionDesc).version, (char*) sOTAMessage.au8Payload)) && (err == ESP_OK)) //compare local and remote version
//remote newer as local
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "remote image on node is newer --> OTA update required from node \"%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x\"", sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr[0], sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr[1], sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr[2], sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr[3], sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr[4], sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr[5]);
// --> this version older --> start OTA_Rx --> set cpbNewOTAImage true
ERROR_CHECK(errMeshOtaPartitionAccessMeshReceive(cpbNewOTAImage, &sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr));
if((bMeshOtaUtilNewerVersion((char*) sOTAMessage.au8Payload, (bootPartitionDesc).version)) && (err == ESP_OK)) //compare remote and local version
//local newer as remote
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "remote image on node is older --> OTA send required to node \"%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x\"", sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr[0], sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr[1], sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr[2], sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr[3], sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr[4], sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr[5]);
// --> this version newer --> start OTA_Tx
else if (err == ESP_OK)
//received from wrong node or type --> back to queue
//local newer as remote
bSameVersion = false;
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "remote image on node is older --> OTA send required to node \"%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x\"", sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr[0], sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr[1], sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr[2], sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr[3], sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr[4], sOTAMessage.meshSenderAddr.addr[5]);
// --> this version newer --> start OTA_Tx
// OTA Message queue is empty --> wait some time
ESP_LOGD(LOG_TAG, "OTA-Master: OTA Message queue is empty --> wait some time");
}//end loop
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ esp_err_t errMeshOtaMasterEndpoint(bool* const cpbNewOTAImage, const mesh_addr_t
if((bNodeIsResponding == false) && (bNodeIsConnected == true))
//add node back to queue if connected and NOT responding
ESP_LOGD(LOG_TAG, "OTA-Master: connected and NOT responding --> add node back to queue ");
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "OTA-Master: connected and NOT responding --> add node back to queue ");
return err;
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ esp_err_t errMeshOtaPartitionAccessHttps(bool* const cpbNewOTAImage)
if(err == ESP_OK)
*cpbNewOTAImage = true; //image validated
vMeshOtaUtilAddAllNeighboursToQueue(); //add all existing neighbours to queue (aparent will not be added because this node is the root)
vMeshOtaUtilAddAllNeighboursToQueue(NULL); //add all existing neighbours to queue (aparent will not be added because this node is the root)
@ -152,9 +152,10 @@ esp_err_t errMeshOtaPartitionAccessMeshTransmit(const mesh_addr_t* const cpcMesh
if((OTA_MESH_SEGMENT_SIZE * (u32SegmentCounter+1)) >= pBootPartition->size) //check if last segment
//last partition image segment --> send OTA_Complete
ESP_LOGD(LOG_TAG, "OTA-TX: last segment--> send Complete");
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "OTA-TX: last segment--> send Complete");
sMeshPacket.type = OTA_Complete;
err = errMeshNetworkSendMeshPacket(cpcMeshNodeAddr, &sMeshPacket);
@ -191,14 +192,10 @@ esp_err_t errMeshOtaPartitionAccessMeshTransmit(const mesh_addr_t* const cpcMesh
bNodeIsResponding = true;
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "OTA-TX: no ACK or ABORT message received");
else if (err == ESP_OK)
//received from wrong node --> back to queue
}//end OTA message loop
if(bNodeIsResponding == false)
@ -249,8 +246,6 @@ esp_err_t errMeshOtaPartitionAccessMeshReceive(bool* const cpbNewOTAImage, const
// loop through all OTA messages or until abort is called
for (uint32_t u32Index = 0; ((u32Index < QUEUE_MESSAGE_OTA_SIZE) && (bAbort == false)); u32Index++) //loop through all OTA messages
//if(uxQueueSpacesAvailable(queueMessageOTA) < QUEUE_MESSAGE_OTA_SIZE)
// {
//queue not empty
if (xQueueReceive(queueMessageOTA, &sMeshPacket, ((OTA_MESH_TIMEOUT) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS)) != pdTRUE)
@ -274,6 +269,7 @@ esp_err_t errMeshOtaPartitionAccessMeshReceive(bool* const cpbNewOTAImage, const
u32Index = QUEUE_MESSAGE_OTA_SIZE; //this will end the loop through all OTA messages
case OTA_Abort: //abort this OTA process
ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "OTA-RX: receives abort");
bAbort = true;
bNodeIsResponding = true;
ESP_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "OTA-RX: receives abort --> abort this OTA process on this node");
@ -262,16 +262,15 @@ void vMeshOtaUtilPrintOtaProgress(const uint32_t* const cpcu32TotalImageSize, co
* @fn void vMeshOtaUtilAddAllNeighboursToQueue(void)
* @brief add all neigbhours (children and parent) to queue
* @param void
* @brief add all neigbhours (children and parent) to queue, except node used in parameter
* @param const mesh_addr_t* const cpcMeshNodeAddr
* @return void
* @author Hendrik Schutter
* @date 21.01.2021
void vMeshOtaUtilAddAllNeighboursToQueue(void)
void vMeshOtaUtilAddAllNeighboursToQueue(const mesh_addr_t* const cpcMeshNodeAddr)
esp_err_t err = ESP_OK;
mesh_addr_t addrParent; //addr of parent node
mesh_addr_t childrenAddr[CONFIG_MESH_ROUTE_TABLE_SIZE]; //array of children attached to this node
uint16_t u16ChildrenSize = 0U; //number of children attached to this node
@ -280,7 +279,22 @@ void vMeshOtaUtilAddAllNeighboursToQueue(void)
if(err == ESP_OK)
if (cpcMeshNodeAddr != NULL)
if((bMeshNetworkCheckMacEquality(addrParent.addr, cpcMeshNodeAddr->addr)))
//same node --> don't add
err = ESP_OK; //reset error code
@ -289,7 +303,21 @@ void vMeshOtaUtilAddAllNeighboursToQueue(void)
for (uint16_t u16Index = 0; ((u16Index < u16ChildrenSize) && (err == ESP_OK)); u16Index++)
if (cpcMeshNodeAddr != NULL)
if((bMeshNetworkCheckMacEquality(childrenAddr[u16Index].addr, cpcMeshNodeAddr->addr)))
//same node --> don't add
@ -328,22 +356,20 @@ void vMeshOtaUtilClearOtaMessageQueue(const mesh_addr_t* const cpcMeshNodeAddr)
void vMeshOtaUtilClearNeighboursQueue(const mesh_addr_t* const cpcMeshNodeAddr)
mesh_addr_t sNode; //packet for sending and receiving
for (uint32_t u32Index = 0; (u32Index < QUEUE_NODES_SIZE); u32Index++) //loop through all node queue
for (uint32_t u32Index = 0; (u32Index < QUEUE_NODES_SIZE); u32Index++) //loop through all node queue
if (xQueueReceive(queueNodes, &sNode, 0) == pdTRUE)
if((bMeshNetworkCheckMacEquality(sNode.addr, cpcMeshNodeAddr->addr)))
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "REMOVE_NODE: remove node %x", sNode.addr[5]);
//same node --> don't add again
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "//node is NOT cpcMeshNodeAddr: %i --> keep it in queue", sNode.addr[5]);
//node is NOT cpcMeshNodeAddr --> keep it in queue
}//end nodes
@ -368,7 +394,7 @@ void vMeshOtaUtilAddNodeToPossibleUpdatableQueue(const uint8_t* const cpcu8MAC)
ESP_LOGI(LOG_TAG, "added node \"%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x\" to possible updatable queue", addrNode.addr[0], addrNode.addr[1], addrNode.addr[2], addrNode.addr[3], addrNode.addr[4], addrNode.addr[5]);
ESP_LOGD(LOG_TAG, "added node \"%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x\" to possible updatable queue", addrNode.addr[0], addrNode.addr[1], addrNode.addr[2], addrNode.addr[3], addrNode.addr[4], addrNode.addr[5]);
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ void vMeshOtaTaskServerWorker(void *arg);
void vMeshOtaTaskOTAWorker(void *arg);
//OTA process endpoints
esp_err_t errMeshOtaSlaveEndpoint(bool* const cpbNewOTAImage);
esp_err_t errMeshOtaSlaveEndpoint(bool* const cpbNewOTAImage, mesh_addr_t* const cpcMeshNodeAddr);
esp_err_t errMeshOtaMasterEndpoint(bool* const cpbNewOTAImage, const mesh_addr_t* const cpcMeshNodeAddr);
#endif /* H_MESH_OTA */
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ esp_err_t errMeshOtaUtilFindImageStart(const char* const cpu8Data, const uint32
esp_err_t errMeshOtaUtilSendOtaVersionRequest(const mesh_addr_t* const cpcMeshReceiverAddr);
esp_err_t errMeshOtaUtilSendOtaVersionResponse(const mesh_addr_t* const cpcMeshReceiverAddr);
void vMeshOtaUtilPrintOtaProgress(const uint32_t* const cpcu32TotalImageSize, const uint32_t* const cpcu32BytesWritten, const OTA_MESH_ROLE_t ceRole);
void vMeshOtaUtilAddAllNeighboursToQueue(void);
void vMeshOtaUtilAddAllNeighboursToQueue(const mesh_addr_t* const cpcMeshNodeAddr);
void vMeshOtaUtilClearOtaMessageQueue(const mesh_addr_t* const cpcMeshNodeAddr);
void vMeshOtaUtilClearNeighboursQueue(const mesh_addr_t* const cpcMeshNodeAddr);
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include "Mesh_OTA_Util.h"
#include "test_image_hex.h"
#include "Mesh_Network.h"
// ### ### ### distinguish newer image version ### ### ###
@ -206,11 +207,69 @@ TEST_CASE("extract version 999.99.999", "[extract image version number]")
TEST_CASE("same MACs", "[check MAC equality]")
unsigned char cMAC_A[] = "012345678901";
unsigned char cMAC_B[] = "012345678901";
TEST_ASSERT_TRUE( bMeshNetworkCheckMacEquality(cMAC_A,cMAC_B) );
TEST_CASE("different MACs", "[check MAC equality]")
unsigned char cMAC_A[] = "012345678901";
unsigned char cMAC_B[] = "087464874718";
TEST_ASSERT_FALSE( bMeshNetworkCheckMacEquality(cMAC_A,cMAC_B) );
TEST_CASE("same MACs last A_byte+1", "[check MAC equality]")
unsigned char cMAC_A[] = "012345678902";
unsigned char cMAC_B[] = "012345678901";
TEST_ASSERT_TRUE( bMeshNetworkCheckMacEquality(cMAC_A,cMAC_B) );
TEST_CASE("same MACs last B_byte+1", "[check MAC equality]")
unsigned char cMAC_A[] = "012345678901";
unsigned char cMAC_B[] = "012345678902";
TEST_ASSERT_TRUE( bMeshNetworkCheckMacEquality(cMAC_A,cMAC_B) );
TEST_CASE("same MACs last B_byte+2", "[check MAC equality]")
unsigned char cMAC_A[] = "012345678901";
unsigned char cMAC_B[] = "012345678903";
TEST_ASSERT_TRUE( bMeshNetworkCheckMacEquality(cMAC_A,cMAC_B) );
TEST_CASE("same Node0", "[check MAC equality]")
unsigned char cMAC_A[] = "ac67b27162b0";
unsigned char cMAC_B[] = "ac67b27162b0";
TEST_ASSERT_TRUE( bMeshNetworkCheckMacEquality(cMAC_A,cMAC_B) );
TEST_CASE("same Node0 first MAC+1", "[check MAC equality]")
unsigned char cMAC_A[] = "ac67b27162b1";
unsigned char cMAC_B[] = "ac67b27162b0";
TEST_ASSERT_TRUE( bMeshNetworkCheckMacEquality(cMAC_A,cMAC_B) );
TEST_CASE("same Node0 second MAC+1", "[check MAC equality]")
unsigned char cMAC_A[] = "ac67b27162b0";
unsigned char cMAC_B[] = "ac67b27162b1";
TEST_ASSERT_TRUE( bMeshNetworkCheckMacEquality(cMAC_A,cMAC_B) );
@ -66,6 +66,10 @@ esp_err_t errBlinkyLEDInitialize(void)
gpio_set_level(GPIO_LED_GREEN, 1); //switch on
gpio_set_level(GPIO_LED_GREEN, 0); //switch off
return err;
@ -86,11 +90,8 @@ void vGPIOInitialize(void)
//LED as Output
gpio_set_direction(GPIO_LED_BLUE, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
gpio_set_direction(GPIO_LED_GREEN, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
//BTN as Input
gpioConf.intr_type = GPIO_INTR_DISABLE;
@ -20,13 +20,11 @@
#include "Mesh_OTA.h"
//#define NEW_VERSION
#define GPIO_BOOT_BTN 0 //GPIO0 (Boot BTN)
#define GPIO_LED_BLUE 2 //GPIO2 (internal blue LED in DevKit V1.0)
#define GPIO_LED_GREEN 13 //GPIO13
# end of Application manager
Reference in New Issue
Block a user